
  • Serge Dolgikh National Aviation University




artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, unsupervised learning


In this studythe author investigates information processing in deep autoencoder models. It is demonstrated that unsupervised training of autoencoders of certain class can result in emergence of compact and structured internal representations of the input data space that can be correlated with higher level categories. The authors propose and demonstrate the practical possibility to detect and measure this emergent information structure by applying unsupervised density clustering in the activation space of the focal hidden layer of the model. Based on the findings of the studya new approach to training neural network models is proposed that is based on the emergent in unsupervised training information landscape, that is iterative, driven by the environment, requires minimal supervision and with interesting similarities to learning of biologic systems. In conclusion, a discussion of theoretical foundations of spontaneous categorization in self-learning systemsis provided.

Author Biography

Serge Dolgikh, National Aviation University

Senior Project Engineer, Solana Networks, 301 Moodie Drive, Ottawa, K2H 9R4, Canada. Education: Master of Science, Coventry University (United Kingdom), Master of Science, National Nuclear Research University


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How to Cite

Dolgikh, S. (2019). SPONTANEOUS CATEGORIZATION AND SELF-LEARNING WITH DEEP AUTOENCODER MODELS. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 80(3), 51–60. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.80.14274

