Astronomical School’s Report, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 27–37
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UDC 523.4

Periodic changes of the activity of processes in Jupiter's atmosphere

Vidmachenko A.P.

Main Astronomical Observatory NAS of Ukraine


Variations of the Earth jovimagnetic latitude on Jupiter are preferred in solar-driven changes of reflective properties of clouds and haze on Jupiter. Because of the orbit eccentricity (e=0,048450) the northern hemisphere receives 21% greater solar energy flow to the atmosphere, because Jupiter is in the perihelia near the time of the summer solstice. Results of our studies showed that the ratio of the brightness of the northern and southern tropical and temperate regions is evident factor of the photometric activity of the Jupiter's atmospheric processes. The obtained from the analysis of observational data for the period from 1962 to 2015 existence of variations of activity factor of the planet hemispheres with a period of 11.86 years has allowed us to talk about an existence of the seasonal reconstruction of the physical parameters of Jupiter's atmosphere.

Keywords: Jupiter; atmosphere; seasonal variations; solar activity


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