The model of objects classifier of critical information infrastructure of the state


  • Олександр Григорович Корченко National Aviation University
  • Юрій Олександрович Дрейс National Aviation University
  • Ольга Олександрівна Романенко National Aviation University
  • Володимир Вячеславович Бичков National Aviation University



information-telecommunication system, cyberattack, critical information infrastructure, classifier objects, basic model, negative consequences


Providing the process automation services in all spheres of human, society and state life support has led to increased demands for the information protection in information and telecommunication systems (ITS) of potentially dangerous objects of critical infrastructure of the state. In accordance with the existing legal and regulatory framework related to the objects of critical infrastructure, there is an incomplete-ness regarding the possibility of their proper classification, there is also no list of ITS of such objects and there are no criteria for the negative consequences assessment. Solving these issues will generate the formation of such objects clas-sifier of critical information infrastructure, which will enable the creation of conditions to increase their resilience to cyber attacks. Accordingly, a tool is proposed for classifying ob-jects of critical information infrastructure. The basis of its construction is a tuple model, the components of which are ordered identifiers of critical infrastructure objects that re-flect: the sector of the critical information infrastructure of the state; administrative territorial unit of Ukraine; name or identification number of the legal entity; form of ownership of the organization-owner / manager of ITS; the type of in-formation processed in the ITS; registration numbers of documents certifying the availability of certified/licensed systems or information security means; the negative conse-quences of cyber attacks on ITS. With the help of the pro-posed model, examples of objects classification of critical in-formation infrastructure of the state are presented, and it will give an opportunity to form a list of relevant ITS to ensure their priority protection against cyber attacks in future.

Author Biographies

Олександр Григорович Корченко, National Aviation University

Dr Eng (Information security), Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Head of IT-Security Academic Department, National Aviation University, Visit-Professor at The University of Bielsko-Biala (Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna, Bielsko-Biała, Poland), Leading Researcher of the National Academy of SS of Ukraine

Юрій Олександрович Дрейс, National Aviation University

PhD in Eng. (Information security), Associ-ate Professor, Head of the Innovative Technologies Pro-fessional Education Department, National Aviation Uni-versity

Ольга Олександрівна Романенко, National Aviation University

Student of the Academic Department of Computerized Information Security Systems, National Aviation University

Володимир Вячеславович Бичков, National Aviation University

senior lecturer of IT-Security Academic Department, National Aviation University


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