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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Requirements for registration of manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board of the scientific journal «Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology»


The following obligatory elements must be included in the article's structure:

  • the problem statement in general outline and  its relationship to important scientific and practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent studies and publications in which solution of a problem is initiated serving as a background for the author’s research, and sorting out of unsolved aspects of the general problem, which the article highlights;
  • defining the problem and tasks of the article should result in generalizing  data aimed at formulating a hypothesis (concept) or a particular model, development and sorting out of the  methods, as well as conditions for conducting research;
  • research methods describe their main content, characteristics, criteria, indicators and parameters of assessing;
  • presenting the main research material with complete argumentation of the obtained scientific results. A theoretical analysis should not be restricted by the references to the authors who studied the issue raised. It should contain a brief summary of the obtained data with highlighting trends and approaches to analyzing and solving  the problem. The description of empirical findings should contain specific data confirming the statistical accuracy of the results obtained. The latter can be presented in the form of tables, charts, diagrams with further interpretation;
  • conclusions of the given study and prospects for further research in this field, which summarize the essence of obtained findings in accordance with the tasks of the article. Important! The conclusions should not contain data that are not highlighted in the article's content;
  • bibliographic references should be given according to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of Ukraine, presented in the Bulletin of the HAC of Ukraine, No. 3, 2008.

Publishing design of article’s structural elements:

Manuscripts for publication in the electronic edition should be submitted in Ukrainian, Russian and English as follows:

  • UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index (in the first line, left-aligned, bold); in each next line you should write:
  • Authors' Name, Surname (bold, italics);
  • TITLE ( bold, capital letters, centered);
    • Summary (paragraph with indenting the first line, italics) written in article's language which should contain such necessary elements: the relevance of the problem, the purpose, methods and findings (at least 200 to 300 words);
    • the phrase "Keywords:" (paragraph with indenting the first line, bold, italics). Later in the same line – keywords – 5 to 6 terms separated by ";"
    • Main text
    • All in-text citations should be listed in the reference list (bold, centered). A  list of transliterated references is made according to the system of transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated by January 27, 2010, no. 55. URL: laws/show/55-2010-%D0%BF. The listing of references and citations in the text of the article is submitted according to the international standards APA Style (American Psychological Association style);
    • Summary in other languages (Ukrainian, English) is given in the following order: authors' names and surnames (bold, italics); TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (bold, regular, centered); phrase Summary (centered, italics); text of the summary - 1800 characters (paragraph with indenting the first line, italics); Keywords: (5-6 terms  in alphabet separated by a semicolon  ";"  ).
    • –  page limit: 10-12 journal pages.

Requirements for text formatting:

– Main text – font Times New Roman, 14 pt, line spacing - 1,5, first line indent – 10 mm; indentation left - 20 mm,  right – 15 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm);


Authors' data:

Authors' name, surname, Academic degree, Academic title, Position, Place of work, phone number, e-mail, section (Pedagogy or Psychology) of the submitted article.

To the attention of authors!

  • The authors (with the exception of Doctors of Science), should submit the article with the review made by the Doctor of Science (in the corresponding field of science).
  • The maximum number of authors in the article is three persons.
  • Note. The text should use the following symbols: inverted comma «…», the hyphen (-), the dash (–), the apostrophe (').

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