
  • Роман Васильович Олійников joint-stock company «Institute of information technologies»
  • Іван Дмитрович Горбенко joint-stock company «Institute of information technologies»
  • Олександр Володимирович Казимиров EVRY Norge AS
  • Віктор Ігорович Руженцев Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • Юрій Іванович Горбенко joint-stock company «Institute of information technologies»



DSTU 7624, 2014, block cipher, cryptanalysis, encryption performance, national standard.


On the 1st of July, 2015 Ukraine adopts new cryptographicstandard of symmetric block transformation DSTU7624:2014 which defines “Kalyna” cipher and its confidentialityand integrity modes of operation. The nationalstandard is developed as collaboration result of State Serviceof Special Communication of Ukraine and leadingUkrainian scientists based on the public cryptographicalgorithms competition. In comparison to well-knownstandard AES, DSTU 7624:2014 provides higher level ofcryptographic strength (with possibility of application ofblock and key length up to 512 bits) and comparable orhigher performance on modern software or softwarehardwareplatforms, essentially exceeding rates of DSTUGOST 28147:2009 (GOST 28147-89) which have beenused over 25 years. It is considered modern problems ofblock cipher development and their solutions implementedby the developers in the new national standard of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Роман Васильович Олійников, joint-stock company «Institute of information technologies»

Doctor of technical sciences, head ofscientific research department of joint-stock company«Institute of information technologies»

Іван Дмитрович Горбенко, joint-stock company «Institute of information technologies»

Doctor of technical sciences, chiefdesigner of joint-stock company «Institute of informationtechnologies».

Олександр Володимирович Казимиров, EVRY Norge AS

Candidate of technical sciences,Technical Test Analyst in the company EVRY Norge AS

Віктор Ігорович Руженцев, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Candidate of technical sciences, AssossiateProfessor of The Department of InformationTechnology Security, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

Юрій Іванович Горбенко, joint-stock company «Institute of information technologies»

Candidate of technical sciences, technical director of joint-stock company «Institute of information technologies».


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