The influence of the criteria weights on the results of multicriteria analysis


  • Р. Гинявичюс Вильнюсский технический университет им. Гедиминаса, Литва
  • В. Подвезько Вильнюсский технический университет им. Гедиминаса, Литва



 The paper presents a multicriteria analysis of commercial and economic activities of enterprises. It is assumed that a certain relationship exists between the activity and weights and values of the particular criteria characterizing it, which may be used to evaluate the performance of enterprises. Weights are determined by an objective (entropy) method supplemented with a subjective approach of pairwise comparison of criteria developed by T. Saaty. A case study based on weight calculation of nine criteria describing the activity of non-financial organizations operating in different sectors is provided. A complex analysis was based on four methods. The calculations have shown that the values of weights are important in ranging enterprises according to their performance but this effect is ambiguous.

Author Biographies

Р. Гинявичюс, Вильнюсский технический университет им. Гедиминаса, Литва

габилитированный  д-р наук

В. Подвезько, Вильнюсский технический университет им. Гедиминаса, Литва

д-р  наук

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How to Cite

Гинявичюс, Р., & Подвезько, В. (2004). The influence of the criteria weights on the results of multicriteria analysis. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 21(3), 37–41.




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