Using the principles of quantum linguistics in information warfare


  • Ярослав Володимирович Тарасенко Черкаський державний технологічний університет



quantum linguistics, counter propaganda, quantum semantics, cybernetic hermeneutics, linguistic-combinatorial modeling, semantic function, wave properties of the text, state information security


The article reviews the existing approaches of the quantum-linguistic study of text and related methods that implement the principles of quantum linguistics and can be used in obtaining the theoretical basis for further research on the technical aspect of the quantum linguistics’ use in providing the state information security in case of possible hostile propaganda of one person, as well as groups of people, provided both the known and the unknown psychological portrait of the attacker. As a result of studying the existing methods and approaches in quantum linguistics, it was found that the formal aspect of the textual quantum properties, which involves the simultaneous change in the states of quantum-semantic particles and the wave function of the general semantic line of the text, is not fully highlighted. The solution of the problem is proposed by using the methods of cybernetic hermeneutics, linguistic-combinatorial simulation of difficult-formalized systems and quantum semantics. The expediency of intensional logic approaches use was proved. It has been discovered that semiotic approaches can act only as additional means. It is proved that the main task of the text, created by quantum-linguistic methods, is to draw the attention of the intruder, and therefore there is a need of constructing his psychological portrait using the methods of the linguistic experiment. In formalizing the process of an objective semantic line search, it is proposed to use methods of computer hermeneutics based on interactive analytics. An overview of the methods and approaches that can help to implement the synthesis of text by the individual function has found the feasibility of using the formal principles of discursive analysis for the in its inverse task (generation of text). The necessity of carrying out further researches to automate the process of allocating a function that describes the objective semantic line of the text and to construct an individual function describing the individual subjective semantic line of text is noted.

Author Biography

Ярослав Володимирович Тарасенко, Черкаський державний технологічний університет

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Cybersecurity & Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)