Estimation of the primary information flows intensities generated by subscribers of the internet of things
condition assessment, internet development, internet of things, information loadAbstract
There is detailed the approaches to estimating the intensities of the primary information flows generated by subscribers with respect to a new information technology object - computer networks of things, to predict their development. The evaluation of the primary, from existing or potential subscribers, information load on the Internet of things is a prerequisite for the successful development of this relatively new object of information technology, in particular for the effective distribution of efforts to create information and telecommunications infrastructure. Assessing the total information power (performance) of software and hardware - the primary sources of information for the network, is a rather complicated task. The GDP is chosen as an indicator of the intensity of the overall information flow, which indirectly represents the volume of things (smart sensors and actuators) that can (potentially) generate an information load on the cyber physical network (Internet of things). This indicator (together with the PPP GDP, GNP, etc.) is calculated annually (that is, the unit of time in our task it is selected an year) for all countries whose subscribers can make up the computer network of things. As a subscriber for regional networks, sectors of the national economy can act as integrated sets of enterprises - generators of things. A model based on V.V. Leontyev model of interbranch balance is proposed. An assumption is made about a direct linear dependence of the amount of information generated by terminal devices and entering the network per unit of time on the number of things-terminals. Direct use to predict the development of the network, the existing official statistical reporting creates the danger of distorting the corresponding estimates. The proposed simple model takes into account the connections between subscribers of the network of things in the production process, which makes it possible to obtain more accurate than the classical (obtained directly from macroeconomic indicators) estimate of the intensity distribution of the primary information coming from the end devices. Table: 1. Refs:10 titles.References
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