
  • Тетяна Юріївна Дудка Національний авіаційний університет
  • Микола Євгенович Чумак Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова



teacher, higher school, pedagogical activity, professional and pedagogical formation, phenomenon


In the article, theoretical bases of the professional and pedagogical formation of a teacher have been designed. The necessity of correlating the content of professional training with modern conditions of social and technological progress, which is provoked by the cyclical “aging” of knowledge, has been outlined. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate the significance of the system of professional and pedagogical formation of a teacher in higher school. The purpose is prompted by the need for theoretical substantiation of the significance of the system of professional and pedagogical formation of a teacher in higher school. A highly structured phenomenon of the “development” has been noticed to outline one of the fundamental components – the concept of the “formation” at the level of its structure. The research shows that the phenomenological formation is actualized by the variability of the situational influence and procedural interactions, which are the components of a holistic educational process. The research procedure involved bibliographic, gradual problematic, and comparative methods. The phasing of personal and professional development of the teacher has been detailed. At this phrasing, the essential importance of such fundamental determinants as self-identification, professional training, professionalization, and pedagogical skills has been emphasized. The signs of integrity and structure characterize a “construct” of the studied phenomenon, which encourages the performance of its functioning in terms of professional and daily realities. Moreover, personal and professional development actualizes the manifestations of independence, initiative, and creativity. The result of the research was the assertion of the significance in the studied formation of the phenomenon of professional identification. It actualizes the development of real and effective prospects, which content outlines the sequence of tactical and strategic methods of action aimed at specific educational performance.

The conclusions generalize that the personal and professional development of a teacher is both a process and a result. The close categorical connection of the phenomena of personal-professional formation and professionalism, which are integral characteristics of the individual, has been summarized. To total it up, the phenomenological formation is not a single process, but a systematic-circulating formation, which functions throughout the pedagogical activity

Author Biographies

Тетяна Юріївна Дудка, Національний авіаційний університет

доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки та психології професійної освіти

Микола Євгенович Чумак, Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова

доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри теорії та методики навчання фізики і астрономії


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Inamorato dos Santos, A., Gaušas, S., Mackevičiūtė, R., Jotautytė, A., & Martinaitis, Ћ. (2019). Innovating Professional Development in Higher Education: Case Studies. Publications Office of the European Union. Luxembourg, 2019, 341. doi:10.2760/712385, JRC115595

Lynch, K., Hill, H.C., Gonzalez, K.E., & Pollard, C. (2019). Strengthening the research base that informs STEM instructional improvement efforts: A meta-analysis. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 41 (3), 260-293. doi:org/10.3102/0162373719849044

Martin Karlberg & Christopher Bezzina (2020). The professional development needs of beginning and experienced teachers in four municipalities in Sweden. Professional Development in Education, 33 (6), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/19415257.2020.1712451

Orsolya Kбlmбn, Pдivi Tynjдlд & Terhi Skaniakos (2020). Patterns of university teachers’ approaches to teaching, professional development and perceived departmental cultures. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(5), 595-614, doi: 10.1080/13562517.2019.1586667


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Inamorato dos Santos, A., Gaušas, S., Mackevičiūtė, R., Jotautytė, A., & Martinaitis, Ћ. (2019) (2019). Innovating Professional Development in Higher Education: Case Studies. Publications Office of the European Union. Luxembourg, 2019, 341. doi: 10.2760/712385, JRC115595

Lynch, K., Hill, H.C., Gonzalez, K.E., & Pollard, C. (2019). Strengthening the research base that informs STEM instructional improvement efforts: A meta-analysis. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 41 (3), 260-293. doi: org/10.3102/0162373719849044

Martin Karlberg & Christopher Bezzina (2020). The professional development needs of beginning and experienced teachers in four municipalities in Sweden. Professional Development in Education, 33 (6), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/19415257.2020.1712451

Orsolya Kбlmбn, Pдivi Tynjдlд & Terhi Skaniakos (2020). Patterns of university teachers’ approaches to teaching, professional development and perceived departmental cultures. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(5), 595-614, doi: 10.1080/13562517.2019.1586667




