Researches of doppler security radar
radar measurements, modeling of systems, security alarm radar, MATLABAbstract
The paper concentrates on the nature of the information signal in the real conditions of the Doppler security radar. The security radar (detector) is designed to protect the premises from the penetration of unauthorized persons. Detection of the intruder on the background of reflections from local objects is based on the typical processing of the reflected signal in Doppler radar. However, with the tangential direction of movement of the intruder, the information Doppler signal is theoretically equal to zero.
A typical security radio wave detector «Norma» was taken as the object of study. When measuring the information signal at the output of the active filter, the intruder moved along and across relative to the direction of the radar radiation at different speeds. The intruder had a height of about 1.75 m, weight - about 75 kg and was dressed in jeans and a woven jacket.
It has been experimentally proved that the guard Doppler radar with the tangential direction of movement of the intruder does not select moving targets based on the Doppler Effect, but based on fluctuations of the effective scattering surface of the intruder, caused by the peculiarities of the biomechanics of human movement. The developed theoretical model of the information analog signal will allow testing various algorithms for the automatic recognition of the information signal on the background of interference.References
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