Method of passive counteraction information leakage by optoelectronic channel


  • Вадим Валерійович Сінюгін Вінницький національний технічний університет
  • Юрій Євгенович Яремчук Вінницький національний технічний університет



technical protection of information, optoelectronic channel, passive defense methods, laser acoustic intelligence systems, laser radiation, wave absorption, vibration


In this article, an analysis of the problem of protecting information from leakage by an opto-electronic channel was conducted. The possibilities of modern means of laser acoustic intelligence are considered. The most common methods and means of protecting information from leakage by optoelectronic channel are presented. The analysis of known methods of passive protection has shown that the protection of information from leakage by the optoelectronic channel is topical, thus there is a need for new approaches to increase the protection against leakage by the optoelectronic channel, which would provide a higher level of interference and would allow to simplify the complex of information security. The method of the passive interception of information leakage with the optoelectronic channel is proposed. The aim of this work is to increase the level of protection against leakage by the optoelectronic channel, which will achieve a higher level of interference with the interception of acoustic signal by laser acoustic intelligence systems and, if possible, will simplify the design of the protection and provide comfortable conditions in a secured room. The idea of the method consists in depositing on the surface of the oscillating, absorbing optical radiation of the material, as well as the application of absorbent material to the surface of a specially created physical obstacle. In this case, the physical barrier may be metallic, textile, polymeric, etc., with a solid or mesh structure of the surface. This approach allows to increase the level of interference with the conduct of laser acoustic intelligence by intruders, while significantly simplifying the design of protection by eliminating the need for additional sound and vibration isolation and creating comfortable conditions, using physical barriers with mesh surfaces. Experimental studies have been carried out that showed that the proposed method allows to increase the level of interference with the conduct of laser acoustic intelligence by intruders by absorbing the laser beam with the fluctuating surface and the surface of the created physical barrier.

Author Biographies

Вадим Валерійович Сінюгін, Вінницький національний технічний університет

аспірант кафедри менеджменту та безпеки інформаційних систем

Юрій Євгенович Яремчук, Вінницький національний технічний університет

директор Центру інформаційних технологій та захисту інформації, професор кафедри менеджменту та безпеки інформаційних систем


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Software & Hardware Architecture Security