
  • Volodymyr Todchuk Ivan Kozhedub Kharkov University of Air Force




critical load, initial imperfections, displacement, stability, experiment


Purpose: Show the real effect of initial imperfections on the upper critical load of cylindrical shells. Method: Analysis of experimental data. Results: This article presents the results of experimental studies of the stability of cylindrical shells reinforced with stringers with initial imperfections in shape under axial compression. A detailed analysis of the experimental data has been performed. A conclusion is made regarding the stability of cylindrical shells. Recommendations on the directions of further research are given. Discussion: The large difference between the experimental and theoretical axial critical loads of cylindrical shells made researchers look for the reasons for this difference. It was considered that one of the main reasons is the presence of initial imperfections in the shells. Then doubts arose as to the veracity of this statement. There were conflicting opinions. It became necessary to find out the real influence of the initial imperfections on the stability of cylindrical shells.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Todchuk, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkov University of Air Force

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Department of Aircraft, Kharkov Higher Command-Engineering School, Ukraine. Education: Kharkov Higher Command-Engineering School, Ukraine (1967). Research area: the design and strength of aircraft.


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How to Cite

Todchuk, V. (2021). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE STABILITY OF REINFORCED CYLINDRICAL SHELLS UNDER AXIAL COMPRESSION. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 86(1), 28–34. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.86.15441

