Forced transverse oscillatiou of beam taking into account bending resistance


  • В.В. Астанін Кафедра механіки, НАУ
  • М.М. Бородачов Кафедра механіки, НАУ
  • М.І. Савченко Кафедра механіки, НАУ



 The problem on the forced transverse vibrations of the beam in terms of forсes of resistance directly proportional to the velocity was considered. The formula for determination of dynamic displacement as applied to the beam hinged to the supports was obtained. 

Author Biographies

В.В. Астанін, Кафедра механіки, НАУ

д-р техн. наук

М.М. Бородачов, Кафедра механіки, НАУ

д-р техн. наук

М.І. Савченко, Кафедра механіки, НАУ

канд. техн. наук


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How to Cite

Астанін, В., Бородачов, М., & Савченко, М. (2005). Forced transverse oscillatiou of beam taking into account bending resistance. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 25(3), 95–98.




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