Astronomical School’s Report, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 145–156
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UDC 523.4

Disintegration's condition of binary and multiple asteroids under the action of tidal forces from major Solar system planets

Troianskyi V.V.1, Radchenko K.O.2, Bazyey O.A.1

1Astronomical Observatory, Odessa National University, Ukraine
2National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine


In this work we are considering the conditions of disintegration systems of two or more asteroids gravitationally conjuncted and moving around a common center of mass, under action of tidal forces of one of the major Solar system planets. Create a statistical database of critical approaches of binary and multiple asteroids with major planets.

Keywords: asteroids; binary and multiple asteroids; disintegration asteroid system


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