Evaluation and forecast distribution of radionuclides and dose in the model slope ecosystems for landscape ukraine


  • В.П. Петрусенко НАУ, кафедра екології
  • Ю.О. Кутлахмедов НАУ, кафедра екології




 For the analysis of ecological safety in typical of slope`s ecosystem the block-scheme of ecosystem is created. From nature  of data and on the basis of the theoretical analysis the parameters of speeds of transitions of pollutant (Cs-137) are chosen. On this basis modeling processes of migration and relocation of radionuclides  in a typical slope by a method of box models is carried out. Is shown, that actively and quickly enough redistributes radionuclides. As a result of modeling it is possible to estimate and  to prognose  of dynamics  of distribution radionuclides  in typical of slope`s  ecosystem and to establish probable   of dose   loading on the people, which use parts such  slope`s ecosystem.

Author Biography

Ю.О. Кутлахмедов, НАУ, кафедра екології

д-р біол. наук


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Моделювання радіоекологічних процесів методом камерних моделей на прикладі села у Волинській об-ласті / І.В. Матвєєва, В.Р. Заїтов, Ю.О. Кутлахмедов та ін. // Вісн. НАУ. – 2005. – №3. – С. 173–176.

How to Cite

Петрусенко, В., & Кутлахмедов, Ю. (2006). Evaluation and forecast distribution of radionuclides and dose in the model slope ecosystems for landscape ukraine. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 28(2), 134–136. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.28.1330




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