Analysis of Technical Solutions for Identification of Internet Things in Modern Communication Networks


  • Viktor Vyshnivskyi State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Iryna Sribna State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv
  • Olha Zinchenko State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv



internet of things, digital object architecture, identification, delay, handle system, methods of queuing theory, digital object, global handle registry, local handle registry, local handle service


The article examines the current state of development of the Internet of Things and the principles of their identification; analysis of technical solutions for identification of the Internet of Things in modern communication networks; the parameters of quality of service and identification of devices and applications of the Internet of Things are investigated, and also the perspective method of construction of network architecture IoT with intermediate level of interaction which differs from known that allows to reduce network delay at exchange of service messages between local and global registers of system is investigated. Based on the obtained delay values, we can conclude that in order to minimize the delay, it is necessary to optimize the routes for accessing GHR servers. Considering the differences between the main components of the identification system, it is worth noting the combination of Global Handle Register and Local Handle Register in one object for testing. In the long run, this makes it possible to evaluate the multiple characteristics of the system at the application level. The resulting system in stationary execution also allows you to clearly demonstrate the speed of the identification rate, the route of service traffic and other parameters.

Author Biographies

Viktor Vyshnivskyi, State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv

Head of Department of Computer Science

Doctor of Engineering Science. Professor

Iryna Sribna , State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv

Department State Information Systems and Technologies

Candidate of Science (Engineering).  Associate Professor

Olha Zinchenko, State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv

Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence

Candidate of Science (Engineering). Associate Professor


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