Determining the level of security of the information security system based on cognitive modeling




information security, security threats, cognitive modeling, fuzzy cognitive map


Abstract. This article discusses approaches to solving the problem of assessing the level of security of the information security system in the context of threats. The analysis of application of different types of fuzzy cognitive maps for the decision of problems of information security is carried out. To identify general trends in the level of protection under the influence of potential threats, a system of information protection with general characteristics was chosen. A cognitive model based on a fuzzy cognitive map is proposed, which allows to determine the level of security of the information security system. To build a fuzzy cognitive map, many concepts have been formed - the most important factors in terms of studying this problem and the cause-and-effect relationships between them have been identified. The structural and topological properties of the fuzzy cognitive map are evaluated. In particular, such indicators of structural complexity of fuzzy cognitive map as: density, complexity, centrality of the concept and hierarchy index are determined. A matrix of mutual influences of concepts is constructed, on the basis of which quantitative values of the main system indicators are determined: consonance, dissonance, influence of factors. After analyzing these indicators, the most important threats to the security of the studied system were identified. Scenario modeling of the impact of these threats on the level of security of the information security system is carried out. Based on the data obtained from the launch of the developed scenarios, it is possible to prepare a clear plan for improving the security of the information security system, timely take the necessary measures to help prevent, localize, eliminate or reduce the impact of potential threats to information security.

Author Biographies

Saliіeva Olha, Vinnytsia National Technical University

graduate student of the Department of Management and Security of Information Systems, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Yaremchuk Yurii, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Director of the Center for Information Technologies and Information Protection, Professor of the Department of Management and Security of Information Systems, Vinnytsia National Technical University


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Information Security Management