of the National Aviation University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology2024-12-22T18:47:22+02:00КОКАРЄВА Анжеліка Миколаївна Journal Systems<p><span title="Проблематика: висвітлення теоретико-методологічних та науково-практичних проблем в галузі педагогіки та психології, що є актуальними на сучасному етапі розвитку психолого-педагогічних наук і відображають широкий спектр інтересів науковців">Problems: coverage of theoretical and methodological, scientific and practical problems in the field of education and psychology that are relevant to the current stage of development of psychological and educational sciences and reflect a wide range of interests scientists<br /><span title="Мова видання: українська, російська, англійська (змішаними мовами)">Language: Ukrainian, English</span></span></p> OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS IN INSTITUTIONS OF PROFESSIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION2024-12-19T14:16:59+02:00Angelika Kokarі<p><em>The</em><em> important task for institutions of professional pre-higher education is the current employment of students in the educational process, factors that influence their learning motivation, the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition, further professional orientation, and the use of acquired knowledge in future professional activities.</em><em> The study examined the key components of student engagement in institutions of professional pre-higher education as an important prerequisite for the formation of sustainable learning motivation, and also analyzed the role of teachers' pedagogical skills in maintaining interest in learning. It is substantiated that student engagement in learning increases under the conditions of improving the educational program, updating core disciplines, and improving the quality of teaching. A key factor in the formation of professional competence is the teacher's pedagogical skills, which include the ability to adapt teaching methods according to the individual characteristics of students, contribute to the development of independence, creativity, and internal motivation for learning. The importance of the multi-paradigm approach as a methodological basis that ensures efficiency in solving the problem of student engagement is actualized. It combines key provisions of the systemic, personal-activity and motivational approaches, which together create the necessary conditions for the development of sustainable learning motivation and successful professional training of future electronics specialists.</em></p> <p><em>The main <strong>goal</strong> of this study is to identify and analyze the problems that arise in the process of forming the professional competence of future electronics specialists in institutions of professional pre-higher education in the context of the rapid transformation of the labor market; as well as in developing proposals for professional training to increase the efficiency of the educational process and the interest of applicants in learning; analyzing effective methods of pedagogical facilitation and modern approaches that allow teachers to recognize and develop applicants' interests in certain areas in the professional field, as well as to contribute to the formation of their educational motivation and cognitive involvement. There were used several general scientific <strong>methods</strong> in the process of research: analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, etc. as a result, it was found that rapid changes in the labor market and in the technological sphere require constant updating of professional training of future electronics specialists in institutions of professional pre-higher education. The development and integration of modern curricula that meet current trends in the industry is an important step towards increasing the efficiency of the educational process. For the successful adaptation of students to the requirements of the labor market, it is necessary to use innovative methods of pedagogical facilitation that will contribute to the development of learning motivation and cognitive involvement of students.</em></p> <p><em>As <strong>a conclusion</strong>, we assume that rapid changes in economic and technological spheres in institutions of professional pre-higher education for future electronics specialists require regular updating of curricula. This involves the integration of modern knowledge and technologies, which will allow future specialists to navigate current trends in the development of their industry and effectively apply the acquired knowledge in further professional activities.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words: </em></strong><em>institutions of vocational pre-higher education; acquirers; educational professional program; educational motivation; pedagogical skill; pedagogical facilitation; professional competence; professional training; electronics specialists.</em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE FORMATION OF THE NATIONAL IDENTITY OF UKRAINIAN YOUTH2024-12-19T14:43:52+02:00Тамара Михеєва<p><em>The article examines the key aspects of the formation of the national consciousness of Ukrainian youth in the context of modern challenges, including globalization, war and socio-political instability. The author analyzes the legal framework of Ukraine aimed at developing the national and civic identity of young people, their cultural and social competencies, and the formation of patriotic consciousness. The author emphasizes the need to integrate national identity into educational programs and to train specialists for national and patriotic education. At the same time, the importance of combating Russian propaganda, developing media literacy and forming a unified infrastructure to support national consciousness in times of war is emphasized. It is noted that the effective formation of national identity requires a comprehensive approach, including education, cultural initiatives and support for civil society.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The purpose of the article</em></strong><em> is to theoretically substantiate and analyze the problem of forming the national identity of Ukrainian youth. <strong>Objectives of the study:</strong> to analyze the legal framework for the formation of the national consciousness of Ukrainian youth; to study the role of education and civic consciousness in the formation of national identity; to analyze the socio-cultural and psychological aspects of ethno-national identity. To achieve this goal, <strong>the following research methods</strong> were used: scientific analysis, systematization, generalization, and comparison. As a <strong>result</strong> of the study, the author analyzed the legal acts of Ukraine on the formation of the national consciousness of Ukrainian youth; analyzed the priority areas, strategic goals, tasks for their achievement and performance indicators. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The formation of national consciousness among Ukrainian youth is an important task of the state youth policy aimed at developing civic, national and cultural identity, fostering patriotism and developing cultural values. Countering Russian propaganda and developing media literacy among the population are essential to strengthening national identity. For the successful formation of national identity, it is necessary to popularize the Ukrainian language and cultural traditions, actively involve young people in patriotic and cultural events, and develop an effective system of staffing in the field of national and patriotic education.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024ФОРМУВАННЯ У МАЙБУТНІХ УЧИТЕЛІВ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ ПРИКЛАДНИХ ЦИФРОВИХ НАВИЧОК ЯК ОСНОВНА УМОВА ЕФЕКТИВНОГО РОЗВИТКУ ЦИФРОВИХ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТЕЙ УЧНІВ/УЧЕНИЦЬ НА УРОКАХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ2024-12-19T14:54:05+02:00ValentynaОлена Шатова<p><strong><em>The article focuses</em></strong><em> on the theoretical analysis and practical justification of the necessity to develop applied digital skills in future technology teachers. It highlights the relevance of integrating modern digital technologies into the professional training of educators to adapt the educational process to the demands of the digital age. The research emphasizes the impact of such skills on fostering students' digital competencies.</em></p> <p><em>The study aims</em><em> to theoretically substantiate and practically investigate the process of developing applied digital skills in future technology teachers as a fundamental factor in enhancing students' digital competencies. The research draws upon national and international frameworks (e.g., "New Ukrainian School," DigComp, OECD Skills Outlook) and includes an empirical analysis of an experiment involving modular educational programs with integrated technological modules.</em></p> <p><em>The methodology</em><em> combines theoretical and practical approaches, including comparative analysis of modular educational programs, empirical evaluation of experimental results, and observation of educators' adaptability to digital technologies. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of integrated technological modules in improving students' motivation, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and technical skills. Educators trained in new modular programs exhibited better adaptation to contemporary educational challenges.</em></p> <p><em>The study concludes</em><em> that enhancing the professional training of technology teachers through the integration of applied digital tools is crucial for implementing national digitalization strategies and equipping students with competencies needed for successful integration into a digital society.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> technology lessons; digital competencies; digital teacher training; applied digital skills; digitalization of education.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology FACTORS OF OCCUPATIONAL BURNOUT OF IT PROFESSIONALS DURING MILITARY CONFLICT2024-12-19T15:04:23+02:00Іванна АлексєєваНаталія Демченко<p><em>The article examines the psychological factors of professional burnout of IT specialists during military conflicts. The key factor in the development of professional burnout is stress, which depletes a person's physical and emotional resources. This causes cognitive impairment, emotional exhaustion and depression.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The purpose of the stud</em></strong><em>y is to assess the impact of psychological factors, such as anxiety, stress and depressive manifestations that arise during military conflicts, on the level of professional burnout of IT specialists in different regions of Ukraine. To solve the tasks set, the following research methods were used: theoretical methods - analysis, systematization of theoretical approaches and generalization of research results; empirical methods - Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS); Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); Diagnostics of professional burnout (Maslach, Jackson in the adaptation of Vodop'yanova) methods of mathematical statistics: Spearman's correlation.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results.</em></strong><em> Thanks to theoretical analysis, the main concepts and approaches to understanding professional burnout were investigated, which allowed us to identify key psychological factors, such as anxiety, stress, and depressive manifestations. Correlation analysis revealed significant relationships between the level of anxiety and emotional exhaustion, as well as between depressive manifestations and depersonalization. Such results indicate a close relationship between the mental state of IT specialists and their effectiveness.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><em>. Based on the obtained data of statistical analysis, relationships were found between psychological factors and the intensity of professional burnout manifestations. Comparison of the obtained data between different regions of Ukraine was especially valuable. In particular, it was empirically confirmed that IT specialists in Dnipro demonstrate higher rates of anxiety, stress, and burnout compared to specialists from Kyiv. The result confirms that proximity to zones of active military operations has a significant impact on the psychological state of specialists.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: military conflict; depressive manifestations; IT professionals; professional burnout; psychological well-being; psychological factors; stress anxiety.</em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 PRINCIPLES OF FORECASTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC SPECIALISTS2024-12-19T15:22:59+02:00Валентина Гладкова<p><em>The article analyzes the akmesinergic principles of forecasting the development of professional competence of socionomic specialists. Important professional competencies are identified that will contribute to the provision of high-quality qualified assistance by socionomic specialists to people who really need it. These are: sociability, creativity, responsibility, analytical thinking, empathy, leadership qualities, the ability to solve strategic and tactical problems, perseverance, anticipation. In personal and professional life, the ability to predict the consequences of one's actions, to engage in personal and professional self-forecasting with subsequent self-realization is very important.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The purpose of the article</em></strong><em> is to determine and analyze the akmesinergic principles of forecasting the development of professional competence of socionomic specialists. <strong>Research methods</strong>: analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, deduction and scientific induction, abstraction and modeling.<strong> Results</strong>: The latest methodological approaches and principles that constitute the theoretical basis of the study are analyzed. Among the methodological approaches, complex, systemic, subjective, activity, cultural, personal, synergistic, acmeological are identified. Attention is focused on the importance of the acme-synergetic approach, which was formed within the framework of fundamental acmeology (in particular, its component - synergistic acmeology). A number of methodological principles are analyzed, namely: system-structural, determinism, development, humanism, subjectivity, life activity, vertex, invariance.</em></p> <p><em>The correlation between the professionalism of a socio-economic profile specialist and his professional competence, the stage of development of this competence is considered. The structure of acme-synergetic self-improvement (self-development) is analyzed, which involves four processes: self-determination, self-prediction, self-training and self-realization. The essence of forecasting (acmefutureing) and the evolution of the concept of "adaptive acmefutureing" are analyzed in detail: acmefutureing, habilitation acmefutureing, synergistic professional acmefutureing, adaptive acmefutureing. <strong>Discussion</strong>: The process of professional self-development/self-improvement of a socio-economic profile specialist is influenced by the extra-environment and intra-environment. The process of professional self-development (self-improvement) itself takes place in the meso-environment. In the process of forecasting the development of professional competence of a socio-economic profile specialist, it is advisable to model the trajectory of such development and develop its author's program.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: acme-synergetic approach; acmefutureing; methodological principles; forecasting; professional competence; self-development; self-improvement; socio-economic profile specialist.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p> </p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROGRAM FOR THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRECTION OF EMOTIONAL STATES IN ADULTS DURING ARMED CONFLICT2024-12-22T16:54:18+02:00Анастасія КузнякНаталія Проскурка<p><em>The article presents the results of an empirical study on adults’ emotional states during an armed conflict and describes a program for psychological correction of negative emotional states in adults.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Purpose of the study. </em></strong><em>The research aims to develop and implement a program for the psychological correction of negative emotional states in adults.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Research procedure. </em></strong><em>The empirical study was conducted from September to October 2024 during martial law in Ukraine. The study involved 60 participants, including 38 women and 22 men. Standardized psychodiagnostic methods were used during the ascertaining and formative stages of the experiment: «Self-Assessment of Mental State» (G. Eysenck), «The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory» (C. D. Spielberger, adapted by Y. Khanin), «The Aggressiveness Test» (L. G. Pochebut questionnaire), «The Perceived Stress Scale PSS-10» (S. Cohen), and «The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales» (DASS-21).</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results. </em></strong><em>At the ascertaining stage of the study, a high level of situational anxiety was found in 61.7% of respondents, a high level of frustration in 18.3%, a high level of rigidity in 23.3%, a high level of aggressiveness in 15.0%, and a high level of self-aggressiveness in 55.0% of adults. Based on these findings, a psychological correction program for adults’ emotional states was developed. It consisted of six weekly sessions, each lasting three hours, and included relaxation and emotional self-regulation techniques, stress management strategies, and more. The effectiveness of the program was tested using methods of mathematical statistics.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion. </em></strong><em>The psychological correction program for adults’ emotional states has been proven effective in reducing situational anxiety, stress, self-aggressiveness, frustration, and rigidity. The conclusion was confirmed through statistical data analysis using the paired t-test and the Wilcoxon test.</em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 FEATURES OF COPING STRATEGIES CHOICE UNDER MARTIAL LAW BY STUDENTS2024-12-22T17:05:39+02:00Наталія ЛитвинчукАліна Римарчук<p><em>The article is devoted to the problem of coping strategies choice under martial law by students. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Aim of study</strong></em> <em>was to define</em> <em>coping strategies connection with situational and personal anxiety level and students type of locus of control. </em></p> <p><em>There were used such <strong>methods</strong> for researching the stated problem: method </em><em>«</em><em>Coping-test</em><em>» </em><em>(</em><em>Richard S. Lazarus); method "</em> <em>Scale of self-assessment of situational and personal anxiety</em><em> level” (Charles Spielberger, Yuriy Khanin); method of locus of control research (ulian Rotter); methods of mathematical statistics:</em> <em>Spearman</em><em> correlation.</em></p> <p><em>The article analyzes </em><em>the concepts “</em><em>coping strategies”, “anxiety”, “locus of control”. The factors that determine an individual's choice of certain coping strategies in a stressful situation areindicated.</em> <em>There were determined psychological factors promoting successful psychological-social adaptation in stressful situations and helping solve problems effectively, these are: stress resistance, conviction, responsibility, resilience, optimal level of anxiety, adequate self-esteem, willpower, internal locus of control, optimism, self-confidence, positive self-attitude, value-meaning structures of personality, empathy, developed communication skills.</em> <em>The importance of health, individuals toughness and strong social connections giving a sense of belonging, support and understanding was emphesized.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results. </em></strong><em>It was found that coping strategies of more than half of respondents have an average level of expression, which indicates a satisfactory adaptive potential of students. The most common strategies were: “Escape/Avoidance” (60%), “Social Support Seeking” (55%), “Positive Reappraisal” (55%), “Self-Control” (52%). At the same time, low levels of rates were observed on the “Acceptance of Responsibility” scale (30%).</em></p> <p><em>According to </em><em>method "</em> <em>Scale of self-assessment of situational and personal anxiety</em><em> level” of Charles Spielberger and Yuriy Khanin it was found that most of students demonstrate a hign level of both situational anxiety (52%) and personal anxiety (65%).</em></p> <p><em>According to the results of method of locus of control, it was found</em> <em>that 37% of students have a predominantly internal type of control, 50% - a predominantly external one.</em> <em>A combination of</em> <em>both</em> <em>characteristics</em> <em>types</em> <em>was found in</em> <em>13%</em> <em>of</em> <em>respondents.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusions. </em></strong><em>A</em><em>ccording to the results</em> <em>of</em> <em>the</em><em> research it was stated</em> <em>that situational anxiety has a direct connection with coping strategy</em> <em>“Acceptance of Responsibility”. It was also discovered that personal anxiety is correlated with strategies "Planning a problem-solving" and "Taking responsibility." </em></p> <p><em>A significant correlation was found between “locus of control” and coping strategy "Distancing". It was found that coping strategy "Distancing" has a direct connection with externality and an inverse connection with internality. It is concluded that there was not found any connection with another scales.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words: </em></strong><em>coping strategy</em><em>;</em> <em>locus of control</em><em>;</em><em> students</em><em>;</em><em> anxiety</em><em>;</em><em> martial law.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 STRESS DISORDER IN MILITARY SERVICEMEN DURING MILITARY OPERATIONS2024-12-22T17:16:07+02:00Ельвіра ЛузікВікторія ШвидченкоНікіта Грибун<p><strong><em>The objective of the article. </em></strong><em>The article is devoted to highlighting the problem of overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder among military personnel as a result of experiencing severe traumatic events. It has been theoretically proven that military operations on the territory of Ukraine, where both civilians and military personnel are exposed to traumatic events associated with a threat to life, physiological injuries, and psychological disorders, affect the mental health of the nation. As a result, these events lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, which, in terms of its structure and treatment, is a complex mental illness with consequences. That is why the problem identified in the article is that people's reactions to traumatic events have a wide spectrum that is subject to analysis and classification, and the source of the traumatic event requires, in turn, appropriate methodological research. For specialists, scientists and the state, the task is to develop effective mechanisms for implementing appropriate mechanisms and measures in working with military personnel and civilians with their personal conditions related to the prevention and elimination of existing post-traumatic stress disorder. Researchers and practicing specialists in this field see the solution to the problem in developing effective mechanisms and implementing appropriate methods and technologies for working with military personnel and civilians in need of prevention or elimination of post-traumatic stress disorder.</em></p> <p><em>The key goal of the article is the theoretical justification and practical implementation of the features of overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder among military personnel and the development of effective methods of their psychological rehabilitation and social adaptation after returning from the combat zone.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The following methods were used for the study:</em></strong><em> theoretical analysis of scientific research and works on post-traumatic stress disorder; systematization of empirical material to form the validity of the goal with an orientation to personally oriented approaches to the problem of PTSD research. <strong>The result </strong>of the study is a theoretical generalization of the processed data on the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder; interpretation of the concept of "post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)" and its definition in the case of military operations; a number of effective methods have been developed to maintain general combat readiness and social integration of military personnel after their return to civilian life, which will contribute to improving the mental health of the individual.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong><em> Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental disorder that occurs as a result of experiencing extreme stressful situations, such as life-threatening situations, physical violence, or other traumatic events.</em></p> <p><em>Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) significantly affects the emotional and cognitive spheres, manifesting itself through flashbacks, nightmares, increased vigilance, and avoidance of situations reminiscent of the traumatic experience, especially in the context of war. Due to the complex psychological nature of PTSD, its treatment requires a comprehensive approach that combines therapeutic and medical methods, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy.</em></p> <p><em>The Recovery Through Inner Strength program plays a key role in the effective rehabilitation and support of military personnel, helping to prevent the negative consequences of PTSD and promoting the social integration of those affected.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key</em></strong> <strong><em>words:</em></strong><em> post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); disorder as a result of psychological trauma; psychological support mechanisms; military personnel; social integration of military personnel into civilian life</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 TOOLS FOR STUDYING THE IMAGE OF “SELF-PROFESSIONAL” IN AVIATION STUDENTS2024-12-22T17:26:18+02:00Марія Патруль<p><em>The article summarises the scientific approaches to the study of the ‘professional self’ image and, taking into account the specific features of the professional activity of specialists in the aviation industry, selects psychological tools for further empirical research.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The purpose of the study </em></strong><em>is to theoretically analyse the specific features of the formation of the ‘professional self’ image in aviation students, in particular, its components and to select diagnostic tools for further empirical research. The aim is driven by the importance of studying the ‘professional self’ image, since it significantly affects the learning process and professional self-realisation of a future specialist. A positive self-professional image promotes openness to new knowledge and development, increasing the effectiveness of learning, while a negative image can create psychological barriers and inhibit professional development. Therefore, studying this aspect is critical for the successful training of competitive aviation professionals.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The research procedure</em></strong><em> involved the analysis of scientific papers, individualisation of the specifics of professional activity, generalisation of leading ideas, modelling the structure of the components of the ‘self-professional’ image of aviation students. At the level of such methodological systematicity, the components of the ‘professional self’ image of aviation students are allocated. It is emphasised that the formation of the phenomenon of the ‘professional self’ image is directly related to the content and requirements of the future profession. Based on the<strong> results of the study</strong>, psychodiagnostic tools for studying the ‘professional self’ image of aviation students were selected, which will allow a thorough study of the specifics and dynamics of its structural components (cognitive, emotional, evaluative and behavioural).</em></p> <p><strong><em>The conclusions </em></strong><em>summarise the importance of conducting an empirical study using a set of psychodiagnostic techniques to investigate the ‘professional self’ image of aviation students, in particular, to identify its cognitive, emotional and behavioural components. The results obtained will allow to identify the peculiarities of formation, dynamics and gaps in the development of the image and, if necessary, will allow to propose ways, methods and means that will contribute to the uniform formation of the ‘professional self’ image during the professional training of aviation students. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Key</em></strong> <strong><em>words:</em></strong><em> components, methodological tools, image of ‘I am professional’; psychodiagnostic methods, students of aviation specialities. </em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF USING THE RETROSPECTIVE METHOD IN PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH2024-12-22T17:40:34+02:00Валентина СемиченкоМарина Артюшина<p><em>The article is devoted to the <strong>problem</strong> of diagnostics of individual changes occurring in the psyche of people in conditions of various kinds of social crises.</em></p> <p><em>The <strong>purpose</strong> of the article is the theoretical and empirical justification of the use of the method of retrospection for processing the data of psychological research. This <strong>method</strong> is based on the awareness of a person of the changes occurring in his psyche, comparing the current self-perception (introspective analysis) with the one in which he perceived himself in the past. The article reveals in detail the essence and features of the method of retrospective analysis, shows the advantages of its use for studying dynamic processes under conditions when in the time perspective the opportunity to use the longitudinal method of organizing the research was lost. The procedure for applying the method of retrospection for the analysis of students' value orientations as a system-forming factor of the structure of the personality and the person's relations with the surrounding world is described. The method of M. Rokich was used for the diagnostics of value orientations. Individual features and trends in the transformation of the value sphere of specific students were identified and an ideographic analysis of their specificity was conducted. As a <strong>result</strong> of the study, the feasibility and methodological and technical features of introducing a retrospective approach into the practice of conducting psychological research, taking into account the time perspective of analysis, were proven and the corresponding recommendations were given. Based on the analysis of the results obtained on the basis of a combination of introspective and retrospective self-analysis by students of their value orientations, <strong>conclusions</strong> were formulated on the possibility and prospects of conducting further research using the retrospection method.</em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 IN STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT BODIES AS A FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERSHIP QUALITIES OF STUDENT YOUTH2024-12-22T18:09:45+02:00Леся Хоменко-СеменоваІгор ШевченкоЛеся Оксамитна<p><em>The article provides a theoretical analysis and empirical research into the problem of developing leadership qualities of student youth in student self-government bodies.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The purpose of the article</em></strong><em> is to prove the influence of participation in student self-government bodies on the development of students' leadership qualities;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results.</em></strong><em> In the course of the empirical study, we used the following methods: Methodology "I am a leader" (E.S. Fedorov, O.V. Eryomin, modified by T.A. Mironova); Methodology "Diagnostics of leadership abilities" (E. Zharikov, E. Krushelnytsky; Methodology for diagnosing communicative and organizational inclinations - KOS (V. Sinyavsky and B. Fedoryshyn); Methodology "Self-assessment of leadership" (O.M. Kokun).</em></p> <p><em>The results of the study were processed using the following methods of mathematical statistics: to determine the relationship between leadership abilities and gender, the Pearson criterion; to assess the reliability of differences between groups, the t-Student criterion was used;</em></p> <p><em>Statistical calculations were performed using the Microsoft Excel XP computer program package.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion.</em></strong><em> After conducting the study, we established that the leadership qualities of students are a set of personal qualities, such as: activity, motivation, desire for self-improvement, empathy and the ability to influence others, which allow student leaders to effectively achieve goals, serving by example and motivating peers.</em></p> <p><em>In higher education institutions, student self-government is an important mechanism for developing students' leadership potential. It creates an environment for the formation of responsibility, communication skills, organizational skills and social activity.</em></p> <p><em>The training "The Art of Leadership" was developed, the purpose of which is to develop the leadership qualities of student youth through their participation in student self-government bodies.</em></p> <p><em>After the training, a re-sampling showed positive dynamics in all indicators.</em></p> <p><em>A correlation analysis was carried out using the Pearson correlation coefficient, which showed that the development of one of the skills or inclinations contributes to the improvement of other important aspects of personal and professional development, which is valuable in the formation of leadership qualities and effective interpersonal interaction.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> leader; leadership; leadership qualities; student youth; emotional intelligence; self-esteem; motivation.</em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 FACTORS OF ADOLESCENTS' SOCIALIZATION IN A CRISIS ENVIRONMENT2024-12-22T18:21:46+02:00Леся Хоменко-СеменоваАндрій РожківськийОлександр Павленко<p><em>The article provides a theoretical analysis and empirical study of the socio-psychological factors of adolescent socialization in a crisis environment</em></p> <p><strong><em>The purpose of the article is</em></strong><em> to theoretically define and empirically study the socio-psychological factors of adolescent socialization in a crisis environment;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results.</em></strong><em> In the course of the empirical study, we used the following methods: the author's questionnaire aimed at studying the social factors of the formation of socialization in adolescents in modern society; the questionnaire "Your Life Optimism" (V. A. Semichenko); the multilevel personality questionnaire "Adaptability" (A. G. Maklakova and S. V. Chermyanina); the Guilford test "Social Intelligence".</em></p> <p><em>The study found that the socio-psychological factors of socialization of adolescents are:</em></p> <p><em>The family is one of the social institutions, the psychological essence of which is considered in many studies.</em></p> <p><em>The education system, namely the school environment, stands out as the second (along with the family) leading institution of socialization.</em></p> <p><em>The peer group plays a key role in shaping the socialization of individuals, which is the object of study of both sociology and psychology.</em></p> <p><em>Mass media (media), such as television, radio, the Internet, newspapers and magazines, play a significant role in the socialization process, contributing to the transmission of cultural values, standards of behavior and norms of society.</em></p> <p><em>The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been marked by dramatic changes in all aspects of society, including socialization.</em></p> <p><em>War plays a critical role in the socialization of adolescents, affecting all aspects of their lives, from social skills to emotional state.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion.</em></strong><em> The empirical study showed the following results:</em></p> <p><em>using the multilevel personality questionnaire "Adaptivity" (A. G. Maklakov, S. V. Chermyanina) it was found that 37% of respondents belong to the group of satisfactory adaptation. They are able to adapt to changes, although this process requires more time and effort; 62.8% of respondents have a high or normal level of adaptation, which indicates their ease of adaptation to new conditions and changing circumstances. Using the Guilford test "Social Intelligence" it was found that: 44.2% of respondents have an average level of social intelligence, 37.2% of respondents demonstrated a level of social intelligence above average, which indicates their high ability to effectively interact in society. Diagnostics of the level of life optimism using the questionnaire “Your Life Optimism” (V. A. Semichenko) showed that in 39.5% of respondents the level of optimism decreased from high to medium, which is associated with significant emotional changes and the impact of negative events, such as war; 46.5% of respondents maintained a stable level of optimism, demonstrating emotional stability.</em></p> <p><em>Using the author's questionnaire, the main social factors that contribute to the adaptation of adolescents to the crisis environment were identified, in particular, the influence of family, peers, educational institutions and the media.</em></p> <p><em>The results demonstrate the complex impact of the modern crisis environment on the socialization of adolescents, as well as the variability of their adaptability and emotional stability.</em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 INFLUENCE OF PREVERBAL TRAUMA ON THE OCCURRENCE OF PROCRASTINATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS2024-12-22T18:38:54+02:00Олена ЯнченкоАльона Іващенко<p><em>The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of ‘procrastination’ and an empirical study of the peculiarities of the influence of the level of preverbal trauma on the intensity of procrastination in higher education students. <strong>The aim</strong> of the study is to theoretically substantiate and empirically study the psychological characteristics of procrastination in higher education students. A substantive analysis of the concept of ‘procrastination’ in higher education students is carried out. It is stated that procrastination is largely an emotional reaction to planned or necessary tasks; it manifests itself in the fact that a person, being aware of the need to perform very specific important tasks, ignores this need and diverts his attention to everyday trifles or entertainment. </em></p> <p><em>The empirical study was conducted in June-July 2024 using a set <strong>of empirical methods</strong>: ‘K. Ley's General Procrastination Scale to quantify the level of the subjects' tendency to postpone their own tasks; M. Dvornik's author's methodology “Causes of Personal Tendency to Postpone Tasks” to find out the leading causes of procrastination and the fundamental difference between them; the questionnaire “Diagnosis of Verbal Trauma According to the Self-Reconstruction Psychotherapy Method” to determine the level of verbal trauma in the subjects. To process the data, the mathematical and statistical method was used: Pearson's linear correlation coefficient r.</em></p> <p><em>The nature of the relationship between the level of procrastination and individual personality tendencies to postpone tasks is studied and described. It is found that the key reasons for procrastination are: a reduced level of interest, underestimation of readiness to perform, fear.</em></p> <p><em> The peculiarities of the influence of the level of preverbal trauma on the intensity of procrastination in higher education students are empirically investigated. <strong>Results</strong>: the existence of a relationship between the overall level of procrastination and verbal trauma is revealed. <strong>It is concluded</strong> that with an increase in the level of development of verbal trauma, the overall level of procrastination increases. In the current life situation, it is the work with awareness of the psychological processes that took place during the preverbal period of personality development that helps to reduce the overall level of anxiety, and therefore will affect the reduction of procrastination in higher education students in the performance of tasks.</em></p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024