Stationary systems of cyberattacks detection and prevention for cyberprotection and cybercounterintelli-gence (by example USA)
cybersecurity, cyberprotection, cybercounterintelligence, cyberattack, critical information infrastructure, cybercoun-terintelligence, Іntrusіon Detectіon System, Іntrusіon Preventіon System, Іntrusіon Detectіon and Preventіon System, Deep Packet ІnspectAbstract
Several state institutions deal with the providing of national cybersecurity. Each of them solvs its own number of tasks on critical information infrastructure protection from cyberattacks and cyberincidents. For example, the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection, units of technical protection are responsible for cyberprotection of information resources and data processing infrastructure from cyberattacks of any origin. The Security Service of Ukraine defends national critical information infrastructure from cyberattacks of foreign intelligence services and cyberterrorists, and the National Police protects legal rights and interests of cityzens and society from cybercrimes. For solving their tasks, all of them use cyberattacks detection and prevention instruments. But these specific tasks, solved by both institutions, have to be affected on functional possibilities and characteristics of these means. Taking this into account, the article contains results of studying the foreign experience of creation the cyberattacks detection and prevention systems for cyberprotection and cybercounterintelligence, is determined key characteristics of the mentioned systems of different functions, which we need to conside in practical activity of building national cybersecurity system.References
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