Proceedings of the National Aviation University Series Philosophy Cultural <p><span class="hps">Collected Works</span> <span class="hps">contains</span> <span class="hps">the results of studies</span> <span class="hps">on topical</span> <span class="hps">problems of philosophy</span> <span class="hps">and cultural studies.</span> <span class="hps">For researchers,</span> <span class="hps">graduates and</span> <span class="hps">students.</span><br /><br /><span class="hps">Language</span>: Ukrainian, <span class="hps"> English.</span></p> en-US (Любов Дротянко) (Ольга Фатич) Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMMUNICATION CULTURE IN HEALTHCARE <p>It is shown that the need to rethink the foundations and principles of communication culture is stimulated by changes in the technical means of communication in all spheres of public life, including healthcare. This affects transformations in the language used in communication processes. It is substantiated that fundamental theories are essential for the study of communication and understanding the role of language in these processes. <strong>The aim </strong>of the study is a complex understanding of the basic philosophical foundations of the formation of a culture of communication and cultural norms of communication in the healthcare sphere. <strong>Research methods</strong> are conceptual foundations of the philosophy of language, principles of philosophical hermeneutics, general scientific principles of historicism and coherence, method of cultural and semantic analysis, logical methods of justification and argumentation are applied. <strong>Research results</strong>. Communication in healthcare is a multi-stage and multi-level: communication takes place within the medical community, between doctors and patients, as well as between medical professionals and public authorities, etc. The process of communication is associated with the use of language, and therefore it requires clarification of the meaning of linguistic expressions. Hermeneutic procedures of interpretation and understanding play a facilitative role in the process of communication. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The problem of communication culture is comprehended by philosophers, scientists in various fields of science, and medical specialists. It is a cross-cutting issue in all spheres of social life, although the form and content of communication processes differ significantly in different social practices. A number of researchers have analyzed views on this issue. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The principles and norms that are fundamental to the formation of a culture of communication in the field of health care have been identified. These are principles of formation of linguistic norms of communication; application of moral principles of mutual respect and tolerance; principles of dialogical communication and others.</p> Liubov Drotianko, Victoriia Tabakovych-Vatseba Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Aviation University Series Philosophy Cultural Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Transformation of Individuality in the Context of Modern Communicative Processes <p>The formation of individuality occurs exclusively within the social space, relying on interpersonal communication. This prompts the question: how are individuation and societal communicative processes interconnected? The article explores modern social reality through the lens of individuality transformation. <strong>The aim</strong> is research on the connection between the transformation of individuality in the context of changes in the information space and the characteristics of interpersonal communication. <strong>Research methods</strong> employ discourse theory and analysis, comparative analysis, as well as systemic-logical, analytical, synthetic, and structural methods. Interdisciplinary and dialectical approaches are also utilized, enabling the integration of philosophical-social, psychological, and sociological concepts to understand the dynamics of modern society. <strong>Research results</strong>. The article presents the stages of individuality formation. It is revealed that this process begins as a reaction to the complication of the social structure, the differentiation of a person's social environment. The modern network society, built on the principles of hypertext and intertextuality, creates new prerequisites for the transformation of individuality, driven by changes in social mobility, culture, political institutions, and spatial-temporal structures. The new individuality is characterized as a hypertextual, nonlinear form that combines the uniqueness of experiences with the growing influence of information flows, bearing both positive (self-determination, identification) and negative (deviations, asociality) connotations. Its core structural elements include the ability to analyze information, form meaningful interpretations, and maintain social uniqueness within the conditions of informational fluidity. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The new ontology is characterized by the simultaneous interaction of geographically distant individuals, physical non-representation, emotional impoverishment, anonymity, and the lack of non-verbal cues. It also includes increased psychological comfort, minimal behavioral regulation, flexibility in shaping social roles and status, diverse communication means, voluntary interactions, and the absence of strong ties to specific social groups or consequences for deviant behavior. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The essence of social reality in the information society has given rise to numerous, often controversial theories. In this context, the concept of the "communicative personality" is viewed as an integral characteristic of an individual, manifested through linguistic, cultural, and behavioral aspects of communication.</p> Liudmyla Konotop , Arthur Ishkhanishvili Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 EARCH FOR THE LAWS OF SOCIETY AND DETERMINANTS OF DEVELOPMENT <p>The article explores the debate on societal laws and development determinants in European philosophy, sociology, and economics, spanning from the mid-19th century to early 21st-century theories. Through analyzing neo-Malthusian theory of economic and demographic cycles, the concept of diffusion waves generated by technological discoveries, the law of information impact, the principles of neodeterminism and nonlinear development, the nature of the historical process is comprehended. <strong>The aim</strong> of the study is to clarify the meaning and prospects of the path that civilization within the concept of nonlinear development and to analyze the outcomes of social and cultural transformations in modern society and their impact on people's lives. <strong>Research methods</strong> of the study are sociocultural and systemic approaches, methods of categorical and logical-analytical analysis, as well as the principles of historicism, synergetics and neo-determinism. <strong>Research results.</strong> In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, researchers specializing in social structure and cultural anthropology, such as J. Goldstone, W. Hardy McNeil, and J.P. Murdoch, developed the structural-demographic theory of historical cycles and the concept of diffusion waves as laws movements of society. For example, J. Goldstone, a proponent of the neo-Malthusian theory of structural-demographic cycles, argued that demographic crises, particularly overpopulation, are key drivers of social upheaval. Diffusionists posited that fundamental cultural elements emerged only once in specific locations due to technological breakthroughs, with the world market’s formation, leading to uneven economic development. Unlike these universal historical laws, the law of information influence is specific to modern information civilizations, addressing the complex shifts in public consciousness. <strong>Discussion</strong>. Being a self-organizing, non-equilibrium structure, society is in a state of nonlinear dynamics (M. Mozheiko, O. Kubalsky). But if society is an unstable, unbalanced system where dynamic cause-and-effect relationships coexist with principles of nonlinear dynamics, its nonlinear and probabilistic nature creates conditions where small-scale events can result in significant consequences. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Thus, we live in a rapidly changing world where new, previously unpredictable technical and technological discoveries and cultural innovations emerge, alongside threats to peace, economic growth, health, and progress. This underscores the enduring interest in searching for social laws, identifying determinants of development, and uncovering the form and meaning of the historical process</p> Serhii Sinjakov Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 LAW AS THE QUINTESSENCE OF THE LEGAL WORLD-SYSTEM <p><em>It analyses the essence and sequence of various cultural, political, economic, and everyday events that are built into a systematically repeating logical structure or pattern. In this regard, the term «world-system» is used to describe the non-randomness of most social processes. In the broad sense of the word, «legal law» is defined as any legal act that operates within a particular legal system. In the narrow sense of the word, it is considered as an ordering of social actions and behavioral acts. At the same time, the state is shown as a factor ensuring the stability and preservation of the world system, provided that effective governance mechanisms are in place</em></p> Julia Kharchenko, Serhii Kharchenko Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 ANTHROPOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF TOLERANCE IN COMMUNICATION: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY <p>Growing social tensions driven by ethnic, cultural, and political conflicts underscore the need to study tolerance as a stabilizing principle. <strong>The aim</strong> is to explore the anthropological grounds of tolerance in contemporary communicative practices. <strong>The tasks</strong> are to identify the specificity of the philosophical-anthropological understanding of the problem of tolerance; to explore the forms of tolerant communication in the context of the information society. <strong>Research methods</strong> includes historical-philosophical, comparative, sociocultural, social-psychological, and anthropological approaches. <strong>Research results</strong>. The concept of tolerance has evolved from ancient notions of endurance to ideas that interpret it as the foundation of civil peace, freedom of belief, and diversity recognition. Anthropologists emphasize its ritualistic basis as a means of avoiding conflict and fostering trust. Modern concepts view tolerance as a mechanism for integrating diversity to ensure social stability. In the digital age, tolerance takes new forms, becoming a tool for inclusion through education, media literacy, and civic initiatives. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The accelerated and fragmented nature of contemporary communication hampers reflection and weakens tolerance, which requires time and openness to engage with others. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The evolution of the concept of tolerance reveals its application to phenomena ranging from compromise to active respect for diversity. The anthropological foundations of tolerance lie in the ability to ensure stable interactions between individuals and groups, grounded in the acceptance of diversity, equality, and openness to dialogue. Ritualized communication can either strengthen or weaken tolerance, depending on linguistic choices and context, while providing space for cultural integration. Cultural relativism aids in adapting tolerance to multicultural environments by overcoming ethnocentrism and promoting mutual respect. In the digital era, tolerance functions as a strategy for inclusion, with digital rituals offering new pathways for cultural integration and global stability</p> Mariіa Abysova Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 ACTUALIZING THE "POLYLOGUE ON THE HUMAN" IN THE EUROPEAN TRADITION OF PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY <p>The <strong>introduction</strong> offers the optics of actualizing anthropological problems in the context of the contemporary post-information society. In particular, the author advocates the idea of reactualizing the concept of "the human" as a leading problem of the continental philosophy, which forces modern intellectuals to reconsider the significance of anthropology both for personal self-knowledge (in ethics and axiology) and for the processes of humanization of being (in ontology, philosophy of history, social philosophy and philosophy of culture). <strong>The aim</strong> of the article is to study trends and vectors of "rediscovering" the subject matter of the human from classical to modern projects of philosophical anthropology. In this way, the author provides a critical understanding of the fundamental problematic nature of the (self-)determination of the human. <strong>Research</strong> <strong>methods</strong>. The topic of the article involves the use of interdisciplinary methods: structuralist-phenomenological, logical-analytical, ethical-axiological, cultural-philosophical, hermeneutic-ontological and comparative, as well as the "history of concepts", "preunderstanding", commentary, explication and interpretation. In the <strong>research results</strong>, the author conducts a historical-philosophical retrospection on the formation of the main problems within the philosophical anthropology, specifically, unfolding the genesis and transformation of the outlined discourse from the ancient classics to the postmodern anthropological multiverse. In particular, the study demonstrates the "anthropocentrism" of the continental philosophy, both in its classical ideas (in the axiology of the movement founder M. Scheler) and modern ones (in the context of the topical discourse of meta-anthropology). The <strong>discussion</strong> outlines the current prospects for the development of the "polylogue on the human" in the European tradition of philosophical anthropology, particularly in its transdisciplinary horizon. In the <strong>conclusions</strong>, the author supports the classical principle of "open question" by O.-F. Bolnov, that considers the infinite possibilities and multifacetedness of the pluralistic interpretation of the human. Contrary to the ontological definition of the human, in the declared axiological perspective the human is permanently open to existence and has the intention of (self-)transcendence. Thus, anthropological interpretation comprehends the inexhaustible fullness of meaning in the existence of each human being</p> Liudmyla Komisar Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 HUMANITY IN THE SYSTEM OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF MODERN COMMUNICATIVE PROCESSES <p>The 21st-century anthropological catastrophe at the heart of European civilization has intensified the need to rethink not only economic and political but also moral and value foundations of man’s existence. <strong>The aim</strong> of the article is to find out the basis on which the internal spiritual community of the participants of communicative processes is being formed. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The study is based on the dialectical method of research, combined with general scientific methods such as the systematic, cultural-historical, and comparative methods. The use of conceptual and terminological analysis enables the identification of the essential characteristics of the concept of "humanity" in relation to categories such as "spirituality," "morality," "compassion," and “understanding." The aim of the article is to find out the basis on which the internal spiritual community of the participants of communicative processes is formed. <strong>Research results</strong>. To single out the anthropological factor, the value-based point of reference, which enables a person, in relation to other representatives of their coexistence, to move from the level of "I-It relationship"(a cognitively pragmatic world, where a person performs a certain utilitarian function, being in a monologic, individualized world) to the level of "I-You relationship" (a dialogical connection that ensures the realization of full-fledged interpersonal relations). <strong>Discussion</strong>. Among the wide range of anthropological dimensions of communicative processes, the concept of "humanity" deserves special attention. Involvement of the conceptual analysis allows to determine the essential characteristics of the concept "humanity" in relation to such categories as "spirituality", "morality", "compassion" and "understanding". <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Humanity, as a worldview-regulatory reference point of a person, is a conscious moral principle that is created and formed in the process of real-life activities of social subjects. When the imperative instructions of morality as a sphere of general duty are transformed into personal convictions, they become spiritual and mental phenomena and regulators, shaping the world of individuals, social groups, communities, families, ethnicities, nations, and society as a whole. The article substantiates the opinion that dialogic communication can be carried out only when its participants establish partner relations, which have signs of humanity in their core</p> Larysa Mokliak Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 POLITICAL COMMUNICATION AND THE LANGUAGE OF MEDIA IN THE POST-INDUSTRIAL ERA <p><em>У статті здійснюється соціально-філософський аналіз трансформацій політичної комунікації і мови медіа у постіндустріальну епоху. Зазначається, що процеси політичної комунікації є невід’ємними від комунікативних процесів, пов’язаних із мовою, мовленням, формуванням семіотичних знакових структур, інформаційним обміном тощо. В постіндустріальну епоху до суб’єктів (агентів) політичної комунікації, які прямо чи опосередковано беруть участь у політичному житті суспільства, належать також мас-медіа. Вони беруть участь у ініціації комунікативного процесу, визначають його зміст, форму і засоби. За допомогою мас-медіа політична влада значно розширює свою зону досяжності і можливості впливу на зовнішній світ. З появою «нових медіа» в постіндустріальному суспільстві змінюються не тільки способи комунікації, мовні форми та засоби, але й трансформуються комунікативні процеси, що визначає їхнє місце в цілісній системі семіотичних явищ і людських стосунків загалом</em></p> Serhii Ordenov Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 VIRTUAL NETWORK COMMUNITIES: THE PROBLEM OF ALIENATION <p>The information age has intensified the problem of societal organization, highlighting the need to explore virtual network communities as a domain of human experience. Virtual network impact on corporeality, alienation, and freedom remains insufficiently studied. <strong>The aim </strong>is a philosophical-anthropological analysis of the interrelations between transformations in the inner world of the individual and the conditions of being within virtual network communities. <strong>The tasks</strong> are to analyze the relationship between mass communication and alienation through the theoretical approaches of the Frankfurt School;&nbsp; to examine changes in the inner world of the individual shaped by the forms of communication in virtual network communities. <strong>Research methodology</strong>. The study is based on theoretical analysis, the historical-philosophical method to explore alienation as a social phenomenon, comparative analysis of modern theoretical concepts, and approaches derived from the network society theory and research on virtual communities. Research results. The analysis of the relationship between mass communication and alienation emphasizes the relevance of the Frankfurt School’s ideas, which demonstrate how mass culture, by imposing standardized values, intensifies alienation. Formal rationality and mass communication become instruments of manipulation and illusory freedom, deepening human dependence. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The question arises as to how the dynamics of network communication influence social connections and cultural norms, shaping new behavioral models. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Virtual network communities contribute to alienation through algorithmic content control, superficial communication, imposition of false needs, commercialization of identity, standardization of thought, and disjunction between online personas and real identities</p> Tetiana Poda Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 THE PHILOSOPHICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSION OF CREATIVITY AND CREATIVENESS <p>Different aspects of the problem of creativity and creativeness have a long and rich history. Interest in the study of this phenomenon dates back to Antiquity and is associated with the mystery and mysticism of the creative process. The earliest scientific studies of creativity in global psychology are attributed to the works of the English scientist Francis Galton, who explored intellectual giftedness through statistical analysis of human performance outcomes. The works of J. Guilford, who introduced the concept of divergent thinking, are considered the starting point for scientific research in the psychology of creativity and experimental studies of creativeness. Contemporary interpretations of the essence of creativity emphasize its universal nature, acknowledging that creative qualities are inherent to all individuals. <strong>The aim and tasks</strong> are to explore the features of the philosophical and psychological dimensions of creativity and creativeness. <strong>Research methods</strong> are general scientific and specialized methods and approaches are employed to investigate the features of the philosophical and psychological dimensions of creativity and creativeness. <strong>Research results</strong>. Different researchers focus on various aspects of creativity, either emphasizing its individual components or constructing systems of interacting elements. Philosophers view creativity as an essence that simultaneously belongs to both the subject and the external world. The most important indicator of creativity is thinking, characterized by divergence, convergence, breadth of categorization, and the remoteness of associations, which reflects a tendency toward broad generalizations of phenomena that are not visibly connected by categorical links. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The discussion includes an analysis of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics specific to each age, emphasizing the need to consider these factors in the process of developing creativity as a personality trait. Particular attention is given to the potential of adolescence in fostering creativity, as this period coincides with the student years. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. A creative personality possesses a creative style of activity, which is based on a developed and systematic sequence of actions aimed at enhancing the ability to perceive uniqueness and novelty in any object and to produce original outcomes or results</p> Ivan Skyba Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 THE CORRELATION OF THE SOCIAL AND INDIVIDUAL IN MODERN SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATIONS: A PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECT <p>Today, due to the emergence of new forms of scientific communication, individual and social characteristics of the cognitive subject have become an integral part of the results of scientific inquiry. <strong>The aim and tasks</strong> are to study the influence of individual and social factors on the latest forms of scientific communications. <strong>Research methods</strong>. In the course of the study, the systemic approach is supplemented with synergistic and dialectical approaches, as the process of the development of scientific knowledge is dialectical in nature. The comparative method is used to examine the dynamics of changes in the system of scientific communications and their impact on the outcomes of scientific inquiry. <strong>Research results</strong>. Nowadays, as communication has largely moved into the realm of virtual reality, the use of new forms of Internet communication for the exchange of scientific information has its own peculiarities. This means that online interactions reflect a new quality of informational and subject-object relations, largely shaped by the language of social networks, which often includes slang, abbreviations, acronyms, and emojis to compensate for the absence of non-verbal cues. However, no matter how convenient virtual communication is, live interaction cannot be fully replaced by it. <strong>Discussion</strong>. Distinguishing between the two main levels of functioning of scientific communication systems-informational and social-is a purely theoretical research abstraction and, as a rule, is not implemented in its pure form in practice. In specific studies, both aspects are usually present, although the emphasis is generally placed on one of them. To characterize scientific communications, classification criteria are used, which, in the context of the emergence of new virtual forms of communication, can already be considered traditional, such as "formal and informal communication," "oral and written communication," "interpersonal and impersonal communication," "direct and mediated communication," and so on. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Contrary to the widespread belief that changes in the process of scientific knowledge caused by the emergence of information technologies and new forms of communication render modern science "faceless," the role of the personal factor in it does not diminish</p> Oksana Skyba Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 INDIVIDUAL AND PERSONAL IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL REALITY <p>The article examines the features of the categories "individual" and "personal" in the context of the phenomenon of modern social being. <strong>The aim </strong>of the study is to analyze the relationship between the individual and the personal as anthropological foundations of the being of society. <strong>Research methodology</strong> consists of philosophical and anthropological, social and philosophical, scientific and systemic approaches, and cognitive attitudes of hermeneutics. <strong>Research results</strong>. Traditionally the categories of "individual" and "personal" were considered as problems of philosophical anthropology, and the category of "social" as a fundamental term of social and philosophical discourse. However, understanding the social as a communicative process changes the status of these categories. In this case, the social is interpreted both as "public", but also as "common", "shared", "compatible" (in the aspect of the "I" – "the Other" relationship). <strong>Discussion</strong>. The works of H. Arendt, M. Buber, L. Drotianko, J. Habermas, E. Husserl, R. Debreu, N. Elias, V. Lukyanets, K. Pigrov, A. Repa, S. Sinjakov, T. Shorina, K. Jaspers and others were of scientific interest. The types of communication that determine the general position of a person as one among others, the relationship between the individual and the social in the aspect of understanding the dialogical nature of human existence were analyzed. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The formation of social reality is determined by relations between people and at the same time it is independent of them. While human existence transcends social being, it remains inseparable from it. Hence, at the communicative level of understanding society, we are talking not so much about the functioning of traditional social institutions (science, law, state, civil society, etc.). Instead, the focus shifts to such a "common" as the life world and such an "institution" as culture. In this case, we refer to the environment of interpersonal interaction, communication, and dialogue occurring "here" and "now," where individuals engage creatively within the framework of social and philosophical traditions</p> Tetiana Sukhodub Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND DIGITAL PLATFORMS: THE SOCIOCULTURAL CONTEXT <p>Information and communication technologies have dramatically changed work and professional activities, transforming the workplace into a sociotechnical environment. New forms of economic processes, such as the platform economy and the sharing economy, are changing the philosophy of work and the way of life, turning them into an algorithm-driven labor process. <strong><em>The aim</em></strong> of the article is to examine the impact of information and communication technologies on the transformation of professional activity in the context of the platform economy, the sharing economy; to analyze the social aspects of professional activity and individual development. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The comparative, hermeneutical, and contextual analyses are used. Axiological and sociocultural approaches are used. <strong>Research results.</strong> It is demonstrated that digital platforms change the existing organization of professional and economic activities, the principles of value creation, and transform the rules of hiring, employment, and relationships with clients and customers, while establishing the conditions under which users can access services. The author examines the key concepts used in the digital platform economy and provides a typology of digital platforms based on the functions they perform. Additionally, the author describes the opportunities platforms offer to their users and the risks they face, particularly the spread of precarious employment and the lack of social guarantees. <strong>Discussion</strong>. A digital platform is a sociotechnical system that connects people, producers, and consumers. At the same time, the digital platform uses algorithmic strategies of control and distancing, which limits the autonomy of workers and their ability to develop meaningful social connections. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Digital platforms enable a wide range of human activities, from information exchange and leisure to service delivery and production, and shape the conditions under which participants interact with one another. This radically changes work, communication, value creation, and competition for customers, as well as the quality of work outcomes. At the same time, the principles of organizing professional activities, traditions of professionalism, and the culture of interaction between professionals and customers and consumers are being transformed</p> Anton Shapoval Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 THE PUBLIC SPHERE AND CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES: SOCIAL-PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS <p>The presence of a public sphere is a defining feature of all democratic societies. With the rise of commercialization, political intervention, and mass media, especially new media in the late 20th century, the nature of the public sphere has transformed. In our time, the public sphere is a contradictory and dynamic phenomenon, and the theoretical interpretations in its study are just as diverse. This is what determines the increased cognitive interest in its analysis.<strong>The aim and tasks</strong> are to briefly clarify the historical evolution in the socio-philosophical understanding of the public sphere, to explore the conditions of its recent transformation, and to formulate contemporary problems and challenges. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The theory and method of discourse analysis, the method of comparative analysis, as well as systemic-logical, dialectical, analytical, synthetic, and structural research methods are used.<strong>Research results</strong>. In a broad sense, the concept of the public sphere has its roots in ancient Greek philosophical thought and political democratic culture. In the 20th century, J. Habermas was the first to theoretically substantiate the concept of the public sphere as a space in which citizens could freely discuss public issues and criticize the government. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The introduction of new digital media communications forces us to reconsider the concept of the public sphere, exploring the profound shifts and problems that this space brings to democratic discourse. J. Habermas notes contradictory trends that indicate, on the one hand, the expansion of access to information and public openness, but at the same time, lead to the regression of democratic institutions and the degradation of public communication. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Despite criticisms of metaphysicality and empirical inaccuracy from various critics, J. Habermas's concept of the public sphere retains much heuristic value. It performs a normative and regulatory role in social life, namely, it serves the cause of solidarization, and integration of people based on rational and collective values</p> Tetiana Shorina Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE THEORY OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT <p><em>У статті аналізуються філософські та соціально-економічні теорії, які сприяють сталому суспільному розвитку в умовах глобалізаційних процесів в соціально-економічному та суспільному житті людства, а також визначені роль і місце ефективного альтруїзму у вирішенні проблем голоду, бідності, епідемій тощо. Методологічну основу дослідження склали історико-філософський, науково-системний, герменевтичний підходи, а також теоретичні засади діалектичного підходу у трактуванні ефективного альтруїзму. Увагу зосереджено на філософських основах гуманізму, на розумінні глобалізаційних процесів, на природі людини та її проявах в моральних інтуїціях та утилітаризмі. Описано філософію життя ефективних альтруїстів, які присвятили себе розвитку людства</em></p> Juliia Humeniuk Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 SOCIAL AND MEDICAL MODELS OF DISABILITY: IN SEARCH OF FOUNDATIONS FOR POSTPHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH <p>During the war, the number of people with disabilities, particularly physical ones, significantly increases. This shapes society's demand for an understanding and exploration of corporeality in the context of disability studies. <strong>The aim</strong> of this article is to create a foundation for understanding disability in a post-phenomenological research framework through a critique of existing models of disability. Accordingly, the tasks are: 1) analysis of two main models of disability in Western society; 2) post-phenomenological questioning of disability through the critique of disability models. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The main methodological lens of this article is the postphenomenological approach, which is based on the approaches of M. Merleau-Ponty and D. Ihde. <strong>Research results</strong>. Arguments are given that medical and social models of disability are as far away from a comprehensive understanding of the body and physicality as possible. This happens because the body is either instrumentalized and marginalized, or subordinated to space at the level of other objects. It is time to develop a new approach in disability studies, with a focus on the person themselves and the ontology of their corporeality experience. According to the author of this article, this new approach should be postphenomenology. The first attempt was made to determine what the foundations of post-phenomenological research on disability, namely: 1) turning to the ontology of corporeality; 2) preservation of the fundamental inclusion of corporeality in being-in-the-world; 3) fundamental openness of our experience to the Other and knowledge of the world and oneself through the Other; 4) outline the new meaning of technologies in the context of the topography of experience. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The social model is currently criticized even by its creators, in particular T. Siebers, who emphasizes that a return to the body and corporeality must be made. The next step of his criticism is precisely the transition to postphenomenology. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The postphenomenological lens of questioning brings closer to a human-centered approach in disability studies. Postphenomenology will help to form a qualitatively new model of disability that will firstly meet the needs of people with disabilities, and will not increase feelings of guilt or prejudice towards disability</p> Denys Chernetskyi Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 HE HUMANISTIC ASPECT OF DIGITALIZATION IN MODERN UKRAINIAN EDUCATION <p>In the context of globalization challenges, the development of education is undergoing changes as a result of its digitalization, highlighting the relevance of studying this phenomenon. While numerous publications have examined the organizational aspects of implementing digitalization in education, the humanistic component remains less explored. <strong>The aim and tasks</strong>. This article aims to understand the risks associated with the digitalization of education from a humanistic perspective, which is specified in the tasks: to analyze the works that deal with the specified process, and to outline the problems arising from the implementation of these technologies. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research includes general scientific and special methods and approaches, applied to the study of education digitalization. Among these methods is a systematic approach, which aims to reveal the holistic nature of pedagogical phenomena (in this case, the various manifestations of digitalization). <strong>Research results</strong>. In our time, it is crucial to assess the acceptability the consequences of the introduction of digital technologies, their necessity, both from a humanistic perspective. Such an assessment should be based on the criterion of whether society's development is oriented towards the preservation of the biological species Homo sapiens. Digitalization of various spheres of life, including education, can be evaluated as both a positive and a negative phenomenon. The ambiguity of such an assessment lies in the fact that these technologies belong to information and communication technologies, as part of information and communication technologies, are inherently neutral from a humanistic perspective but can be used for different purposes. The limits of the spread of digital technologies in the educational sphere and the content of educational support on electronic media must be controlled at the state level. Discussion. The quality of education is determined not by the number of computers and information bases, but by the level of formation of humanistic personalities who are competent, particularly in the effective processing of information to acquire systematic and objective knowledge. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Digitization should be implemented on a humanistic basis, ensuring the formation of humanistic personalities. Cases of the negative use of digital technologies should be neutralized in time, and their impact should be limited</p> Nadiia Ashytok Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 THE PHENOMENON OF COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY <p>The characteristics of the information era make it possible to state dynamic and radical changes in communicative interaction, which is primarily related to the high rank in the hierarchy of information values. <strong>The aim and tasks</strong> of the article are to understand the communicative characteristics of the information society through the prism of the sociocultural component. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The methodological toolkit relies on philosophical-anthropological, hermeneutic, and socio-cultural approaches. <strong>Research results</strong>. It is proved that the phenomenon of communicative culture from a factor that accompanies the process of social interaction turns into one of the leading factors of achieving social stability and orderliness due to its stabilizing effect on communicative processes. At the same time, in the context of informatization, communication faces growing challenges, as manipulative technologies and emotionally charged content, such as fake news, viral slogans, and memes, increasingly dominate, leading to the dehumanization of discourse, the rise of "decommunication," and the erosion of genuine understanding in favor of controlled narratives shaped by states, corporations, and other agents of influence. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The analysis of the communicative characteristics of the modern cultural age in the context of informatization complements the conceptual achievements of theorists in formalized issues. This analysis aims to identify positive and negative trends of means of communication in modern conditions. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. In the information era, communicative culture takes on an ambivalent character: on the one hand, it involves a more flexible toolkit for creating information products, while on the other, it is accompanied by numerous risks that demand information literacy from the subjects of interaction</p> Olga Antipova Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 UPDATE OF THE CULTURAL-HISTORICAL POTENTIAL OF POLYVOICES IN CHORAL PERFORMANCE AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINE <p>The ecological categorical imperative of cultural creation prompts the reflection on the entire corpus of meta-ecological issues in art. <strong>The aim </strong>of the article is to determine the phenomenon of the ecosystem approach to the actualization of partes singing in modern choral performance. <strong>Research methodology</strong> is presented with comparative and systematic approaches, which makes it possible to carry out a comparative analysis of monophonic and part singing as sources of modern choral performance. <strong>Research results</strong>. The ecological categorical imperative of cultural creation prompts us to comprehend the entire body of meta-ecological issues of art. The prefix "meta" presents two dimensions of cultural ecosystems: "post-natural", the actual cultural dimension, and "meta" describes the universal dimension of cultural creation, in particular the paradigm of metaecology as a universal reflective instruction. A wide field of performing paradigms is being formed, which unfold in the space of both self-sufficient artistry, the personification of performing skill, and a large layer of symbiosis of performing skill, which combines the potential of communicative inversions and at the same time a reconstructive space where they try to repeat or simulate the performing skill of local bands. <strong>Discussion</strong> The actualization of metaphysical origins in art is not a one-dimensional process, it requires polyphonic, polystructural, polycomponent and polykinetic procedural integrity of the modulation of the artistic image. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The symbiosis of monophonic and partes singing is implicitly formed as a correlation between the extensive and intensive metrics of sound production. The vertical of the main voice-mode is formed. The musical fabric of the choral performance is transformed, becomes composite. The newest genres of instrumental music are being formed: sonata, symphony, suite, concert</p> Elizaveta Arefieva Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATION IN A DIGITALIZED SOCIETY: ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECT <p>Digital technologies penetrate all levels of education, driving integrative changes in social communication. Innovations like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, 3D printing, and Big Data profoundly impact modern life, transforming learning methods, communication, and the foundations of personal development and worldview formation. <strong>The aim</strong> of the article is the philosophical reflection on the transformation of educational communication in a digitalized society. <strong>Research methods</strong> are general philosophical methods – analysis and synthesis, generalization, structural-functional analysis – as well as anthropological and axiological approaches. These methods enabled the study to demonstrate the transformation of educational communication and its impact on shaping individuals in a digitalized society. <strong>Research results</strong>. The study of digitalization processes is tied to the historical specifics of modern society and its gradual transformation under various influences. This society demands new educational approaches for rapid adaptation and effective use of digital technologies. However, the drawbacks of digitalization should not be overlooked. In the non-linear development paradigm, knowledge accumulation does not always translate into qualitative growth, as shown in assessments of education quality in the digital age. The anthropological dimension of educational communication reveals how teaching and knowledge transfer are reshaped by the integration of digital technologies. <strong>Discussion</strong>. A key factor in rebuilding our country is the development of human capital. Researchers L. Drotianko, S. Ordenov, and N. Chenbai highlight the importance of social and humanities disciplines in preparing individuals for today's challenges. These mandatory subjects in higher education significantly contribute to this goal. Scholars in pedagogy, psychology, and philosophy also emphasize maintaining diverse forms of communication in education. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Preserving worldview as a key human trait linked to thinking is a critical task for modern education. Digital technologies transform how information is produced, consumed, and how humans interact with machines. However, digitalization also brings challenges, such as socialization issues from changing communication in education. Balancing technological development with ethical, legal, and social considerations is essential for harmonious personal growth</p> Hanna Kleshnia Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 ANTHROPOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF CONTEMPORARY COMMUNICATIONS <p>The article explores the anthropological potential of the leading medium of contemporary communication – the Internet. In the modern information society, the Internet has transformed into a dominant means of communication. It has come to shape both the methods and forms of interaction. The anthropological potential of the Internet is examined through the example of the Catholic Church's cyberspace. The aim and tasks are to outline the distinctive approach of the Catholic Church to the issue of the possibilities presented by modern communications, as well as the anthropological and humanistic potential of the global Internet network. Research methods employ systemic and phenomenological approaches, along with the method of systemic analysis, which allows for identifying the distinctive features of the approach to the issue of the Internet, its challenges, and opportunities in the social doctrine of Catholicism. Additionally, the methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as structural and logical research methods, are applied. Research results. An integral component of the social teaching of the Catholic Church is its doctrine on social communications, highlighting the Church's role and mission within contemporary communicative processes. Since its inception, the Internet has been the focus of in-depth attention from Catholic scholars, theologians, and Church hierarchs. The "World Wide Web" is conceptualized as a new stage in the development of social and individual communication, offering novel opportunities. Both the positive and negative aspects of the Internet depend solely on humans as its creators and users. The Catholic Church actively shapes a cyberspace within the Internet where the anthropological potential of the global network is manifested and utilized for the personal spiritual development of individuals. Discussion. The works of many foreign and domestic scholars provide a scientific and philosophical analysis of the characteristics of communication in the context of the information society, particularly within cyberspace. They also examine the specific features of the communicative concept of the Catholic Church. Conclusions. The Catholic Church views the Internet not merely as a given of the modern era but as a field of active engagement. In the documents of the Catholic Church and the works of theologians and scholars, both the challenges arising from contemporary communicative processes in cyberspace and the proposed solutions to these issues are thoughtfully addressed.</p> Oleksandra Matyukhina Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL DIMENSION OF COMMUNICATION IN THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS <p>Modern education is transforming due to ICT technologies, which reshape learning culture, student identity, and relationships. The war in Ukraine adds unique challenges, impacting the education system and emotional well-being. <strong>The aim</strong> of the study is to explore the anthropological dimension of communication in contemporary education, particularly in the context of online learning amidst the war in Ukraine. <strong>Research methodology</strong> incorporates cultural-historical, sociocultural, and synergetic approaches. The cultural-historical approach explores communication in education through cultural traditions and historical shifts, including the war in Ukraine, revealing its effects on teacher-student interactions and social skills in online learning. The sociocultural approach examines social interactions and contexts, focusing on how technology reshapes cultural identity and how the war impacts emotional connections in education. The synergetic approach analyzes education as a dynamic system, highlighting how wartime online learning influences communication, educational effectiveness, and skill development. <strong>Research results</strong>. The advent of the Internet and digital technologies has radically transformed communication practices, creating a "networked society" (M. Castells). In education, the shift to digital technologies has driven the rise of online courses and virtual classrooms, transforming interaction dynamics. Castells highlights that networked interaction enables global collaboration, expanding learning opportunities while involving emotional components. Tools like chats, video conferencing, and online forums reshape engagement, facilitating real-time lessons and access to resources from anywhere. In Ukraine, the war has significantly altered education, emphasizing distance learning and introducing challenges like declining attendance, educator shortages, and the need for adapted assessments, profoundly impacting the educational experience. <strong>Discussion</strong>. New forms of student-teacher interaction reflect shifting cultural norms, necessitating analysis through philosophy of education. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Research shows that limited face-to-face communication hinders younger students' social skill development, especially in war contexts where psychological stress challenges pedagogy. Remote learning decreases emotional connections, fostering isolation and impacting motivation, further exacerbated by anxiety and uncertainty. In Ukraine, educational losses stem from stress and disrupted learning processes, highlighting the need for innovative approaches to communication in education. Support programs are emerging, but their effectiveness requires philosophical evaluation to improve educational culture</p> Tetiana Mershchii Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 THE COMMUNICATIVE DIMENSION OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN THE CULTURE OF INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY <p>Human economic communication covers various dimensions: the realm of human society, relationships with other individuals, interactions with the natural environment, and engagement with the supernatural world. To philosophically comprehend the essence of the new cultural phenomenon of the Western world-economic man (Homo economicus) – it is essential to characterize the time of its emergence (modern history) as a social phenomenon. <strong>The aim</strong> of the article is to study the communicative dimensions of economic activity in the culture of an industrial society. <strong>Research methods</strong> encompass a dialectical approach, emphasizing the principle of the unity of logical and historical, along with socio-cultural determinism. Additionally, the principles of the systemic approach, communication theory, phenomenology are used. <strong>Research results</strong>.The communicative activity of the economic man of the New Age was carried out in the context of two domains of interaction: communication with the Supernatural and interaction with people who constituted a certain society. Such communication was also carried out through the prism of religious experience. <strong>Discussion</strong>. From a socio-philosophical point of view, the cultural phenomenon of Homo economicus, as well as the nature of his communicative processes, and its peculiarities, are primarily a social phenomenon of a concrete-historical character. This understanding is based on the relationship between the individual and the collective (social) in the essential nature of a person. The concept of the economic man inherently assumes the presence of others and views human essence as the product of active interaction with the socio-historical whole. Within this framework, objectification takes place. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Analyzing the formation of the communicative dimension of economic activity in industrial society, we define the "economic man" as a socio-cultural phenomenon reflected in political economy, sociology, philosophy, and fiction. This phenomenon is evident in two aspects: the individual’s social and personal experience embodied in practical activity and self-reflection on life, socio-economic status, and relationships with the world. A socio-philosophical understanding of the communicative component of economic activity is essential, as the core principles and mechanisms of communication from the industrial era persist in the information society, helping to refine the communicative foundations of economic success</p> Olena Sidorkina Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 ANIMATED POSTERS: HISTORY AND GENESIS <p>Animated posters are a relatively new communication form that combines graphic design and animation, creating new opportunities for audience engagement. Although animated posters are gaining popularity, there is a lack of research highlighting their historical origins and development features. The study <strong>aims</strong> to analyze the history and genesis of animated posters in graphic design to identify the stages of their formation, key characteristics, and factors that contributed to their development. <strong>The tasks are</strong> to review the origins of poster graphic design and analyze the stages of animation development in graphic design; to identify the main characteristics of animated posters and examine the specifics of their evolution; to analyze the impact of technological changes on the development of animated posters and their role in modern media. The <strong>research methodology</strong> is based on qualitative and quantitative analysis, including an online survey among the target audience and a review of existing examples of animated posters. Two surveys were conducted, with 42 respondents divided into three groups, each evaluating two sets of questions. Informal interviews with experienced designers were also held to gain practical insights into animated design, supplemented by a literature review and an in-depth analysis of 15 case studies, focusing on the frame and timing aspects as key components of motion design. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The findings confirm the effectiveness of animated posters in capturing attention and improving information retention compared to static images. Comparative analysis with previous studies on animated typography and motion graphics highlights the effectiveness of short animations lasting 10–15 seconds, particularly for social networks and mobile platforms. Designers also support the integration of augmented reality (AR) into posters for enhanced audience interaction, though further experiments with AR elements are needed to determine optimal approaches for poster design. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Animated posters have evolved from traditional forms, gaining dynamic and interactive features that attract audience attention. Technological advancements have enriched graphic design's communicative potential by allowing the blending of text, images, sound, and motion to create interactive and engaging content. Integrating augmented reality and virtual reality into posters offers new opportunities for audience engagement and education, creating an ecosystem where image, animation, and digital design intersect. Thus, animated posters emerge as an important medium with potential for future development through the integration of modern technologies into visual communications</p> Yurii Sosnytskyi Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 EDUCATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF CONSCIOUSNESS TRANSFORMATION IN THE DIGITAL SOCIETY <p>The 21st-century individual faces challenges stemming from the superficiality of "clip communication," which lacks a profound worldview as a foundation for ontological and axiological understanding. Education, once a societal good, has been reduced to a market service, leaving unresolved the question of forms capable of effectively transforming human consciousness in the digital age. <strong>The aim and tasks </strong>are identifying the features of the transformation of modern human consciousness and the new forms of its communication in the context of digitalization. <strong>Research methodology</strong> combines general scientific and philosophical methods, enabling the analysis of contemporary educational processes and the further transformation of human consciousness. A comparative approach facilitates the evaluation of researchers' forecasts and insights regarding future solutions to educational challenges. <strong>Research results</strong>. The implementation of new technologies, which have evolved from auxiliary tools enhancing comfort and quality of life into a dominant factor, significantly influences human behavior, culture, and education systems. Digitalization transforms the process of shaping consciousness in the new era, while virtual space, increasingly replacing physical space, becomes a testing ground for humanity's survival and the preparation of future generations. In this context, digital literacy, understanding new tools, and competence in technological solutions are essential skills for the 21st-century individual. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The transformation of the information and educational space, where individualized online education is being formed, raises the question of how modernization should be implemented to foster cross-cultural values in a generation born into the digital world, unfamiliar with any other realities. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The Internet expands the cultural space, creating a multi-cluster structure in which individual clusters may remain isolated, like Leibniz’s monads. This leads to the transformation of socialization in the real world and enhances the possibilities of manipulating consciousness, highlighting the unpreparedness of many people to adapt to digital reality. In the period of the emergence of the information society, it is crucial to achieve a theoretical breakthrough, which can be facilitated by mathematics and philosophy. Key questions remain to be addressed: 1) For what kind of world are we reforming the educational space? 2) Will the highest universal values, such as love, freedom, and will, be preserved there? 3) What is the purpose of the knowledge gained through artificial intelligence regarding the management of people and machines? The information and educational space must become a controlled structure capable of ensuring individualized educational activities in a digital environment</p> Nadiia Sukhova Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 PECULIARITIES OF IDENTITY FORMATION IN NEW SOCIOCULTURAL REALITIES <p>. In contemporary society, transformations are taking place that influence the formation of a new type of personality, one who chooses their own model of existence in a contradictory world. Objectively, only those human characteristics that can contribute to both the progressive development of the individual and society as a whole are in demand. These dynamics have led to the necessity of exploring the problem of identity, whose formation occurs within the framework of cyberculture's achievements. <strong>The aim and tasks</strong> involve identifying the peculiarities of identity formation in the context of the dominance of cyberculture values, which generate numerous new opportunities for individuals. <strong>Research methods</strong>. An important methodological tool of the research is the sociocultural approach, along with the principles of historicism and systemic analysis. The theoretical and methodological foundation of this study rests on the works of philosophers who have explored the phenomenon of identity across various historical and cultural epochs. <strong>Research results.</strong> In contemporary society, there is a renewed surge of interest among researchers in the issues of self-identity and social identity. Significant contributions to the study of these problems have been made by existentialist concepts, while postmodern philosophy has proclaimed the notion of "zero identity," emphasizing that today it is only possible to speak of a multiplicity of identities and even the absence of a need for self-identity. Individuals are encouraged to free themselves from the constraints associated with the concept of identity and to embrace their uniqueness and fluidity as an integral part of life. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The modern personality is shaped by cyberculture, resulting in the emergence of a new type of personality—virtual or networked—characterized by internal multiplicity. This new environment leads to the devaluation and desacralization of the individual; their development is determined by the process of interpretation, and their formation aligns with the demands of the networked society and networked culture. Consequently, identity becomes a mechanism that aids adaptation to the reality in which individuals live. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. As society evolves, notions of identity naturally undergo transformations, driven by changes in the cultural environment and people's lifestyles. The fundamental condition for personality formation in today's dynamic world is the ability to choose one's own identity, with the right to modify and shape its components in accordance with core value orientations</p> Natalia Chenbai Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 WORLDVIEW AND POLITICAL TRAINING OF A CITIZEN IN THE PERIOD OF SOCIAL CHANGES <p>Modern civic education of an individual is based on the fundamental humanitarian standards of spiritual, political, legal, and ideological orientation, which have developed throughout the history of the Ukrainian people, their culture, and traditions. The initial ideological and political formation of a citizen begins within the family and takes on systemic forms in educational institutions of various levels. Ideological and political preparation becomes particularly significant during periods of social change, when societal and individual ideals, principles, and norms of life activity undergo transformation. <strong>Research methods</strong> of the research consist of a systematic and complex approach, on the basis of which the meaningful components of civic education are studied and summarized, as well as the principles of worldview pluralism, the objectivity of the study of the political training of a citizen in the period of social changes are substantiated. The methods of anthropological reduction and anthropological interpretation made it possible to reveal and substantiate the worldview aspect of the process of formation of a Ukrainian citizen. <strong>Research results</strong>. It is noted that the worldview culture of an individual is formed thanks to the acquisition of worldview knowledge, values, beliefs, ideals, principles, and attitude towards the world. It is emphasized that state institutions, public organizations, pedagogical communities should pay more attention to political education and upbringing of pupils and students in the period of social changes. A young person needs systematic theoretical and applied knowledge about the functioning of the political and legal systems of the country, the regime of power, understanding the role of political parties and civil structures in a democratic country, etc. <strong>Discusssion</strong>. Humanity is defined as a reference point for the psychological-pedagogical and philosophical training of Ukrainian citizens, and empathy as a guidepost for upbringing and education. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Peculiarities of worldview and political training of a citizen (pupil, student) in the period of social changes due to the transformation of social and individual ideals, principles, norms of life are considered. An integral indicator of effective worldview and political formation of a citizen is a high level of political, legal, and spiritual culture. It is noted that the criteria for the formation of worldview, and correspondingly political, legal culture in a modern pupil (student) as an indicator of the development of civic qualities have a cognitive, activity and emotional-volitional character</p> Oleksandr Prytula Copyright (c) 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200