
  • Ivan Ostroumov National Aviation University
  • Volodymyr Kharchenko National Aviation University
  • Nataliia Kuzmenko National Aviation University




aircraft, navigation, BILP, DME, ground station, navigational aids, RNAV


Purpose: The represented research results are aimed to formulate an optimization task of ground based navigational aids network in order to improve performance of provided navigational service. Proposed approach is based on iterative process with estimation performance of positioning in each point of airspace and further selection of the most optimal location for new ground facilities. Methods: Represented approach is grounded on analytical and statistical methods of positioning estimation performance, binary integer linear programing theory, and computer-based simulation at verification stage of development. Results: Ground navigational aids network has been represented as a set of geometrical location of standard service volumes in tree-dimensional space. The possible locations for new ground stations were considered together with an existing navigational aids network. The optimal location of new ground stations of navigational aids are result of objective function maximization with specific constraints. Weighted coefficients of linear objective function indicate a volume of predefined performance level of positioning by navigational aids. Results of optimization task solution in terms of linear programming will provide the most optimal location for new ground station within a pool of possible coordinates. Discussion: Formulation of optimization task in terms of binary integer linear programing represents the problem of optimal location search for new navigational aids in one linear objective function and constraints that can be solved by various math methods. Represented results can be implemented during airspace design and in the development of navigational aids network.

Author Biographies

Ivan Ostroumov, National Aviation University

Candidate of Engineering.

Associate Professor. National Aviation University.

Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (2005).

Research area: Navigation, Alternative Position, Navigation and Timing.

Volodymyr Kharchenko, National Aviation University

Doctor of Engineering. Professor.

Vice-Rector on Scientific Work, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Honored Worker of Science and

Technology of Ukraine.

Education: Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Research area: management of complex socio-technical systems, air navigation systems and automatic

decision-making systems aimed at avoidance conflict situations, space information technology design, air

navigation services in Ukraine provided by CNS/ATM systems.

Nataliia Kuzmenko, National Aviation University

Candidate of Engineering. Junior researcher.

National Aviation University.

Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (2013).

Research area: navigation and control of dynamic systems, artificial intelligence.


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Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) of Ukraine. Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise, 2017.



How to Cite

Ostroumov, I., Kharchenko, V., & Kuzmenko, N. (2018). OPTIMIZATION TASK OF NAVIGATIONAL AIDS GROUND NETWORK. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 76(3), 16–22. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.76.13150




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