Synthesis of control laws, when aerostat is influenced by instructed disturbances


  • О.О. Абрамович National Aviation University
  • С.О. Булавкіна National Aviation University
  • О.І. Надсадна National Aviation University



aerostatic platform, parametric robust optimization, unstructured disturbance


 Aerostatic platforms are perspective project for securing mobile communication. Robust system should be synthesized for stabilizing. It can function in the following wide disturbance range: stratosphere wind (structure disturbance), parametric disturbance (unstructured disturbance). One of the way to solve the task is a -many-model approach. The appraisal of discrete system stability, which are influenced by disturbances, was made by the Kharytonov theorem.

Author Biographies

О.О. Абрамович, National Aviation University

к.т.н., доц.

С.О. Булавкіна, National Aviation University


О.І. Надсадна, National Aviation University



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How to Cite

Абрамович, О., Булавкіна, С., & Надсадна, О. (2010). Synthesis of control laws, when aerostat is influenced by instructed disturbances. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 42(1), 112–118.

