Coding and decoding of systematic Reed-Solomon codes by method, which alternative of algorithm of Peterson-Gorenstein-Zirler


  • Анатолій Якович Білецький National Aviation University



Reed-Solomon codes, Galois fields, forming polynomials, matrices of parity symbols, isomorphic transformations


Reed-Solomon codes are effective and widely used in many fields of science and technology related to noise-immune conversion (reception-transmission) of digital information. Since the advent of (1960) and up to now, the description of the PC-code, including the synthesis of code words, as well as the localization and elimination of errors, is based on the use of formal elements, which are the roots of gen-erator, information and test polynomials. The congestion of technological operations by algebraic elements is to a certain extent "ballast", which not only complicates the computation process in the hardware-software implemen-tation, but also creates certain difficulties in the study of PC-encoding and decoding algorithms. In this regard, the paper proposes a variant of constructing PC-codes, greatly simplifying both the mastering of the algorithm itself and the process of detecting and eliminating errors in distorted data. Proposals are based on the transfer of transfor-mations from the space of originals to the space of an iso-morphic image. As a result of the proposed replacement, the computational process turns out to be reduced to sim-ple operations of modular arithmetic over integer operands easily realized by computer hardware.

Author Biography

Анатолій Якович Білецький, National Aviation University

Doctor of Science, Professor, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Professor of Department Electronics of National Aviation University


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