
  • Ольга Борисівна Ігумнова
  • Людмила Миколаївна Джигун
  • Алла Іванівна Руденок



motivation, achievement motivation, motivation for success, motivation for avoiding failures, psychological well-being, components of psychological well-being, future psychologists


The purpose of the article is to investigate the components of psychological well-being of future psychologists with different types of achievement motivation. To study the motivation of students' achievements were used "Methods of diagnosis of personality motivation to success" and "Methods of diagnosis for motivation to avoid failures" of T. Ehlers and method "Scales of Рsychological Well-being" K. Riff in the adaptation of T. Shevelenkova and T. Fesenko. The problem of motivation of achievements and psychological well-being of future psychologists is investigated in the article. Taking into account the levels of two methods of motivation research, four groups of students with different types of achievement motivation were identified and psychological characteristics of future psychologists by types of achievement motivation were characterized. It has been determined that for the future psychologists there is an average level of motivation for success and a high level of motivation for avoiding failures. The major components of psychological well-being are found in students with the second type of achievement motivation, characterized by high and too high levels of motivation for success and low and medium levels of motivation for avoiding failure. The second type of achievement motivation is characterized by high levels of expression of almost all components of psychological well-being. Next in level of development of the components of subjective well-being are psychology students with the first (with high and very high level of motivation for success and motivation to avoid failure) and the fourth type of achievement motivation (with low and medium level of motivation for avoidance of failure and motivation for success), but most of the components of psychological well-being in group four are at the lower end of the median level of manifestation. The least well-developed components of psychological well-being in students with the third type of achievement motivation (with high, too high levels of motivation to avoid failure, and low and medium levels of motivation to succeed) that have low levels of development in almost all components of psychological well-being. The current direction of further research is to study the mechanisms and patterns of the influence of achievement motivation on self-efficacy in the professional training of future psychologists


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