Computer simulation of interaction of radar signal and turbulent meteorological object


  • Ф. И. Яновский Національний авіаційний університет



The article researches the echo-signals of weather radars. The mathematical models of echo- signals and Doppler spectra, which are taking into account a microstructure and dynamics of the scattering volume of a weather formation, parameters of a sounding signal, and conditions of probing are developed. The problem of imperfect particle response on the turbulence contribution to Doppler spectrum is solved. The concept of radar signal computer simulation is substantiated and implemented. This concept does not require the preliminary suppositions about models of the statistical characteristics of a reflected signal. The models and parameters of weather formation (in particular, the parameter of a turbulence intensity in the radar volume) are being used as input data Figs


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How to Cite

Яновский, Ф. И. (1998). Computer simulation of interaction of radar signal and turbulent meteorological object. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 1(1), 122–133.

