Proceedings of the National Aviation University Series Philosophy Cultural <p><span class="hps">Collected Works</span> <span class="hps">contains</span> <span class="hps">the results of studies</span> <span class="hps">on topical</span> <span class="hps">problems of philosophy</span> <span class="hps">and cultural studies.</span> <span class="hps">For researchers,</span> <span class="hps">graduates and</span> <span class="hps">students.</span><br /><br /><span class="hps">Language</span>: Ukrainian, <span class="hps"> English.</span></p> National Aviation University en-US Proceedings of the National Aviation University Series Philosophy Cultural 2411-5606 DYNAMICS OF THE SOCIOCULTURAL SPACE OF EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF CRISIS PROCESSES IN UKRAINE <p><strong>Introduction.</strong> Studying dynamic changes in the sociocultural dimension of education reform is a priority for understanding the strategy and direction of its development in crisis conditions. <strong>The aim</strong> of the article is to understand the development of the socio-cultural space of education in Ukraine in the context of crisis conditions. <strong>Research methods</strong> encompass general scientific and special methods, including theoretical analysis, systematization, comparison, and generalization. <strong>Research results.</strong> The socio-cultural unity of the world countries is manifested in the crisis characteristic of modern education, which is caused by the increasing gap between culture and education. The traditional education system uses fixed methods and rules designed to cope with already-known situations. Traditional education should be replaced by education aimed at training creative individuals who are able to solve problems in a non-standard way in situations of uncertainty. Modernization of education in crisis conditions is carried out with a dynamism that is not typical for its progressive development in peacetime, since the extremity of these conditions requires a quick and effective stabilization of education, ensuring its ability to perform its inherent functions and meet the requirements of modernity. It is necessary to carry out the modernization of education in parallel with the stabilization of other spheres of social life, in particular, culture. <strong>Discussion</strong>. Despite the indisputability of the existence of prefigurative cultures, the example of an electronic communication network, considered by M.Mead as a factor in the separation of generations within this culture, is currently unconvincing. Nowadays, this network has become a common sphere of communication for all strata of the population. For prefigurative cultures, the experience of elders is transferred to representatives of the younger generation to a much lesser extent, but this is not due to the means of communication, but to changes in the content and conditions of acquiring experience. <strong>Conclusion</strong>. The modernization of the sociocultural space of education in Ukraine in crisis conditions is determined both by urgent needs, aimed mainly at stabilizing education, and by the desire to meet world standards.</p> Nadiia Ashytok Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 102 105 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18466 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINANTS OF MUSICAL CULTURE DEVELOPMENT AS REFLECTIVE INSTRUMENTS OF THE VISUAL TURN <p><strong>Introduction<em>. </em></strong>The response to the challenges posed by technological innovations in cultural genesis is the emergence of a broad ecosystem movement in philosophical and cultural studies reflection. The context in which this reflection, especially in art criticism, finds itself increasingly relies on visual artifacts, and visuality substitutes for philosophy, with the image assuming the role of an ontological essence. <strong>The aim</strong> of the article is to define the phenomenon of the ecosystem approach to the interpretation of modern musical culture in the context of the visual turn. The <strong>research methodology</strong> is presented with comparative and polysystemic approaches, making it possible to analyze metacultural and meta-artistic integrity of musical culture as a certain synthesis of the reconstruction of the determinants of the human dimension of visual and virtual transformations of musical content. <strong>Research results.</strong> The visual turn is the latest innovation of cultural reflection, which is widely advertised and presented as a kind of communicative and at the same time spectacular constant of today's culture. Ecological dimensions of cultural creation actualize the definition of increased reflectivity, areflexivity, escapism, and replacement of reality with a representation as a certain simulacrum, which sooner or later declares itself as a rejection of the human dimension of creativity, replacing it with a visual-virtual technocenosis of the musical cultural space. <strong>Discussion. </strong>The replacement of the artistic act with the realities of visuality, which acquire an extremely expressive, ecstatic and at the same time aggressive appearance, prompts what is said to be a visual turn when the visual status of the eidetic of musical content acquires the completed image of the musical space of culture. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>The horizons of the understanding of cultural values are changing, and new contexts for the presentation of cultural practices, in particular music, are being formed. A kind of art reality arises, which prompts certain hybrid art projects, such as visual design, television, video, media constellations, and art constructions, which are artistic creations, where music is translated into the language of the visual. On the one hand, a wide pressure of artification dominates, on the other, systems of cultural creation are being formed, which can be associated with the underground, a kind of cryptoculture, which is purely marginal and is formed in conditions of visual reservations.</p> Elizaveta Arefieva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 105 110 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18467 THE PLACE OF IMPRESSION IN CONSUMER CULTURE: EVOLUTION OF VALUE STRATEGIES IN CONSUMERISM <p><strong>Introduction</strong> The impulse to do this research is an analytical section of the work of Joseph Pine and James Gilmore's "Economy of Impressions". The work primarily discusses the significant changes that have occurred in consumerism strategies in recent times. Consumerism, one of the dominant forces of modern culture, has rearranged the space of consumerism per the consumer's request: the consumer now focuses on impressions from the product. <strong>The aim</strong> <strong>and tasks</strong> are to substantiate the reasons that led to changes in strategies in the structure of consumerism, particularly the shift from focusing on goods to impressions. It also covers the situation where consumers are now more interested in the impression a product leaves on them rather than the product itself. <strong>Research methods.</strong> To achieve the set objective, the investigation employs hermeneutic interpretation procedures, analysis of sociocultural phenomena and processes, and comparison of philosophical concepts and theoretical properties. <strong>Research results</strong>. In recent years, consumerism has changed the vector of its strategic priorities to stabilize the connection with the consumer. Nowadays, the consumer is no longer interested in just the products. Therefore, the emphasis shifts from the thing itself to the flora with which it is enveloped. Advertising is no longer as effective as it used to be since it has lost its «sacred» nature of doubling and has become a mere empty multiplication of irrelevant signs. <strong>Discussion</strong>. Consumers, being oversaturated with products, now seek more impressions from the spectacles that follow the services offered by the world of consumerism. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. It can be argued that in the realm of consumer culture, the emphasis has shifted from the goods and things themselves to the impressions that the consumer derive from them. On the one hand, this shift has been brought about by changes in the very system of consumerism strategies, for example, due to the leveling of advertising as a phenomenon. On the other hand, it is connected with changes in the perception of the consumer, who is oversaturated with products and goods.</p> Ruslan Grechkosii Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 110 114 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18468 RHETORICAL ONTOLOGY AND THEO-AESTHETICS BY DAVID BENTLEY HART <p><strong>Introduction.</strong> The work investigated the rhetorical ontology and theological aesthetics of D.&nbsp;B.&nbsp;Hart. Hart advocates for overcoming the "Neopalamite synthesis", which prevailed in the Orthodox theology of the 20th century, and criticizes neopatristics as a contemporary Orthodox project. The acceptance of the unity of the Christian tradition of the West and the East in the theology of D.&nbsp;Hart is due to his openness to the "Radical Orthodoxy" of John Milbank. <strong>The a</strong><strong>im </strong>is to investigate the evolution of D.&nbsp;B.&nbsp;Hart's theology, to critically analyse its main ideas, and to identify probable lines of influence on Ukrainian theology. <strong>Research methods </strong>are based on generally accepted philosophical and theological tools. <strong>Research results. </strong>Christian rhetoric has as its basis the assertion that in God himself the truth of distinction is most fully and perfectly expressed, which is not a gap, but is an infinite expression within the very infinity of God. An important source of D.&nbsp;Hart's theology is the theory of the "analogy of being", which is based not on the relationship between the Creator and creation, but on the Trinitarian life itself. In the theology of D.&nbsp;Hart, in such a Trinitarian ontology, the postmodern "tragedy of distinction" is an impassable distance of absence, impenetrability of violence. All the "existence" of a contingent being has no ground for Harth, except the generous and unnecessary gift of the extension of one's own Beauty and Goodness by the Triune God. Because God is a relationship of Love, and similarly, all created things exist in relation to individuals who are in a relationship of love with each other, with God, and concerning the world. <strong>Discussion.</strong> In contrast to Heidegger, Christian theology, for the first time in the history of Western metaphysics, asserted with full confidence the ontological distinction between Being and being. If for M.&nbsp;Heidegger the being always falls into an impassable distance, then for D.&nbsp;Hart, following Gregory of Nyssa, creation has the capacity for infinite ascension to God. <strong>Conclusions</strong><strong>. </strong>The American Orthodox theologian goes beyond the thematic boundaries of Orthodox theology and works in a broader general Christian context. Moreover, in Hart's project, which follows the guidelines of Radical Orthodoxy, theology enters the contemporary philosophical landscape as an independent subject that not only perceives the "languages of the world" but consistently and uncompromisingly puts forward its own narrative. In its openness, which is nevertheless polemical and not conducive to the "dissolution" of theology in philosophical meta-narratives, Hart's theology takes Orthodox thought to another level, which overcomes the limitations and catastrophic flaws of the neo-patristic synthesis, which becomes a vivid testimony to the transition of Orthodox theology to a state of "post-neo-patristic".</p> Vasyl Lozovytskyi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 114 122 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18469 CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING ON THE ROLE OF MODERN COMMUNICATION PROCESSES IN HARMONIZING THE INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL <p><strong>Introduction.</strong> The article explores the peculiarities of understanding the issue of modern communicative processes and their role in harmonizing the individual and social in the social teaching of the Catholic Church. In the social teaching of the Catholic Church, considerable attention is paid to the analysis of modern communication processes and their role in transforming the social sphere. It sees them as a catalyst for harmonizing the relationship between the individual and social, noting their humanistic potential. <strong>The aim</strong> of this article is to outline the peculiarities of the Catholic Church's approach to the issue of the possibilities of modern communication processes and their components in the humanization of the modern world and the harmonization of the individual and social. <strong>Research methods.</strong> To achieve the goal, methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization, comparative-axiological method, systemic and phenomenological approaches, and the principle of objectivity have been applied. <strong>Research results.</strong> It is emphasized that the Catholic Church, in its social teaching, pays significant attention to modern communication processes. It is noted that in the social teaching of the Catholic Church, modern communication processes are seen as a catalyst for a new relationship between the individual and social. It is highlighted that their radical transformation creates both threats and new opportunities. However, social teaching focuses more on the opportunities they create for overcoming the systemic crisis of modern civilization rather than the threats. The Catholic Church considers the leading aspect of modern communication processes to be their universal character and the inherent socio-creative humanistic potential. <strong>Discussion.</strong> The peculiarities of the Catholic Church's communicative concept are analyzed in the works of many domestic and foreign scholars. They pay significant attention to the views of John Paul II on social communication and its means, and their role in the development of society. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> In conclusion, it is emphasized that the Catholic Church, from a Christian understanding of the world and humanity, optimistically evaluates modern communication processes and the development of information and communication technologies. It finds the new opportunities implied in them for the development of society based on the spread and affirmation of the principles of fraternity and solidarity, and universal moral values.</p> Oleksandra Matyukhina Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 122 126 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18470 FEATURES OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>The evolving cultural diversity in Europe profoundly impacts state socio-cultural dynamics, raising questions about the integrity of national identities amid significant migration flows. This scenario transforms monocultural contexts into diverse cultural mosaics. <strong>The aim</strong> is to consider the specific features of the further development of the multicultural situation in European states. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The study bases on general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, examining cultural diversity in European states. The principle of historicism allows exploring cultural diversity and integration within their historical and transformational European context. The socio-cultural approach highlights intercultural communication conflicts in Europe's ethnically diverse environments. <strong>Research results</strong>. In general, cultural diversity as a modern phenomenon is inherent in many societies, where along with rooted cultural values, there are other cultures carried by migrants. In these circumstances, cultural integration becomes essential. It leads to the formation of a multicultural society. In this society, individuals from different cultures can maintain their own identity. Simultaneously, they will respect the traditions of the local population of the countries they have moved to. Therefore, for a state's cultural policy to successfully foster multiculturalism, it must incorporate and prioritize cultural pluralism. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The current situation with the development of cultural diversity in European countries is reflected in the scientific works of both foreign and domestic scientists. In general, in the scientific environment, we have research on issues that highlight the processes of cultural transformations in the age of globalization. In general, similar problems are covered to a certain extent in the columns of scientific works of P. Alter, E. Giddens, S.&nbsp;Huntington, M. Ignatieff, B. Yek, U. Kymlyka, T. Nygut, K. Nielsen, M. Nussbaum, E. Smith, and others. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Thus, the transformation of the cultural policy of European states in the direction of the further development of multiculturalism, which takes into account cultural equality, is possible. Under such circumstances, cultural diversity can develop to the possibility of peaceful coexistence of people as carriers of different cultures in a separate multicultural society. Effective intercultural communications can play a key role in reducing intercultural conflicts within the framework of cultural integration in European countries.</p> Oleh Rusul Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 127 130 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18471 TRANSFORMATION OF THE SOCIAL AND INDIVIDUAL IN THE MAN’S COMMUNICATIVE ACTION IN THE 21st CENTURY <p><strong><em>Inftroduction. </em></strong>The interconnection between individual and societal aspects remains a pivotal topic, especially with the onset of the new millennium. Recent advancements, such as chat GPT, allow for the efficient processing of large volumes of information, while Big Data gives new possibilities for analyzing the global order. These technologies prompt a reassessment of human roles and personal development amidst challenges between the individual and the social in the digital era. <strong><em>The aim </em></strong>of the study is to explore the transformation of the social and individual in the man’s communicative action in the information era, which has evolved from a project into reality.<em> <strong>Research methods</strong> </em>are general scientific and philosophical methods that enable the analysis of processes occurring in modern society and determine the directions for further transformation of the social and individual in the communicative actions of man in the digital era. A comparative approach contrasts various experts' predictions on resolving the individual-social tension. <strong><em>Research results.</em></strong> In the new epoch, humanity has encountered changes in all aspects of life, highlighting the need for human adaptation to the conditions of the information society. Personality development is influenced by both external and internal factors. The development of individuality, self-identification with one's era, culture, ethnic group, and social class are key to achieving life goals in society. At the same time, modern society faces challenges of the information era, requiring new competencies such as digital literacy and creativity, and collective efforts to solve global problems. The issues of the modern Internet and asociality that humanity faces call for the development of new social technologies and approaches to education and upbringing to change human consciousness and its interaction with the surrounding world.<em> <strong>Discussion.</strong> </em>J. Habermas's warnings about the loss of tradition's regulatory role underscore a values crisis, with modern technologies changing human-AI interactions. The growth of "smart society" requires new social technologies and concepts, such as "virtuum" (J. Kharchenko). This situation calls for rethinking in education and society to prevent techno-genic self-destruction and to adapt to an evolving social structure.<strong> Conclusions<em>. </em></strong>The information society, still emerging, shows potential harms on humanity. The increasing dependency on digital platforms highlights how social aspects increasingly absorb the individual, especially through the dominance of virtual reality over the physical. This poses risks for the future of humanity, given the predominantly asocial nature of Internet communications. Adapting education and upbringing to these conditions requires a focus on developing critical thinking and emotional intelligence, enabling people to better manage their emotions and react to various situations. On a social level, new legislative initiatives are needed to ensure harmony between individual freedoms and the common good.</p> Nadiia Sukhova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 130 134 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18472 THE INFLUENCE OF THE NATURE OF POLITICS ON THE ETHICAL REGULATION FUNCTIONING SYSTEM IN THE PARLIAMENT: A POLITICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECT <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. There has been a recent trend where the system of regulating the behavior of Members of Parliament (MPs) on ethics issues is increasingly failing to meet its objectives, and regular reforms have produced contradictory results in the parliaments of many countries where such a system is implemented. Modern parliamentary ethics faces many challenges. At the same time, it is also influenced by the nature of politics. <strong>The aim and tasks.</strong> The article aims to identify the main manifestations of the impact of the nature of politics on the functioning of the parliamentary ethics system. Achieving this goal involves analysing the political and legal status of MPs; identifying the peculiarities of modern democracy that create complex conditions for the functioning of the ethics system in parliament; and determining the consistency between the requirements for MPs both from the side of politics and the side of public service. <strong>Research methods</strong>. Systematic and political-philosophical approaches are the methodological basis of the research. <strong>Research results.</strong> It was found that the work of the parliamentary system of ethical regulation is complicated by differences in the political and legal status of MPs between de jure as champions of the national good and de facto as representatives of the interests of certain political groups. Modern politics is highly competitive, and the functioning of the ethics system in parliament takes place in a sharp struggle for power. Ethical issues themselves may be considered politically inappropriate and ignored. Moreover, MPs are under pressure from competing demands from politics and the state service. <strong>Discussion</strong>. Our results are generally consistent with those previously obtained by Professor M. Philp. The relationship between ethics and modern politics has several dimensions, which are not always easy to reconcile. Specifically, there is a power struggle, political competition in parliament, and the dual demands on MPs. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The nature of politics in modern democratic society generally complicates the functioning of the system of ethical regulation of MPs' behavior.</p> Alla Fabryka Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 135 141 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18473 THE UNIQUENESS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE IN MODERN SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>The existence of a large number of social interactions on a global scale causes the creation of various manipulative technologies of influence on the consciousness and psyche of people. Therefore, an urgent problem for philosophers and scientists is to identify the peculiarities of this influence and to find ways to preserve the uniqueness of the individual's existence. <strong>The aim </strong>of the study is to identify the specifics of the impact of social communications on individual consciousness and psyche, especially in computer social networks, and to outline possible ways to preserve the uniqueness and originality of a person's individual being in the processes of social communication. <strong>Research methods</strong> The main methodological tools were philosophical and anthropological, hermeneutical and socio-cultural research approaches in their dialectical interaction. <strong>Research results</strong>. It is substantiated that the fundamental characteristic of a person is his or her sociality, which is formed in the process of socialisation and social communications. It ensures the ability to make a personal choice of the self-being and preserve individual uniqueness. The most important means of this is a thorough modern education, which can be obtained in schools and other educational institutions, as they develop critical thinking skills. And the state must ensure the preservation of the mental health of children and adolescents by adopting appropriate laws in the field of social information and communication networks. <strong>Discussion</strong>. It is noted that the problem of the impact of social communications on human existence is widely discussed in the scientific and philosophical discourses of our time. The author presents the points of view of such researchers as M. Castells, O. P. Antipova, O. S. Polishchuk, O. V. Polishchuk and others. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. It is shown that the self-preservation of the uniqueness of human existence is ensured by the presence of human spirituality, which is laid down from childhood, in the process of acquiring knowledge, assimilating social values, etc. The problem of building and self-preservation of the uniqueness of human existence arises in modern society in the system of social communications as a cornerstone for the entire Ukrainian (and not only) society.</p> Liubov Drotianko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 5 10 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18424 POST-METAPHYSICS OF HISTORY AND SOCIETY <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. Attempts to study history using analytical metaphysics are considered in both ontological and epistemological aspects. The effectiveness and value of post-metaphysical thinking in humanitarian knowledge and cognition, in comprehending existence and studying history is substantiated. Particular attention is paid to solving the issue of the relationship between the transcendental and the immanent in people’s lives, the interaction of the metaphysical world with the life world of people, social space, and the consciousnesses of empirical subjects. <strong>The aim and tasks</strong> are: to study the experience of using post-metaphysics as theoretical thinking in the knowledge of the principles of being and the subsequent use of metaphysical discourse, and its heuristic capabilities in the study of society and its history. <strong>Research methods</strong>. According to the research, historical-philosophical, historical and interdisciplinary approaches are based on the principles of sociocultural understanding of scientific knowledge, methods of hermeneutics and axiologists. <strong>Research results</strong>. Metaphysics is included in social consciousness, social space, and the activities of many empirical individuals, whose consciousness combines the rational and irrational, conscious and unconscious, logic and experiences, and mental and emotional. The metaphysical whole, formed based on ideas, thoughts, values, and the entire content of the consciousness of individual people, is not their sum, a mechanical unification of individual consciousnesses. It will rather be a synthesis of ideas, concepts, teachings, and principles, "withdrawn" from individual consciousnesses and in this form appears to be a qualitatively new phenomenon. Society, culture, and history, as we know, "answer" our questions, but we ask them, and the answers to them depend on our formulation of problems. <strong>Discussion</strong>. In modern philosophical and historical literature, a new form of historicism and meaningful justification of the meaning and purpose of history is being formed. Classical and new historicism share a historical view of things, which assumes that we are all inside something that once began and will end sometime. The differences are related to the development of the historical process itself, the transformation of its political and legal institutions, and ideas about it as a sequential connection of individual and unique events. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The functioning and development of society, in contrast to the natural process, is irrational and illogical; it cannot be described by the concepts, principles and categories of classical science; there is something inaccessible to us and incomprehensible to us. That is why history is always a mystery that cannot be completely resolved.</p> Serhii Sinjakov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 10 15 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18426 PRINCIPLES OF INTERACTION IN THE TOPOLOGY OF ANTINOMIES (ONTOLOGICAL DECONSTRUCTION OF THE SOCIAL MATRIX) <p><em>The phenomenon of interaction: describes the configuration of the social matrix in its dynamics; fixes the continuous variability of reality; actualizes the need to maintain balance in nature, as well as to preserve the harmonious dualism of human bodily and spiritual constructs. Interaction is defined as an antinomic opposition, which can be considered in terms of symmetry and asymmetry. The phenomenon of interaction is considered in the philosophical-methodological, ontological and metaphysical aspects of deconstruction when analyzing the antinomian characteristics of interaction.</em></p> Julia Kharchenko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 16 23 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18427 SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION IN COMPLEX SOCIAL CONTEXTS: APPROACHES FROM THE SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. Science is an important social institution that not only provides forms of functioning and use of knowledge, but also provides scientific communication. In the modern context, the forms of collective activity of scientists are changing. There is a need to develop new forms of communication. This research revitalizes philosophical-methodological and social-epistemological reflections on the problems of scientific communication, aiming to uncover mechanisms for overcoming communicative differences. <strong>The aim</strong> and tasks of the research is to identify methodological and epistemic mechanisms and procedures of agreed decisions for scientific communication. <strong>Research methodology</strong>. The methodological basis of the research is the approaches of social philosophy of science and social epistemology. These approaches allow building and using interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary bridges in clarifying the processes of scientific communication. <strong>Research results</strong>. The processes of changing the disciplinary structure of science and the turn to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methodology are considered. The possibilities and features of both methodologies are analyzed. Research attention is focused on identifying the interaction of methodological and epistemic practices in scientific communication. Additionally, it highlights the significant societal trust in scientists and explores the underpinnings of this confidence. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The peculiarities of scientific communication are represented within the approaches of social philosophy of science and social epistemology. Research attention is focused on revealing the relevance of methodological and epistemic practices of scientific communication. Examples of situations of epistemic agreement/disagreement, trust/distrust are given in order to identify mechanisms and procedures for collective/group decision-making. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Social philosophy of science and social epistemology describes scenarios for complex contexts where epistemic subjects interact to establish trustworthy and reliable knowledge. That is why values of knowledge, trust, disagreement is in the center of current research. Philosophical-methodological and epistemological understanding of the ways of establishing scientific communication both within the scientific community and in the interactions between science and society are presented.</p> Liudmyla Shashkova Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Aviation University Series Philosophy Cultural 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 39 1 23 28 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18442 IDENTITY ISSUE IN POSTMODERN CONDITIONS <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. The issue of identity research is crucial in the postmodern world, as it allows for the realization of any subjectivity. It’s therefore essential to find common grounds for socially acceptable forms of identification and the communicative forms that support them<strong>. The aim</strong> is the analysis of communicative practices of identity formation and maintenance practices in postmodern social reality. <strong>The tasks</strong> are 1) consider the specifics of identity as an integral quality of an individual based on leading approaches in socio-philosophical knowledge; 2) to investigate communicative practices of identity formation and maintenance in postmodern society. <strong>Research methods</strong> for the study are historical-philosophical method, systematic approach, dialectical method; theories of structuralism and poststructuralism; discursive and narrative approaches. <strong>Research results. </strong>The concept of identity is considered through the prism of the constructivist approach. Within the methodology of discursive and narrative approaches, constructivist opportunities at the social and individual levels of forming and maintaining self-identity are discussed, respectively. Discursive and narrative approaches appear as mutually complementary in studying the context of communicative situations and processes of individual assimilation of sociocultural experience in which identities are constructed and emerge. <strong>Discussion</strong>. In the unstable postmodern world, which is rapidly changing, the search for identity is carried out through communicative relations. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. Postmodern sociality is analyzed as a non-linear social dynamic that problematizes the maintenance of the basis of identity laid in historical experience and affirms the variety of projective identities. The postmodern situation actualizes the search for the practical synthesis of essentialism and constructivism.</p> Maria Abysova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 29 33 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18447 ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЯ ФІЛОСОФІЇ НАУКИ В КОНТЕКСТІ РОЗВИТКУ СУЧАСНОЇ НАУКИ <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>Modern science is experiencing rapid development, underscoring the necessity for novel organizational and operational models. As a distinct field, the philosophy of science is tasked with establishing a methodological ideal for science. The evolving role of science within society, coupled with its commercialization, and the sociocultural context of scientific knowledge production, requires special attention. <strong>The</strong> <strong>aim </strong>of the study is highlighting the need for changes in the teaching of the discipline "Philosophy of Science" in response to new features, characteristics, ways of organizing and carrying out scientific activity, as well as their reflection within contemporary scientific development theories. <strong>Research methods </strong>are philosophical and general scientific methods, complemented by sociocultural, systemic, and synergetic approaches.<strong> Research results. </strong>Neopositivism played a significant role in the constitution of the philosophy of science as a separate direction of philosophical research. It was positivism that insisted on criticizing philosophical methodology and promoted the use of analytical methods inherent in scientific knowledge. Gradually, a new problem is taking shape - methodology, history of science, language. After nearly a century, the philosophy of science remains a vital area of philosophical investigation due to the evolution of scientific activity. The conceptual apparatus of the philosophy of science is being rethought - concepts of object, knowledge, justification, method, value attitudes. One of the essential features of modern science is interdisciplinary; it became difficult to distinguish fundamental and applied types of research. Particular attention is paid to sociocultural aspects of the production and use of scientific knowledge. Back in the late 1980s, "Social epistemology" appeared in the USA as a supplement and in some sense opposition to the classical concepts of "pure science".<strong> Discussion. </strong>In Ukrainian textbooks on the philosophy of science, there is necessarily a section dedicated to classical concepts created by K. Popper, T. Kuhn, I. Lakatos and P. Feyerabend. However, the presentation of this material varies. Some authors merely recapitulate the ideas behind these concepts, while others criticize them and supplement them with new ideas. A third group highlights their significance for the ongoing development of philosophy and philosophical sciences. In our opinion, these classical concepts should be considered in the context of the achievements of modern science and new theories of the philosophy of science. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>The philosophy of science has been engaged in creating an evolving image of science, reflecting the dynamic nature of scientific knowledge. Philosophers study the scientific practice of a specific period taking into account the socio-cultural context and create new concepts of the development of science. All this must be reflected in the educational literature on "Philosophy of Science".</p> Larysa Bronnikova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 33 37 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18448 СУБ’ЄКТ & СУСПІЛЬСТВО У СОЦІАЛЬНОМУ ПРОЕКТУВАННІ <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. The world of the 21st century is changing, constantly and unpredictably. Changeable, dynamic, unstable, sometimes chaotic, the world is constantly challenging man and society. One of the ways to organize this spontaneous chaos is through social projecting. <strong>The aim</strong> is to make a philosophical reception of the role of the subject in social projecting through the prism of goal setting as a basic element of a social project. <strong>Research methods</strong> Social harmony as a goal of a social project is associated with economic and social prosperity, high material well-being and quality of life, but is not limited to them. A notable feature of social harmony is the high quality of the social and psychological climate in society and the social relations of classes and groups, as well as among individuals. Social harmony affirms the priority of the social sphere, which is directed, subordinated and coordinated by man. <strong>Research results</strong>. Social harmony as a goal of a social project is associated with economic and social prosperity, high material well-being and quality of life, but is not limited to them. A notable feature of social harmony is the high quality of the social and psychological climate in society and social relations among classes and groups, as well as among individuals. Social harmony affirms the priority of the social sphere, which is directed, subordinated and coordinated by man. <strong>Discussion</strong>. The concept of a person capable of living in the postmodern world is acquiring new characteristics. There is a shift from understanding the individual as a stable, structured system with a certain mechanism of development and interaction with the world, to the realization that the world is constructed here and now, and the "self" is constructed along with the world. According to F. Nietzsche, the human being, as a creative entity, is capable of changing their existence and, in this creative beginning, becomes akin to God; however, they also become part of the general chaos of being. In the process, all of humanity's achievements in philosophy, science, and ultimately in culture as a whole, are leveled. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. In the process of philosophically understanding the change in the role of the subject and society as the basis for goal setting in social projecting, we discover a certain correlation with the axiological principles of a specific cultural and historical epoch. Unlike the social project of modernity, the postmodern social project is a social rhizome, consisting of a chaotic diversity of individual and social practices, which in their dichotomous unity form a complex palette of society and individual self-realization.</p> Hanna Kleshnia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 37 42 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18449 THE CULTURE OF THINKING AS A MODERN TREND: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS <p>The <strong>introduction</strong> examines the need to actualize the concept of "the culture of thinking" in the modern networked world of post-truth, echo chambers and ideological narratives. <strong>The aim</strong> of the article is to study the genesis and practical development of the modern trend towards "the culture of thinking" from the perspective of critical, logical, ethical and axiological backgrounds. <strong>Research methods</strong>. In order to properly reveal its purpose, the publication uses an interdisciplinary methodological base, in particular, structuralist-phenomenological, logical-analytical, ethical-axiological, cultural-philosophical, hermeneutic-ontological, prognostic and comparative methods. Other methodological strategies such as "conceptual history", "pre-understanding", explication, commentary and interpretation are also actively involved. <strong>Research results</strong> highlight the actual vectors of the development and transformation of the "culture of thinking" as a concept (from ancient ratio to postmodern irrationalism and metamodern irony). The study recontextualizes the classical concepts-markers hypostatizing the culture of thinking through the humanistic tradition: education (in the sense of self-education), tact, common sense, faculty of judgement. The authors analyze practical criteria for the development of the culture of thinking in modern youth (using as an example the experience of teaching elective courses "Logic and critical thinking in the professional culture of a philologist and translator" and "Ethical aspects of intercultural communication" in higher education during the current 2023-2024 academic year). The <strong>discussion</strong> outlines modern polylogues and deliberations regarding "the culture of thinking" as a concept and its effectiveness between popularization (as a creative skill) and academic dimensions of development (using the example of modern scientific debates and publications). The attention of the study is focused on the possibilities of developing the European culture of thinking as a modern trend, on the one hand, and a kind of metamodern grand narrative, on the other. The authors draw the following idea in the <strong>conclusions</strong>: modern dimensions of both theoretical and applied horizons of the culture of thinking can be determined through a kind of "cultivation of thought" in the sense of a permanent appeal to common sense, tact, (self) education, and critical ability to make adequate and unbiased judgments. At the same time, the outlined approach does not fully exhaust the foundations and attributes of the culture of thinking, but, on the contrary, broadens the scope for further research, in particular, of an interesting yet ambiguous concept of creativity as one of the "soft skills" currently in demand.</p> Liudmyla Komisar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 42 47 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18450 CRITICAL THINKING DEVELOPMENT IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: PHILOSOPHICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS <p><em>The study is based on the achievements of ancient thinkers on the process of thinking, modern foreign and domestic authors in the approach to the interpretation of critical thinking and methods of its improvement by means of language learning. The hermeneutic and comparative approaches were used to achieve the goal and solve the tasks set in the work. These methods allowed authors to analyze the concepts of "critical thinking" and "distance learning". The modern vision of the concept of "critical thinking" is seen as the ability of an individual to analyze, argue statements or evidence, and draw conclusions using various models of reasoning, which ensures the processes of self-knowledge, self-education, and self-realization. The ability to think critically is a must for today. It is proved that critical thinking is a prerequisite for the development of the individual and society, while education is its guarantor. The modern distance approach is the main one in the paradigm of foreign language learning and critical thinking development.</em></p> Raisa Kuzmenko Svitlana Krylova Liudmyla Shkil Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 47 51 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18455 THE PHENOMENON OF INTERACTION IN MODERN SOCIAL COMMUNICATION WITHIN COMMUNICATIVE SPACE OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. Over the past 50-70 years, from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st, humanity has experienced significant changes, which today are considered a cultural transformation. This period of intense changes in all spheres of life can be described as the "new axial era". Events in Ukraine and Israel emphasize that the world will no longer be the same as it was before, emphasizing the importance of studying changes in social communication. <strong>The aim and tasks</strong>. The article aims to explore the concept of interaction as a basic, essential sociocultural, ontological factor of modern communicative processes. The author set a task to determine the prerequisites and social-communicative mechanisms that contribute to interaction culture formation. <strong>Research methods</strong> are determined by the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, which requires the use of a number of scientific approaches. It is based on the dialectical method, which is used at all levels of research, both in substantiating the ontological status of the phenomenon of interaction in modern communicative processes and for meaningful analysis of the concept of "communication". The author uses the methodological possibilities of such methods as systemic, cultural-historical and comparative. <strong>Research results</strong>. The scientific research of domestic scientists in the fields of social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, ethics, philosophy of culture, and psychology became the theoretical basis of the article. The author reveals the peculiarities of interaction as a special type of social relations. They are characterized by the partners' attitude to each other as beings endowed with the characteristics of subjectivity and are based on the mutual recognition of this subjectivity. These are partnership relations. In communication, partners see each other as a co-participant, an interlocutor, where one does not treat the other as a means to achieve a specific goal. It is the concept of "interaction " that captures, in our opinion, a unique essential feature of a person – humanity. <strong>Discussion</strong>. There is an active, creative process of information circulation, its discussion, and comprehension in interaction. This process helps forward adequate solutions, development of a common position, the necessary life experience. Such a process contributes not only to the expansion and enrichment of the information itself, but also to the spiritual and practical self-affirmation of each of the partners through the manifestation of their humanity. <strong>Conclusion</strong><strong>s</strong>. Here humanity as a measure of human essence implies the responsibility of a person, the ability to limit oneself in one's needs and interests when they meet the needs and interests of the common world of one's existence. Humanity presupposes a person's openness to the Other, being tolerant of the Other, perceiving and understanding, respecting his Other's life world.</p> Larysa Mokliak Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 51 55 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18456 EXISTENTIAL CRISIS OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL IN COMMUNICATIVE PRACTICES OF THE POSTMODERN ERA <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. The crisis is the most complex social phenomenon, associated with processes of social stagnation, anomie, increased tension, and conflict within society. <strong>The aim and tasks</strong>. This article aims to undertake a philosophical reflection on the existential crisis of the individual and social within communicative practices of the postmodern era. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The research methodology encompasses historical and comparative approaches combined with the phenomenological method, as well as philosophical principles of objectivity, systematicity, and the progression from the abstract to the concrete, among others. <strong>Research results. </strong>The crisis states of contemporary society are characterized by their fluidity, multiplicity, and non-linearity, leading to the uncertainty and instability of social structures. These, along with the specific features of postmodern culture, determine the specific forms of communicative practices in the social and political life of society. In particular, in the communicative practices of the postmodern era, such marginalized subcultural forms of life construction as minimalism, downshifting, and post-truth are affirmed. <strong>Discussion</strong>. Modern individuals despair in the gradual progress of reason in history, as a result of which the influence of the irrational in their lives is intensified. The reason for this lies in the fact that the economic development of the world economy has led to a disproportion of the moral and the rational in humanity's life. The utilitarian rationality of the capitalist consumer society, which is subject to its internal mechanisms and principles of expediency (yet can be irrational and destructive towards the society and the individual within it), creates contradictory types of behavior and communicative practices both in the life of society as a whole and in the life of the individual. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. All this leads to the third (extreme) form of human alienation (alienation of the individual from their human essence), the destruction of the social continuum, thereby causing an existential crisis of the individual and social in the postmodern era.</p> Serhii Ordenov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 56 61 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18457 COMMUNICATIVE POTENTIAL OF SOFT POWER: SOCIO-PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS <p><em>The article is dedicated to the analysis of soft power discourses in the context of international relations of the modern world. These discourses retain their leading significance in the symbolic space of politics, exerting a targeted influence on public consciousness. The basis of discursive influences is the modeling of attractive images of state institutions and political subjects as a prompt response to foreign policy and domestic political challenges and threats.</em></p> Tetiana Poda Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 61 65 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18458 PERSONALITY IN THE CONDITIONS OF СONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES (COMMUNICATION ASPECT) <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. In recent years, social-communicative relations have undergone significant changes in both methodology and technological foundations, greatly enhancing capabilities, primarily through the development of distance learning and communication methods. The advent of advanced information technologies and artificial intelligence has led to qualitative shifts in the nature of virtual existence and has introduced new dynamics in the interactive "human-machine" system. These developments have also influenced new trends in individual socialization processes and the interaction between individuals and groups, necessitating further socio-philosophical exploration. <strong>The aim of the article </strong>is to highlight the principal issues associated with the transformation of the individual's communicative space in the conditions of contemporary scientific, technical, and socio-cultural challenges. <strong>Research methods</strong>. The theoretical and methodological basis of this article is the dialectical approach in terms of understanding contradictions, alongside the principles of systemic analysis, communication theory, and the concept of social essence of a person. Additionally, our generalizations draw upon philosophical studies of communicative discourse within the context of the contemporary information society. <strong>Research results.</strong> The advancement of modern information technologies has catalyzed a series of social and communicative phenomena, evident in the creation of a new communication space of the individual. This space is characterized by the further deepening of the "virtualization" of the communication. <strong>Discussion</strong>. Changes in the production, economic and social spheres are the objective basis of the transformation of the social and individual communication space. One of the new phenomena characteristic of the information society is domocentrism, which refers to a decline in individuals' motivation for face-to-face communication, driven by the proliferation of electronic communication technologies. This shift determines the nature of the relationship between social and individual within modern communication processes. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The current stage of the development of the information society is characterized by the formation of a new communication space of the individual, distinct in its characteristics from the traditional social and communication systems. One of the main problems caused by this development, which require further socio-philosophical analysis, is the contradictions between the traditional forms of socialization of the individual and the newest means of establishing communication connections in the process of social communication.</p> Olena Sidorkina Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 65 69 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18459 THE SPECIFICS OF COMMUNICATIVE PROCESSES IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIETY’S INFORMATIZATION <p><strong><em>Introduction. </em></strong>In contemporary society, profound transformations are occurring due to the rapid development of science and technology and the introduction of cutting-edge information and communication technologies into various spheres of social practices. Overall, these transformations manifest in the accumulation of significant changes in various spheres of sociocultural activity and, primarily, they transform the very communicative (communication) sphere, thereby defining the specifics of modern communicative processes. <strong><em>The aim and tasks </em></strong>are to identify the specifics of communicative processes in the context of society’s informatization. <strong><em>Research methods. </em></strong>The theoretical and methodological basis of this study consists of general scientific and specialized methods and approaches, which will be used to investigate the specifics of communicative processes in the context of society’s informatization. <strong><em>Research results</em>.</strong> In the context of society’s informatization, there is a rapid increase in communication channels and information exchange within society. However, the growth of technical capabilities for conducting communicative processes, in itself, does not lead to their success but rather expands and simultaneously complicates (diversifies) the system of their implementation. In this way, there is an unconscious shift of emphasis in communication from the communicative aspect to the technical or, at best, to the informational aspect, when there is a purely technical circulation of information without the corresponding communicative process. It is in this dimension that the key contradictions of the contemporary, so-called information society lie. <strong><em>Discussion. </em></strong>The discussion provides an analysis of Erich Fromm’s research in the context of facilitating communicative processes. <strong><em>Conclusions. </em></strong>The development of communication technologies accelerates the pace of life and intensifies communicative processes, leading to a clearer distinction and opposition between the informational and the genuinely communicative in processes of current communication. "Informational" and "communicative" have fundamentally different vectors of development. The presence of information does not automatically ensure communication, and in current conditions, within the established mass information-media culture, the genuinely communicative is becoming an increasingly problematic phenomenon.</p> Ivan Skyba Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 69 74 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18460 THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL AND INDIVIDUAL FACTORS ON SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE: A PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECT <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong> Modern science has developed a new paradigm of scientific knowledge, which takes into account the influence of social and individual factors on the result of cognitive activity. <strong><em>The aim</em></strong> of the article is to explore how individual and social factors impact the outcomes of scientific inquiry. <strong><em>Research</em></strong> <strong><em>methods</em></strong><strong><em>. </em></strong>The study employs system analysis, alongside comprehensive and comparative methods. The method of system analysis and a comprehensive approach were planned to be used in the study of the ratio of scientific knowledge of different eras, in the study of a complex system of various relationships between an individual scientist and a scientific community, etc. <strong><em>Research results</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong>&nbsp;Modern science, which is defined as post-non-classical, incorporates both the objective value and the subjective characteristics of knowledge, including its relation to worldview moral orientations, social stereotypes, and the personal knowledge, experience, and goals of the individual scientist. The active approach is not new in the history of the development of epistemology. In its general meaning, it can be considered to some extent as an opposition to the theory of "mirror reflection", which at one time was put forward and developed by representatives of New Age empiricism. An active approach cannot be fully implemented without taking into account social and individual factors. <strong><em>Discussion</em></strong><strong><em>. </em></strong>The diversification of scientific inquiry to include systems such as artificial intelligence, biotechnological systems, and socio-technical systems underscores that knowledge about these entities is intrinsically linked to the social and individual attributes of the subject of knowledge. The subject of scientific knowledge can be both an individual and a scientific community. Therefore, the results of the community's cognitive activity cannot be reduced to a simple sum of the individual work of individual scientists, since a well-organized collective is a carrier of knowledge, the volume of which exceeds the capabilities of an individual scientist. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><strong><em>.&nbsp;</em></strong>The contemporary paradigm of scientific knowledge acknowledges the influence of not only emergent value orientations shaped by information technology but also the personal attributes of scientists on research outcomes.</p> <div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: -53px; top: 50px;"> <div class="gtx-trans-icon">&nbsp;</div> </div> Oksana Skyba Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 74 79 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18461 MYTH AS A CONCEPT <p><strong>Introduction.</strong> The article examines myth as a transhistorical phenomenon of human existence in the aspect of its functions that are significant for modern times. <strong>The aim </strong>of the study is to analyze the phenomenon of myth in the context of its positive and negative impact on the sociocultural development of modern humanity. <strong>Research tasks</strong> are to analyze the features and basic principles of the mythological type of human consciousness; and show the expediency of considering myth as a concept of spiritual and sociocultural development in scientific discourse. The core of the research methodology is based on historical and philosophical, semiotic, scientific and systematic approaches, as well as cognitive and value settings of hermeneutics. <strong>Research results.</strong> In the current stage of the globalization process, there is an increasing role of myth as a phenomenon of specific thinking and language that contributes to the formation of a certain image of reality. In the spiritual and cultural aspect, myth serves as a connecting link between eras, traditions and modern cultures, which has a positive effect on the consciousness of modern human. Myth plays a negative role if it is considered as the only possible way of functioning of globalist relations. <strong>Discussion.</strong> The research emphasized: firstly, the investigation of mythology as the primordial type of human worldview self-awareness, alongside the persistence of "archaic" (mythological) elements in the sociocultural processes of contemporary society (P. Gurevich, M. Eliade, E. Canetti, O. Polysaev, E. Rezhabek, K. Hübner); secondly, the examination of scientific discourse on mythology within the context of its politicization and evolution into a social phenomenon (H. Ortega-y-Gasset, V. Reich, J. Sorel, N. Taleb, C. Flood, E. Fromm, F. Fukuyama and others); and thirdly, the exploration of the myth's specificity and role in the current globalization process (L.&nbsp;Drotianko, J. Campbell, S. Ordenov, Yu. Pavlenko, M. Savelyeva, V. Fadeev, A. Vusatiuk and others). To grasp the concept of myth, works dedicated to defining the concept within modern philosophical and scientific discourse were consulted (A. Zalevskaya, S. Neretina, V. Ryzhko). <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The examination of modern civilization's trajectory in the early 21st century, marked by globalism, reveals myth's transhistorical nature of myth as a sociocultural phenomenon, a type of thinking and ideological self-awareness of a human. Cognitive indistinction between rational and irrational, natural and supernatural, meaning and sense, "I" and "we", etc. as structural elements of sensual and figurative mythological thinking, distorts our contemporary worldview, laying the groundwork for the manipulation of human consciousness. Viewing myth through the lens of "concept" frames it as an idea or scientific notion, as the "property" of an individual or social group. This perspective sheds light on myth's impact on globalization, including its reinforcement, the emergence of global ideologies, and shifts in ethical understandings within global relations.</p> Tetiana Sukhodub Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 79 85 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18462 THE LOGIC OF RECONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THE LEGITIMISATION OF POST-TRUTH IN LEGAL DISCOURSE <p><em>The problem of world order is considered as a very urgent one. It raises the issue of the development prospects of of the global social system, which is being reconstructed intensively due to the fact that its various segments are becoming less coordinated, balanced, sustainable. This study aims to conceptualize the mechanisms behind the construction of post-truth technology within the framework of restructuring the new world order, as well as to analyse the procedures that legitimize post-truth within legal discourse.</em></p> Serhii Kharchenko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 86 90 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18463 THE SPECIFICS OF INTERACTION AND COMMUNICATION IN THE EDUCATIONAL SPHERE OF TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY (SOCIO-PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS) <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>To achieve self-realization, a person of the 21st century needs to obtain a quality education that will provide opportunities for self-improvement. In forming a new educational paradigm, educators of social and humanitarian disciplines have faced new challenges. This necessitated a socio-philosophical study of the peculiarities of communication and interaction in the educational sphere of a technological society. <strong>Aim and tasks</strong> is to identify the peculiarities of communication and interaction in the field of education in the context of the formation of a new educational paradigm. <strong>Research methods</strong> for achieving this goal include socio-cultural and systemic approaches, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, and hermeneutics. <strong>Research results.</strong> In the global society, the problem of moving from opposing an individual's values to realizing their unity with others is becoming particularly acute. When it comes to teaching, communication becomes the main factor that influences the entire process of teaching and upbringing of young people. Communication through dialogue is a prerequisite for the further development of education in the context of the realities of a technological society. <strong>Discussion.</strong> In modern philosophical and scientific discourses, education is seen as a means of overcoming natural communication barriers between people. As a new educational paradigm takes shape, a key principle of reformers at all levels is to recognize the subjectivity and mutual tolerance of all participants. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The use of the sociocultural context in communicative interactions will contribute to the disclosure of the student's identity and will shape his ability to understand other people, which, ultimately, will help create a holistic personal picture of the world.</p> Natalia Chenbai Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 91 94 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18464 COMMUNICATION AS A DEVICE FOR STUDYING SOCIAL REALITY AND CULTURAL MEANINGS: SPECIFICATION OF COMMUNICATIVE DIMENSIONS <p><strong>Introduction.</strong> Studying communications in humanitarian and social sciences has become an effective device for analyzing social, political, technical, and cultural practices. It provides a conceptual framework for implementing social description and diagnostics of the life of groups, communities, and institutions with the aim of their transformation. <strong>Research methods.</strong> Holistic, systemic, interdisciplinary, and constructivist methodological approaches are used for the analysis of social media environments (ecologies) and collective interactions. Additionally, a communication structure of analysis associated with the theory of social construction of reality and phenomenological vision is employed. <strong>The aim</strong> is based on identifying the main environments for the reproduction of social practice and human interaction, to determine the epistemological and ontological significance of interdisciplinary communicative approaches to their study. Among the tasks is considering a network of conceptual definitions and names associated with a holistic view of natural, physical, social, and cultural-symbolic environments (ecologies). <strong>Research results.</strong> Communication is defined as a process of social construction in which the social and the individual are in an organic relationship. The social reality from this perspective is viewed as a socio-communication system or "social ecology". The main dimensions or categories of social analysis are embodied in such names as physical, social, technological, emotional, cultural, symbolic, and communication ecologies. <strong>Discussion.</strong> The modern concept of ecology provides a generalized understanding of the interactions between man and nature, society and nature, the biosphere and the technosphere. It also explores the relationships between nature, culture, and civilization as a whole. Consequently, its subject goes beyond biological science. The concept of ecology is also used today in the context of communication studies and is recognized as quite fruitful. The ecological metaphor provides possibilities for exploring population change and life cycles, spatiotemporal dynamics, networks and clusters, and power relations. <strong>Conclusion.</strong> Social communication is seen as the symbolic and semantic action. Through this action, societies culturally construct their social ecologies, which today are increasingly mediated by the media and ICTs. The conceptualization of key social analysis categories should not so much ensure effective communication and social change, but more efficient high-quality social interaction - the humane dialogue and understanding.</p> Tetiana Shorina Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-22 2024-04-22 39 1 94 101 10.18372/2412-2157.39.18465