Phase method of measurement of dimensions of particles with the help of Doppler phase anemometer


  • В. М. Землянский Національний авіаційний університет



Analyzed is phase-Doppler laser method of finding the dimensions of particles. Proposed is a phase method of finding the dimensions of microparticles based on the use of twowave laser coherent sounding and symmetrical reception of disperse emission, when the conditions of formation of phase conjugation high frequency signals is achieved. Presented here is theoretical substantiation of the proposed method and the results of its numerical investigation on the basis of segment theory of dispersion of light. The considered method can be used for controlling the quality of spray coated new materials with the help of laser technologies, when it is necessary to measure the dimension and the velocity of movement of spherical particles input into the laser stream


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How to Cite

Землянский, В. М. (1998). Phase method of measurement of dimensions of particles with the help of Doppler phase anemometer. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 1(1), 185–193.

