Astronomical School’s Report, 2009, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 167–173
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The basic properties of dynamics of 23-rd cycle of solar activity and role of complexes of activity in its development

Ryabov M.I.1, Lukashuk S.A.2

1Odessa Observatory, Institute of Radio Astronomy, NAS of Ukraine
2Odessa National University, Ukraine


The basic properties of dynamics of development of 23-rd cycle of solar activity and role in its development of complexes of activity (CA) and complexes of active regions (CAR) are considered. It is shown, that development of activity of the Sun occurs independently in northern and southern hemispheres in which are formed “latitude” zones of formation CA and CAR. The most powerful displays flare activity are realized with formation “longitude” CA reconnection the centers of activity of northern and southern hemisphere. The basic periods of formation of the centers of activity on various phases of a solar cycle and spatial characteristics CA and CAR from uses of the given daily and monthly average values of Wolf numbers (W), the areas of sunspot groups (S) and flare index (FI).



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