Identification of models of complex technical systems under uncertain conditions of the methods of indistinct mathematics in neuronet logical basis


  • Ю. М. Мінаєв Національний авіаційний університет
  • О. Ю. Філімонова Національний авіаційний університет
  • Є. Е. Криксунов Національний авіаційний університет



Considered are problems of determining model parameters of a known structure, the information about model parameters of which is set in the form of indistinct statements, such as <about>, <approximately>, <much more>, etc Proposed is a new algorithm of indistinct mathematics operations realization, on the basis of which has been solved a system of linear algebraic equations for a general case (indistinct coefficients and right-side parts). Such an approach is practically common for majority of linear systems Given are examples illustrating the efficiency if the method


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How to Cite

Мінаєв, Ю. М., Філімонова, О. Ю., & Криксунов, Є. Е. (2000). Identification of models of complex technical systems under uncertain conditions of the methods of indistinct mathematics in neuronet logical basis. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 7(3-4), 155–162.

