control system, flexible, noise, structure pattern search, vibrationAbstract
In the article the control system is created, which is able to reduce steady-state vibration response of thinwalled flexible structure in the wide band of low frequencies. It is supposed, that the flexible structure is subject to external harmonic force with variable frequencies, and parameters of that force are available for the usage by the control system. The control system is based on pattern search algorithm and suggestion about the dependence of signal, which is formed by the control system, from the steady-state vibration response of the flexible structure. Developed software allows to use pattern search algorithm as the control system for plate vibration in real-time. The influence on control system operation of signal delay of executive device of compensating path and transition process after the change of control signal parameters is done by the usage of the additional idle time. During idle time the control signal is supported. It has parameters that have taken place before the beginning of idle mode. Step reset option for resuming of search after the long-term steady-state vibration of flexible structure do not derange control system operation, because step change take place only after polling cycle termination. The efficiency of proposed system is illustrated experimentally on the example of clamped plate. Experimental results analysis showed the necessity of multiple compensating devices application for vibration reduction in wide frequency range.References
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