
  • Volodymyr Kharchenko National Aviation University
  • Oleg Alexeiev National Aviation University
  • Roman Yurchik National Aviation University
  • Ismail Ali National Aviation University



aviation, aviation technologies, air transport system, municipal aviation


In the article we represent the basic principles of municipal air transport within the metropolis. The main tasks of creating municipal transport are defined to further develop of aviation technologies for municipal economy and life support of the city and its air-transport system. In order to further development of aviation technology in the interests of the urban economy and life of the city, its air transportation system is necessary to decide three main objectives: development of aviation equipment and saturation of City Aviation park by light helicopters which will ensure solving of special tasks for the benefit of urban services, commercial transportation and air operations; development of urban aviation infrastructure, including heliports and helipads; the organization of safe use of the airspace over the city. The use of technology in aviation can be done while ensuring sanitary and environmental standards of environmental protection.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Kharchenko, National Aviation University

Kharchenko Volodymyr. Doctor of Engineering. Professor. Vice-Rector on Scientific Work of the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Aviation University.

Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.

Education: Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Research area: management of complex socio-technical systems, air navigation systems and automatic decision-making systems aimed at avoidance conflict situations, space information technology design, air navigation services in Ukraine provided by СNS/АТМ systems

Oleg Alexeiev, National Aviation University

Alexeiev Oleh (1978). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Associate Professor.

Air Navigation Systems department, Institute of Air navigation in National Aviation University.

Education: Faculty of Air Traffic Services, State Flight Academy of Ukraine, Kirovograd, Ukraine (2000).

Research area: improvement and automation of a professional selection system and development of professional-major.

Roman Yurchik, National Aviation University

Yurchik Roman (1989). Post-graduate student.

Air traffic controller of Odessa regional structural UkSATSE division.

Education: Institute of Air Navigation, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (2011).

Research area: improvement and automation of a professional selection system and development of professional-major skills of civil air traffic controllers.

Ismail Ali, National Aviation University

Ali Ismail (1990). Post-graduate Student.

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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O.N. Alexeiev Some aspects of guaranteed security in the implementation of aviation activities at all its stages, as well as a given level of reliability [Nekotorye aspekty harantyrovannoho podderzhanyya bezopasnosty pry realyzatsyy avyatsyonnoy deyatelnosty na vsekh ee stadyyakh, a takzhe zadannoho urovnya nadezhnosty] Trudy obshchestva nezavysymykh rassledovateley avyatsyonnykh proyshestvyy. Moskva 2017, Sbornyk №28 298s.



How to Cite

Kharchenko, V., Alexeiev, O., Yurchik, R., & Ali, I. (2017). MUNICIPAL AVIATION FUNCTIONING AS ONE OF FUTURE TYPES OF THE AVIATION ACTIVITIES. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 71(2), 24–30.

