Modeling of thermo-electric battery’s calculation of hydrocarbons recuperation system


  • S. V. Boichenko NAU
  • S. V. Ivanov NAU



With the maintainability to insure effective work of breathing valve of new generation authors developed thermal model expectation of a design thermo-electric battery, which in some measure of approach describes process of fuel condensation

Author Biographies

S. V. Boichenko, NAU

Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

S. V. Ivanov, NAU

Dr.Sci. (Chemistry)


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How to Cite

Boichenko, S. V., & Ivanov, S. V. (2003). Modeling of thermo-electric battery’s calculation of hydrocarbons recuperation system. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 17(2), 43–45.

