Mathematical models of damage accumulation and crack resistance under static and cyclic loads
длительная прочность, малоцикловая усталость, многокомпонентное нагружение, многоцикловая усталость, модель поврежденности, сложное напряженное состояние, спектр нагрузок, трещиностойкостьAbstract
The mathematical models of damaged are explored at the action of the static and cyclic loadings including for details with cracks. The parameters of models of damaged and description of longevity are considered necessary for an estimation of a long-term strength exhaustion, to the low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue, thermocyclic longevity and creep, and also the generalized models, taking into account the features of the multiaxis and multicomponent loading. The models of damaged are resulted at the action of spectrum of loadings. The probabilistic models of strength and accumulation of damages are considered at casual influences. Probabilistic criteria over of estimation of making of resource and their connection with accumulated damageability are presented.
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