The synergetic approach for providing bank information security: the problem formulation


  • Руслан Грищук Zhytomyr Military Institute n.a. S.P. Korolyov
  • Сергій Євсєєв Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



automated banking system, bank information, security of information, information security, cyber security, synergetic model of security threats, synergetic security index, emergence


Continuously increasing number of threats to the security of bank information in automated banking systems (ABS) leads to a decrease in the quality of banking services provided by banks at the national and international level, regardless of their form of ownership. This situation is not least caused by the imperfection in used today mechanisms for providing bank information security. The technological complexity of new unknown threats identification, as well as the increasing sophistication in the methods of their implementation leads to the pressing need of radical revision of the existing approaches for providing security. Existing approaches are known mainly as oriented to the aggregation of forces and means of providing the security of bank information, which often leads to incomplete overlapping spectrum of threats and irrational use of resources allocated for the security. Thus, it becomes clear that the development of a fundamentally new approach to provide security of bank information is a prerequisite for the provision of high quality banking services, which this article is devoted. With this purpose, the article proposed the synergetic model of bank information security threats, which is first time since the system has allowed revealing the positions of the current state of the research problem. It is shown and proved that at the present stage of science and technology development, bank information security should be based on a fundamentally new approach, which is proposed to be called synergetic. Its implementation will provide a synergetic effect on the interaction of selected safety profiles and, consequently, demonstrate qualitatively new and previously unknown emergent properties of security system. As part of the proposed approach, the problem of increasing the level of bank information security is formalized in a general way and identified further ways of solving it. It is shown that the absence of such decisions in a bank information systems determines the relevance of the chosen for research theme and its scientific priority.

Author Biographies

Руслан Грищук, Zhytomyr Military Institute n.a. S.P. Korolyov

Date and place of birth: 1981, Pischanytsya, Ovrutskyi Rayon, Zhytomyrska Oblast, Ukraine.

Education: Zhytomyr Military Institute of Radioelectronics n.a. S.P. Korolyov, 2003.

Affiliation and functions: Head of Information & Cybersecurity Department at Scientific Centre of Zhytomyr Military Institute n.a. S.P. Korolyov since 2015.

Research interests: information & cybersecurity of the state.

Publications: over 197 scientific publications including monographs, textbooks, papers & patents.

Сергій Євсєєв, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Date and place of birth: 1969, Hartsizk, Donetsk region, Ukraine.

Education: Kharkov Military University, 2002.

Affiliation and functions: Associate Professor of Information Systems since 2007.

Research interests: information & cybersecurity of the banking systems.

Publications: over 180 scientific publications including monographs, textbooks, papers & patents.


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Information Security Management