Research of the information signal of the security acoustic detector
acoustic security detectors, crash tests of window glasses, sound analysis using MATLABAbstract
The paper is devoted to experimental and theoretical study of the characteristics of a useful acoustic signal for breaking window glass,which is used in the work of acoustic security detectors. The security acoustic remote detector is designed to protect the premises from the penetration of unauthorized persons through the window by breaking glass. The device must respond to acoustic signals that occur when various windows are broken in case of large variation in the parameters of the acoustic signals. Recognition of an informational noise signal on the background of noise interference generates a high level of false alarms. To reduce the level of false alarms, various recognition algorithms are used, which are adapted to the features of the glass breaking signal.
In the paper, crash tests of window glasses and an analysis of the sounds of glass breaking obtained during crash tests were carried out. The aim of the study was to determine the time-frequency characteristics of glass breaking sounds obtained as a result of crash tests, and the possibility of improving the technical characteristics of acoustic security detectors by changing recognition
algorithms. Studies have shown the following:
1. The low-frequency component of the sound of breaking glass (up to 1 kHz) are not ahead of the relatively high-frequency components. 2. The low-frequency component of the signal is short, its duration is up to 0.2 s. High-frequency components are observed during the entire duration of the signal. 3. Qualitatively, the glass breaking signal is close to unsteady white noise with a Gaussian distribution, the energy spectrum is close to a uniform and non-monotonously decreasing variance. 4. The absolute spread of the duration of the sounds of breaking glass is determined by the duration of the secondary breaking of the fragments and their number and has a value of 2.1 ... 0.65 s.
The results of the study can be useful both to developers of security acoustic detectors when improving algorithms for processing an information signal, and to students when studying the principles of operation of electronic security systems.References
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