Classification of quantum technologies of a secret sharing


  • Евгений Викторович Василиу National Academy of Telecommunications n. a. O.S. Popov
  • Игорь Валериевич Лимарь National Academy of Telecommunications n. a. O.S. Popov



quantum cryptography, quantum secret sharing, classification, qubit, multiparticle entanglement.


In this paper the classification and the generalized analysisof the most known secret sharing schemes based onquantum technologies have been offered. The classificationhave been carried out by such criteria as physicalprinciples, on which corresponding methods of secretsharing are based and kinds of tasks of information protection,which are being solved by these methods. Perspectivequantum protocols of a secret sharing taking intoaccount the requirements shown by modern quantum cryptography are considered, in particular, an increase ofinformation capacity of protocols by using quantum systemsof large dimension (qudits). The most perspectiveare quantum technologies of secret sharing based on multiparticleentanglement. The certain tasks of informationprotection with using quantum secret sharing are shortlyconsidered, in particular, the many-party controlled teleportationof quantum state to the remote receiver and theprotocols of quantum secure direct communication withthe control of information receiving by the third confidentialparty. The status of modern experimental base oncreation of systems of the quantum secret sharing is analyzed.

Author Biographies

Евгений Викторович Василиу, National Academy of Telecommunications n. a. O.S. Popov

Doctor of Science in Eng., Full Professor, Director of Educational and Research Institute of Radio, Television and Information Security

Игорь Валериевич Лимарь, National Academy of Telecommunications n. a. O.S. Popov



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