
  • Н. О. Білоус



model, translator, aviation, competence, communication, methodology, training terms


The paper considers a substantiated approach to the development of a structural and functional model intended to form professional and communicative competence in order to ensure an efficient training process for future philologists studying at higher education institutions. The structural and functional model is constructed and analyzed in relation to professional and communicative competence of future translators in the area of aviation, which, in turn, leads to the development of a concept of education applied to particular specialists. The constructed model for the formation of professional and communicative competence takes into account the main tendencies regarding the training of modern translators forming their professional and communicative competence. As an entire system, the model has an appropriate structure, the components of which are interconnected. Having this fact in mind, it should be noted that this system consists of separate systems of the lower order. In the structure of the proposed model, the author distinguishes the following blocks: objective, methodological, content and procedural, evaluative and productive. The paper also characterizes the main blocks of the structural and functional model. On the basis of the studies described in this article, the author presumes that the model mentioned above contributes to the effective formation of knowledge and skills required for future translators in the area of aviation.

The author performs her studies considering the competency-based education and training as an approach to teaching and learning needed for acquiring concrete skills by future translators. Nevertheless, the paper emphasizes the combination of competence and communicative approaches that can be manifested in the process of forming the interpersonal competence of the future translator. Thus, the author proposes her own idea pertaining to the model intended to form professional and communicative competence of the future translator in the area of aviation. The effectiveness of the model depends on the comprehensiveness of its components, the consistent fulfillment of tasks for the achievement of one’s goals, and the social demand for modern translators who display an acceptable level of competence in civil aviation activities.


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