Algebraic models of asymmetric cryptographic systems


  • Юрій Євгенович Яремчук Вінницький національний технічний університет



cryptography, algebraic models, distribution of keys, asymmetric encryption, authentication of interaction parties, digital signing


Modeling cryptographic methods on the level of algebraic structures enables a deeper understanding of the princi­ples of their construction, operation features, and explor­ing their properties. The existing algebraic models of asymmetric cryptographic systems do not provide the full possibilities of their use. We consider an algebraic model of public distribution of secret keys, as well as an algebra­ic model of asymmetric encryption, authentication of interaction parties and digital signing as polybasic univer­sal algebras. Based on the presented algebras, we considered existing cryptosystem models, as well as proposed models of distribution of secret keys and asymmetric encryption, using mathematical tools of recur­rent U -and V sequences. We proposed a different version of the authentication model of interaction parties and of digital signing, using mathematical tools of recur­rent V sequences, which in different occasions provide a simplification of computation, and enhance cryptographic reliability compared with the known analogs.

Author Biography

Юрій Євгенович Яремчук, Вінницький національний технічний університет

Ph.D., associate professor, Director of IT and Information Security Center, Professor Depart­ment of Management and Security of Information Sys­tems of Vinnytsia National Technical University


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