Investigation of the parameters of discrete particle swarm optimization method for problem of finding of optimal tile sizes in program loops


  • С. В. Сушко
  • А. А. Чемерис



parallel programs, program parallelization, particle swarm optimization, tiling


The article is devoted to software optimization methods. The article considers levels of software optimization and reveals main methods of optimization of computational loops. The authors describe the method of tiling method as one of promising optimization methods. Using of the method on the test programs often shows an acceleration of program execution time. However, tiling method itself is parametric and with using of different sizes of tiles an execution time of test programs also varies significantly. In the same time, dependence between program execution time and chosen tile size is not obvious and does not have similar patterns for the different test programs. The authors proposed to use Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Method as optimization method which allows to find a local or global minimum of program execution time for the different nature of relationship between tiles and execution time. The article investigates an influence of the behavioral coefficients of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Method on speed and character of finding of minimum execution time. As a result of investigation, the graphs of searching for optimal value of particles of swarm are demonstrated. The authors conclude that there are difficulties to choose the coefficients that provide not fast but consistent convergence of swarm's particles to minimum and they propose a set of coefficients that shows the desired behavior of particles.


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