The study of the acoustic-vibrational effect on the hardware of computer systems


  • Євгеній Сергійович Косюк Національний авіаційний університет, Україна



information security, protection of computer equipment, vibration, vibration damage, infrasound, infrasonic hitting


The article is devoted to problems of hardware hardware protection of computer systems of critical infrastructure. It is shown that hard drives are the most sensitive to acoustic-vibrational effects in the computer system. The consequences of this effect may be the disruption of the hard disk drive, the loss of information or the complete failure of operation that arose as a result of mechanical damage to the working surface of the drive unit or the slider of the read head. It is determined that technical specifications of hard disks lack tolerance levels of acoustic impact. A test stand was developed for research of acoustic-vibration influence on computer equipment. An acoustic system is implemented to generate acoustic vibrations of the infrasonic range. Test measurements of acoustic-vibrational influence with different values of frequency, waveform and sound pressure on hard disks have been carried out. The most dangerous frequency of influence and shape of the signal are determined. The high destructiveness of the acoustic-vibrational influence on the computer system has been proved. The consequences of acoustic-vibration influence are revealed. During the experiment, the most dangerous frequencies and waveforms were detected, an interpolation of the result was performed using the Akimi spline, the effects of acoustic-vibrational effects on the hard disk and the computer system as a whole were determined. Graphs of the dependence of the rate of recording of a homogeneous data array on the frequency of the effect and the sound pressure in the form of a signal of the type of the meander and the sinusoid are constructed. Defective computer system after acoustic-vibrational influence has been made, the damage received by the system due to such influence is described. The study found that: the basic vibration protection of A-hard drives cannot effectively counteract infrasound effects, the greatest threat is the sinusoidal waveform and a signal of the type of meander, the effect at frequencies of 27 ± 2 Hz most negatively affects the hard disk and the computer system as a whole.

Author Biography

Євгеній Сергійович Косюк, Національний авіаційний університет, Україна

Рік та місце народження: 1992 рік, м. Монастирище, Черкаська обл., Україна.

Освіта: КНУКіМ «Інформаційні управляючі системи та технології», спеціаліст.

Посада: аспірант 3-го року навчання.

Наукові інтереси: методи та засоби захисту комп’ютерних систем від акустико-

вібраційного впливу, методи та засоби побудови пристроїв акустико-вібраційного впливу.

Публікації: 12 наукових публікацій, серед них наукові статті у закордонних та

вітчизняних авторитетних виданнях, матеріали конференцій.


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Software & Hardware Architecture Security