The algorithm for calculating a mutual influence of the vertices in a cognitive map
когнітивна карта, орієнтований граф, зважений орграф, матриця суміжності, матриця впливу, імпульсний метод, накопичувальний впливAbstract
In this article is introduced the algorithm for calculating a mutual influence of the vertices in acognitive maps. Showed, that in the proposed algorithm, there is no problem, compared with a widelyused method – the impulse method, such as: using the proposed algorithm always gives a resultregardless of whether impulse process, that corresponds to the weighted directed graph, is a stable ornot. Also the result of calculation according to the proposed method does not depends on the initialimpuls, and vice versa the initial values of the weights of the vertices influence on the result ofcalculation. Unlike the impulse method, the proposed algorithm for calculating a mutual influence ofthe vertices does not violate the scale invariance after increasing of elements of the adjacency matrix,which corresponds to the cognitive map, in the same value. Also in this article the advantages of themethod of an accumulated impact are presented on a numerous examples of analysis of cognitivemapsReferences
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