
  • Леонід Олегович Ніколаєв



active learning methods, interactive education, motivation, teaching adults, training, training technologies


The article deals with a survey of the literature on the problem of the teaching adults specificities. Training technologies are defined as one of the most effective teaching methods by the author. The paper aims at providing a theoretical and methodological analysis of research papers on the selected problems and describing the introduction of training technologies into teaching adults, taking into account psychological factors. The paper studies the ways of using training technologies for the education of people of different professional categories, which are connected education, and professional training of specialists; concentration on improving adult education; learning occupational retraining; adaptation for dynamic changes of the adult education system; the necessity of reskilling specialists; emphasis on the need to develop a personality. The experience of foreign and domestic scholars in the field of group work with clients has been analyzed. The present paper concentrates on analyzing the basic concepts of the training activity and its critical aspects: cooperative learning; the activity of training recipient; own purpose of learning; the "here and now" principle; the atmosphere of interactive classes; the combination of different individual teaching styles. The article gives a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of training technologies for adult education and the functions of training: education, development, motivation, communication, relaxation, etc. The components of class activity with using training techniques have been demonstrated, namely planning a training session, training process, and self-improvement. The results highlight definite features of adult education activities that have to be brought to attention for learning organization have been considered. The definite features of adult education activities that have to be brought to attention for learning organization have been considered. Distinct definition of the status and established responsibilities of training organizers. Special attention was paid to the age and individual-psychological characteristics of adults and the knowledge that is used by them. Grown-ups are more responsible and have many more duties related to social status. There is an opportunity to easily express their own opinions, take an active part in group discussions, games, receive feedback, do reflection, etc. A number of obstacles, which may prevent effective adult learning based on psychological and educational things, were described with particular attention. There are influence traditional methods of teaching, the discomfort for the duration of the study, a low level of productivity and motivation, the absence of information on effective studying in the list of impediments. Finally, results show that it is crucial to notice the intensive processes of creating new learning models, developing innovative pedagogical technologies that can implant in various levels of the educational system.


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