Problems of Informatization and Management <p>The collection covers the problems of analysis and synthesis of computer and telecommunication systems and their management systems: creation of an effective information and measurement tools for determining and estimating the parameters of information technology objects; mathematical, linguistic, hardware and software new, including cyber-physical aviation, and upgraded existing distributed computer and computer systems.<br />It is designed for scientists and specialists who are concerned with the creation and improvement of the theoretical and software base of the means of computer telecommunication systems and their computer components.<br /><br /><span class="hps">Language</span>: Ukrainian<span class="hps">, English.</span></p> <p><span class="hps"> ISSN 2073-4751</span></p> National Aviation University en-US Problems of Informatization and Management 2073-4751 <span>Автори, які публікуються у цьому журналі, погоджуються з наступними умовами:</span><br /><ol type="a"><br /><li>Автори залишають за собою право на авторство своєї роботи та передають журналу право першої публікації цієї роботи на умовах ліцензії <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a>, котра дозволяє іншим особам вільно розповсюджувати опубліковану роботу з обов'язковим посиланням на авторів оригінальної роботи та першу публікацію роботи у цьому журналі.</li><br /><li>Автори мають право укладати самостійні додаткові угоди щодо неексклюзивного розповсюдження роботи у тому вигляді, в якому вона була опублікована цим журналом (наприклад, розміщувати роботу в електронному сховищі установи або публікувати у складі монографії), за умови збереження посилання на першу публікацію роботи у цьому журналі.</li><br /><li>Політика журналу дозволяє і заохочує розміщення авторами в мережі Інтернет (наприклад, у сховищах установ або на особистих веб-сайтах) рукопису роботи, як до подання цього рукопису до редакції, так і під час його редакційного опрацювання, оскільки це сприяє виникненню продуктивної наукової дискусії та позитивно позначається на оперативності та динаміці цитування опублікованої роботи (див. <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li></ol> Multi-model data representation for ontology-driven decision-making <p>Nowadays ontology-driven decision-making is the result of the combination and integration of knowledge and data of different nature and purpose, solving multiple interconnected decision-making problems, synthesizing different points of view on the problem and the decision-making process. For many decision-making problems, the use of only one data model, usually a relational one, is not enough. Today, to solve the problem of "diversity" of data, the concept of multi-model data management is used. Modern aspects of decision-making based on the use of ontologies as a tool of understanding and presentation of decision-making areas and processes, which integrates the methods of system, process and situational analysis are discusses. The possible types of data representations (models) that are necessary for the implementation of ontology-guided decision-making, and also defines the corresponding types of information are defined. In the work, polyglot persistence storage, multi-model storage and cloud-based storage were considered and analyzed for the implementation of multi-model data management. The conclusion is made about the choice of multi-variant storage as a means of multi-model presentation of data within the framework of projects carried out by the authors of the article. The selected software tools for implementing the defined multi-model data representation are described.</p> Y.P. Chaplinskyy O.V. Subbotina Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 118 124 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18667 Synergy of cosine similarity and generative artificial intelligence <p>First and foremost, the synergy between cosine similarity and generative artificial intelligence in the context of developing a contextual search application is a promising direction, especially given that most search systems rely on keyword-based search. The new approach proposed by artificial intelligence is based on neural and semantic search, focusing not on individual keywords but on their context and relationships, which opens up broad possibilities for improving the accuracy and relevance of search results.</p> <p>To meet users' needs, chatbots are being developed. Chatbots are utilized in various fields, including customer service, consultation, user support, and other tasks that require interaction with people through text or voice interfaces. Their popularity is constantly increasing in response to demand from users, the majority of whom regularly use chatbots in their everyday lives. The article covers concepts of artificial intelligence, AI-based chatbots, contextual search, and cosine similarity. The focus is on the application of contextual search based on artificial intelligence. An explanation of the approach and specific details of the implementation of its development is provided.</p> T.V. Kholyavkina I.V. Chuba A.Y. Sholupata Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 109 117 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18666 A model of an opportunistic computer network control system <p>The mobile multi-service network is considered – a segment of the information and communication system of control, management, and maintenance of a large air hub. It is shown that under conditions of sudden entry of aircraft into and out of the network coverage area, the latter acquires the properties of an opportunistic network, and sometimes – a network with tolerance to delays and disconnections. It has been established that as a result of a change in the number of active network nodes, the network topology may change and there is a need to change data delivery routes. A model of the processes observed in the opportunistic network is built. As a mathematical basis of the model, a non-homogeneous alternating restoration process is used, which takes into account changes in the transition intervals from one phase state to another. It is proved that with different variants of dominance, the appearance of new mobile nodes or the disappearance of nodes that were part of the network earlier, the asymptotic convergence of the network states changes accordingly.</p> O.V. Tolstikova S.V. Vodopianov O.V. Andreiev A.B. Kotsiur Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 104 108 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18665 Method of project management based on Story Points estimations <p>The paper is devoted to the development of building project management systems methods that allows to perform automatic project scheduling, where tasks are estimated in story points. The paper reviewed the existing systems and proposed an approach to the automation of project scheduling in minimum time, and using the minimum employees number who will complete the project in the given time.</p> <p>The proposed approach allows taking into account the velocity, specialization and salaries of employees. Taking into account these features, and using of the tasks complexity in story points, brings scheduling closer to reality, which allows to increase the accuracy of scheduling, reduce the time of project execution and/or costs for employees and the project in general.</p> O.V. Rusanova O.V. Korochkin A.V. Achilov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 96 103 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18664 ІЕЕЕ 802.15.1 МАС-to-PHYSICAL level transition protocol and one-directional parsing function <p>The procedure of inter-level transformations of PDUs is considered on the example of the MAC sub-level of the channel and physical levels of the Reference model of the interconnection of open systems for interacting UAVs of the first class, taking into account the main recommendations of IEEE 802.15.1 regarding the protection of information from unauthorized access. Distinctive features of first-class UAV computer systems and networks are low transmission speed and limited computing power of computer equipment. The recommendations regarding the relationship between the channel and physical layers, subject to the application of the IEEE 802.15.1 standard to ensure the security of the UAV system with resource limitations, are considered in detail, on the basis of which a model in the class of models of formal grammars is built. The analysis of the model showed that in order to apply the method of protection based on the unidirectional function of grammatical analysis of regular language sentences, it is necessary to exclude the considered procedure from the protocol stack of the Reference Model of Open Systems Interaction.</p> M.K. Pechurin L.P. Kondratova S.M. Pechurin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 89 95 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18662 Method of fast exposure in Galua fields in cryptographic data protection systems <p>The method of accelerated calculation of the exponent on Galois fields – the basic operation of a wide range of cryptographic data protection algorithms is proposed and investigated. Acceleration is achieved by reducing the execution time of the ascent to the square in Galois fields, which is based on the use of the properties of the polynomial square, Montgomery reduction and the use of precalculations that depend only on the Galois Field base polynomial. The mathematical substantiation of the offered method and numerical examples which illustrate its work are resulted.</p> <p>It is theoretically and experimentally proved that the proposed method allows to almost twice accelerate the exponentiation on Galois fields in comparison with known methods.</p> O.P. Markovskyi I.V. Daiko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 80 88 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18660 Method for accelerated modular squaring of long length numbers for cryptographic application <p>The article theoretically substantiates and proposes a method for accelerated modular squaring of long length numbers.</p> <p>Acceleration modular square calculation is achieved through the combined using of abridged multiplication technology, alternating cycles of multiplicative operations and partial modular reduction, as well as organizing simultaneous processing of a group of bits using pre-calculations under reduction.</p> <p>The methodology for constructing of precomputations table for group Montgomery reduction is described in detail, as well as the proposed procedure for quickly calculating a modular square using abridged multiplication technologies and simultaneous Montgomery reduction of several digits. The presentation is illustrated with a numerical example.</p> <p>It is shown that the proposed method makes it possible to speed up the computational implementation of the modular squaring operation, which is important for cryptographic applications, by 5-6 times compared to known technologies.</p> O.P. Markovskyi Ghassan Abdel Jalil Halil Al-Mrayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 68 79 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18659 Performance analysis of YOLOv8n object detection algorithm on RaspberryPi and NVidia Jetson Nano microcomputers <p>The scientific article describes approaches to the implementation of a complex of autonomous control of UAVs. In particular, the architecture with the use of a single-board computer that can be installed directly on the aircraft is highlighted. Potential single-board computers were selected for such an architecture of the complex construction and their performance was investigated. For evaluation, an experiment was described and conducted to run the pattern recognition algorithm based on the Yolo v8 nano neural network. The results of the algorithm are given in the article. Based on the conducted experiment, it was determined that it is advisable to use Jetson Nano for similar algorithms. And RaspberryPi does not have enough power for a specific task with the selected algorithm.</p> Y.V. Lukash Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 61 67 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18658 Information and measurement system for diagnostic parameters of electric motors under conditions of destabilizing factors <p>The article is devoted to the development of an information and measurement system for detecting anomalies in the operation of electric motors, which integrates the methods of measuring the rotational moment and shaft speed. The main focus of the work is on the use of a neural network of the Autoencoder type, which is used to identify anomalous signals in noise conditions and under different loads on the electric motor shaft.</p> <p>Experimental studies using this approach are presented, demonstrating its ability to detect deviations caused by sudden changes in load, as well as to identify anomalies in different modes of electric motor operation. Such a system contributes to increasing the reliability of electric motors and opens the way to optimizing the processes of their operation.</p> <p>The methodology of measuring the torque, which was used when obtaining the characteristics at the time of acceleration of the electric motor, is presented.</p> <p>The research results can be used to develop diagnostic equipment for electric motors.</p> V.P. Kvasnikov D.M. Kvashuk K.V. Molchanova V.M. Ilchenko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 54 60 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18657 Electronic voting protocols based on blind signature cryptographic scheme and biometric authentication <p>The paper analyzes the requirements for the electronic voting procedure and identifies some problems that arise during the implementation of election schemes. Despite the large number of existing electronic voting schemes that use various cryptographic methods, there are still shortcomings and vulnerabilities that require special attention. One such problem is the prevention of vote selling. One of the most advanced voting methods, namely the He-Su protocol, was chosen as the basis, as it meets almost all the requirements for the electronic election process. The paper proposes to use cryptographic methods in combination with biometric authentication to partially solve the problem of vote selling. The proposed election algorithm is based on the He-Su protocol, which uses the homomorphism of the RSA cryptographic system and the blind signature procedure. Introducing the biometric authentication procedure into the algorithm reduces, in our opinion, the probability of votes being sold by unscrupulous voters, as it becomes difficult to do this without physical presence. Fingerprint biometrics with the use of a mobile application, and a biometric login authorized by the election organizer, appear to be the most convenient.</p> O.M. Zudov V.V. Gorina N.O. Rybasova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 44 53 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18656 Using a spline model in the space of latent representations when removing duplicates from a set of observations <p>In the paper, for the first time, the use of a spline model based on local B-splines of the second order is proposed to estimate the density of the distribution of a training set of digital images in the latent space of a multilayer nonlinear auto encoder. Based on the model, a method for removing duplicate images in the latent space of the autoencoder network representation is proposed. Research has been conducted and statistically proven to increase the entropy of data distributions, which contributes to less retraining of neural models. The research focuses on learning digital images using a multi-layer nonlinear autoencoder, a deep learning tool that allows for dimensionality reduction and extraction of useful information from input data. The developed spline model provides new opportunities for estimating and visualizing distributions, which may be useful for further analytical research in the field of image processing.</p> <p>The main focus of the work is concentrated on the method of removing duplicate images in the latent space, which uses data on the density of distributions obtained from the spline model. This allows not only to clean the data set from repeated samples, but also to optimize the learning process of neural networks, reducing overtraining and increasing the overall efficiency of the models.</p> V.D. Zivakin P.O. Prystavka Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 36 43 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18655 Modeling and algorithmization of the pricing process in electronic commerce using software agents <p>The article is devoted to the improvement of the object-oriented programming method for the development of software used in electronic commerce, using an agent-oriented approach.</p> <p>Experimental studies were conducted to compare traditional and improved methods for developing software used in e-commerce. In the course of research due to the application of an agent-oriented approach and a platform for the development of software agents, the following were found: an increase in the speed of software implementation of the user interface and asynchronous communication between autonomous system components; reducing the number of system processes used; reduction of connectivity between system components; increasing the efficiency of the software implementation of the developed data processing algorithm in terms of calculation accuracy; expanding the set of properties and potential capabilities of the software tool.</p> E.V. Zelenko V.P. Kvasnikov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 26 35 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18654 Methods of optimizing network architecture for high-performance computing in cloud environments <p>The article provides a review of various methods for optimizing network architecture in the context of high-performance computing in cloud environments. The research is based on an analysis of modern technologies, strategies, and solutions used to enhance computational performance in the cloud. Special attention is given to networking architecture issues, including its structure, protocols, services, and optimization to achieve maximum productivity. The information presented may be useful for scientists, engineers, and software developers working on the creation and improvement of cloud computing systems.</p> S.V. Zhuravel N.V. Zhuravel Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 20 25 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18653 Hybrid cryptosystems for the protection of FANET network nodes: approaches to use <p>The article presents the results of research into the possibility of using hybrid cryptosystems to protect FANET sensor network nodes. A model of a hybrid cryptosystem for data encryption, generation of a shared secret key is proposed, and an authentication algorithm in the FANET network based on the TLS protocol and symmetric/asymmetric encryption methods is developed. AES-GCM, ECDSA algorithms were tested for encryption and decryption operations, time characteristics of operations were measured, the number of CPU cycles and energy consumption were determined.</p> <p>As a result of the conducted research, the expediency of using hybrid cryptosystems by nodes of FANET networks is substantiated, provided that certain requirements for hardware, software and energy resources are met.</p> S.S. Hrushak M.M. Huzii E.I. Bezvershenko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 13 19 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18652 Analysis of some well-known models of information spread in social networks in the aspect of information warfare <p>Social networks have become an almost indispensable source of information and communication in the daily life of millions of people. From the birth of the concept in the 1950s, they have come a long way from defining certain social groups by interests to modern Internet platforms, with the prospect of further development to meta-platforms. With its development, social networks have become the main platform for the distribution of various information and one of the main factors of influence on society during election processes, revolutionary events and military conflicts. In order to conduct an information campaign or defend oneself in social networks, it is necessary to understand the principles of information dissemination in them.</p> <p>On the basis of the analysis of models of information distribution in social networks, the most key ones have been selected. The following models of information dissemination in social networks are considered in the study: Model of viral distribution (SIR), SEIR model; Independent Cascade model; Wide-Spread Model; Influential Users Model. The results of the analysis made it possible to assess the suitability of these models for solving the problems of managing informational and psychological influence.</p> A.I. Gizun V.S. Hriha Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 77 4 12 10.18372/2073-4751.77.18651 System of controlling the calibration of the coordinate measuring machine <p>The scientific article solves important scientific and technological problems of increasing the efficiency of the use of coordinate measuring machines and ensuring measurement accuracy. In the course of the work, a mathematical model of the system was presented, which makes it possible to assess the accuracy of contact measurements of complex curved surfaces by coordinate measuring machines and to determine evaluations of measurement results based on uncertainty. It has been shown that the actual measurement error can be much larger than the certified measurement error due to uncertainties.</p> O.V. Chalyi Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 121 126 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18247 The concept of building a hardware and software complex of UAV detection using artificial intelligence <p>The current state of affairs dictates the development of various developments and innovations in the field of information technology, which can have a dual purpose and be used both in peacetime and in wartime. The short list of projects in the direction of the rearmament of the armed of the Armed Forces of Ukraine testifies to intensive activity in the search for realistic, simple and economic solutions that will enable the Defense Forces of Ukraine to win the confrontation in a short period of time. Along with the positive reviews of foreign military experts regarding the development and application of technologies aimed at the defense capability of the state, there are a number of practical directions that require urgent solutions. One of these directions is the fight against the enemy's UAVs, which he actively uses to solve various tasks. The paper proposes the concept of building a UAV detection hardware and software complex using artificial intelligence in general and considers the possibility of further development of the proposed concept.</p> Y.V. Utkin М.O. Raybyy О.P. Kopishynska A.Y. Simchuk Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 113 120 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18246 Forecasting prices of financial instruments using deep learning methods <p>This study is devoted to the problem of forecasting financial instruments’ prices on the stock market, the relevance of which has increased significantly in the modern world, and which is an important component of the processes of conducting financial activities and making informed investment decisions. A review and comparative analysis of the methods proposed in the existing studies was conducted, their shortcomings and shortcomings were revealed. Based on this, a new approach to solving this problem was proposed. The proposed approach is based on taking into account a complex set of factors for forecasting, including technical indicators, fundamental analysis data and macroeconomic factors, the use of a systematic approach to the selection of predictors (factors) for forecasting and inclusion in the model, the introduction of modern feature engineering and feature selection techniques, noise removal in input data, applying NLP techniques and sentiment analysis to integrate textual data that influence market trends, thus increasing the accuracy of modeling market processes. These principles were incorporated with machine and deep learning techniques capable of taking into account time sequences of data and complex relationships and dependencies between them, and a predictive model was built for forecasting stock prices. The results of model testing and evaluation of obtained performance accuracy metrics’ values for the developed model show it’s higher accuracy in comparison with the base model chosen for comparison, and also prove the effectiveness of using the proposed approach.</p> M.L. Sattarova V.B. Tkhoryk A.S. Savchenko Yu.B. Modenov Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 97 112 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18245 Method for cryptographically strict identification of remote abonents based on pseudorandom sequences generators <p>The article proposes a method for cryptographically strong remote abonents identification, which is based on the irreversibility properties of cryptographic generators of pseudo-random sequences. This made it possible to integrate, within a single technological solution, a cryptographically strong user identification before a session, permanent mutual authentication during a session, and also provide the possibility of streaming encryption of data exchange between the user and the system. It is shown that the use of the proposed method allows to reduce the identification time and increase the security against middle attacks.</p> O.V. Rusanova I.V. Daiko Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 88 96 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18244 Method of modular exponent secure distributed computation for accelerated implementation of data protection mechanisms in IoT <p>The article proposes a method of secure modular exponentiation on IoT terminal platforms involving cloud computing for fast implementation of public key cryptographic protection algorithms. The method implements a new principle of distribution of calculations between the terminal and remote platforms when implementing modular exponentiation - at the level of processing each individual bit of the exponent code. This makes it possible to reduce the computing load on the terminal platform by three times and, accordingly, to speed up the calculation of the basic operation of public key cryptography by three times compared to the known methods of distributed calculation of the modular exponent.</p> O.V. Rusanova M.A. Haidukevych Alireza Mirataei Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 74 87 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18243 The method of monitoring forest ecosystem state using drones to detect fire based on video data <p>Drones, as innovative tools, have found widespread applications across various sectors, including media, the military, agriculture, security, and scientific research. However, considering the escalating environmental issues, there arises a necessity for new technological approaches.</p> <p>The current scientific trend focuses on developing a monitoring system for forest ecosystems using drones to respond to potential wildfires. This initiative involves deploying drones for aerial reconnaissance over forested areas and analyzing the captured video data to identify potential sources of ignition.</p> <p>This endeavor represents a proactive use of drones in environmental monitoring, enhancing our ability to detect and respond to potential forest fires.</p> V.V. Nesterenko Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 68 73 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18242 Recognition of fake news using natural language processing and a low-power architecture for edge computing <p>The research focuses on enhancing the method of fake news detection based on natural language processing (NLP) utilising low-power edge computing architecture through attention mechanisms and contextual analysis. An attention mechanism and contextual analysis are implemented to detect linguistic signs of credibility and stylistic differences between fake and real news. This approach aims to enable news verification on peripheral devices with limited computational resources without compromising speed.</p> <p>Experimental studies validate the efficiency of the proposed method in identifying anomalies in text frequency and credibility markers. Fake news is identified by the higher use of emotionally charged words, probative statements and profanity compared to real news.</p> <p>The integration of attention mechanisms and contextual analysis showcases a notable improvement in identifying linguistic anomalies typical of fake news, achieving a classification accuracy of 81%. The findings contribute to combating misinformation by leveraging linguistic nuances and signify potential advancements in news veracity assessment on resource-constrained devices.</p> L.D. Mishchenko I.A. Klymenko Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 59 67 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18241 Method of multiprocessor modular multiplication with using Montgomery group reduction <p>The article proposes a method of accelerating the operation of modular multiplication important for cryptographic applications due to its implementation in the form of m autonomous computational processes. The technology of allocation the multiplier into components and the procedure for performing partial modular multiplications using Montgomery group reduction based on precalculations have been developed in detail. The statement is illustrated by a numerical example. The choice of parameters of the organization of calculations that provides the greatest effect of parallelization of modular multiplication is theoretically substantiated. It is proved that due to the parallelization of multiplications and the group reduction of Montgomery, the calculation of the modular product is accelerated by 0.75×m-0.93×m times.</p> O.P. Markovskyi Ghassan Abdel Jalil Halil Al-Mrayat Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 48 58 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18240 Tuning of PID-controller by genetic algorithm according to multi-criteria objective function for controlling an unstable object <p>The task of adjusting an industrial-type regulator, namely a PID regulator, which has several parameters, namely the coefficients of proportional, integral, and differential links, is considered. In this study, the PID controller is used to control an unstable object with nonlinear dynamics. The task is to track the input signal with minimal overshoot, error, and settling time. At the same time, the problem of the optimal setting of a multi-parameter object to satisfy a multi-criteria objective function arises. Classical approaches to the optimization of several variable functions are faced with the need to find partial derivatives for each variable. At the same time, there are effective heuristic solutions that are based on a genetic algorithm, which creates an initial population, which is then updated by saving the best descendants and searching for new possible options. The article examines such an algorithm for stabilizing an unstable object whose characteristic equation has multiple zero roots. The paper presents the parameters of the algorithm and the results of modeling using modern techniques for modeling automatic control systems in phase space.</p> D.P. Kucherov S.O. Perepelitsyn O.M. Poshivaylo I.V. Miroshnichenko Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 42 47 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18239 The method of measuring the rotary moment of electrode-hun using methods of machine vision <p>This article presents a new approach to measuring the torque of electric motors using machine vision technologies. The main goal of this study is to develop a measurement method that minimizes interference with the operation of the electric motor. It has been studied how image processing and data analysis algorithms are used to interpret visual information obtained from the rotating elements of the engine. In the theoretical part of the article, the principles of machine vision are considered, as well as the existing methods of torque measurement are analyzed, indicating their limitations and potential areas for improvement. The scientific contribution of the work consists in the use of combined methods of image processing and analytical algorithms to determine the rotation parameters. The experimental part includes the development of modeling of the dependence of the torsion angle of the dynamometric coupling and the change of the visual parameter, which is determined by optical means, using machine vision.</p> V.P. Kvasnikov O.O. Shelukha D.M. Kvashuk V.A. Kopytov Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 35 41 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18238 Problems of multi-criteria synthesis of complex technical systems and methods of their solution <p>The article examines the main problematic issues and methods of solving the problem of multi-criteria parametric synthesis of complex technical systems during scientific and technical research at the initial stages of their development. As complex technical systems, systems related to rocket and space technology are considered.</p> <p>The development of complex aviation systems today, in the conditions of the limitation of financial and production resources, necessitates the in-depth study of a number of scientific and technical problems, which largely depend on the tactical and technical characteristics of the system and the success of its application. The selection of tactical and technical characteristics of the system and their further optimization is the task of multi-criteria parametric synthesis.</p> <p>The article deals with the general formulation of the multi-criteria optimization problem, justification and recommendations regarding the most preferable option for building a complex system. The following problematic issues of vector optimization are considered: normalization of criteria; taking into account the priority of criteria; highlighting the area of compromises; choosing a scheme of compromises and a single solution. In addition, another problem when solving vector optimization problems is the choice of instrumental and methodical means for conducting scientific and applied research, engineering works.</p> <p>In order to solve these problematic issues, the article considers special methods and algorithms of multi-criteria parametric synthesis and mathematical modeling regarding the selection of the optimal system construction option. These methods make it possible to evaluate alternative options for building a system, justify and give recommendations regarding the most preferable option. Currently, there are a large number of methods and software products that provide wide opportunities for solving the problem of vector optimization and conducting various types of data analysis. For example, the most acceptable and effective are SPSS, PS PRIAM, STATISTICA, ProSto, as well as the use of a large number of existing and newly created modules based on the integrated Microsoft Office package.</p> Yu.K. Ziatdinov A.S. Klymova A.V. Polukhin Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 28 34 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18237 Model of ontological-relational data storage for the functioning of a cloud SIEM system <p>Information security event management systems (SIEM) are widely used to prevent information loss in computer systems and networks. Currently, there are different approaches to creating data storages (databases) for SIEM systems. The analysis has not revealed a universal type of database, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. This paper is aimed at studying the known types of databases and their management systems that can be useful for implementing your own data storage model in modern SIEM. The paper offers a comparative characterization of their capabilities, as well as advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the paper develops a model of an ontological-relational data warehouse, which, by using two different databases with appropriate characteristics, allows to improve the convenience of storing and classifying data, to ensure high speed of obtaining large amounts of information due to preliminary indexing, as well as load balancing and data replication</p> O.K. Zhyharevych R.Sh. Berdibayev V.M. Sydorenko A.A. Polozhentsev A.O. Krymska Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 17 27 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18236 Robust LeGNSS positioning subsystem for UAV with correction and optimal filtering <p>The integration of LEO satellites with GNSS/INS into a robust LeGNSS positioning subsystem for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) addresses the limitations of traditional GNSS and INS systems. The proposed LeGNSS integrates low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite data with GNSS and MEMS-based inertial systems to enhance UAV positioning accuracy, reliability, and fault tolerance. It aims to overcome challenges like signal degradation and sensor errors through advanced correction and optimal filtering techniques. The paper utilizes Matlab simulations to analyse UAV positioning, considering dynamic environmental factors like wind. It emphasizes the integration of GNSS and INS systems to improve position estimation, highlighting the need for sophisticated filtering and error management. The study demonstrates improved positioning accuracy with the LeGNSS subsystem compared to traditional methods and suggests its application in various sectors employing unmanned aircraft. The research enhances UAV positioning technology and improves safety and operational efficiency.</p> B.I. Dolintse Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 10 16 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18235 Assessment of students' knowledge in virtual reality environments <p>The article discusses the problem of studying the interaction of a person and a computer, in particular, the study and assessment of students' activities in the study of textual material. It is proposed to use the psychophysical characteristics of the user, including the characteristics of receiving, processing and storing information in a person's memory. The Saaty scale is used to assess user behavior.</p> N.B. Aghayev E.N. Aghazade Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-25 2023-12-25 1 77 4 9 10.18372/2073-4751.76.18234 Optimization of air traffic control network structures in the presence of energy constraints <p>The article examines the problems of information and telecommunication systems of air transport, which, on the one hand, are hard real-time systems, and, on the other hand, critical application systems. Based on the results of the analysis of promising information and communication and computer networks of critical application, it was found that the main problems for networks are their vulnerability to external interference of various origins, which worsens QoS indicators, in particular, performance. The process of analyzing energy and information characteristics of wireless networks of critical application is considered. The main criteria for assessing the quality of functioning of computerized air traffic control systems have been introduced and substantiated. The multidimensional functionality of the efficiency of the information-computing and control computer network - such a critical application system as the air traffic control system and the information-communication network of the air hub – has been determined. In order to constantly monitor network characteristics at the proper level, a method of calculating the current signal/(interference plus noise) ratio has been developed. According to the results of the analysis of the energy and information characteristics of the network, their relationship is established, which is not always obvious, but very indicative and useful, for example, for solving the tasks of multi-criteria parameter optimization and network state management. The solution to the problem of multi-criteria optimization is achieved due to the scalar approach to vector optimization through the method of analysis of Saati hierarchies. The stability of the solution is ensured by inserting random components into the priority matrix.</p> O.V. Tolstikova S.V. Vodopianov V.I. Drovovozov A.A.A. Al-Shammari O.V. Andreiev Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 87 96 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18019 Development of a database for storing atmospheric air quality indicators from the research stations of a utility company <p>Today, the problem of air pollution is acute, especially in Ukraine, where significant changes in the environmental situation are taking place as a result of the war. These changes have led to the need to relocate production facilities and the population, which has increased the burden on organisations involved in environmental research. In Kremenchuk, the tasks of studying the state of environmental components are performed by a municipal enterprise of the city council, which has the appropriate technical equipment.</p> <p>In order to conduct detailed studies of the current ecological state of the atmospheric air within the Kremenchuk region and other research areas, to accumulate knowledge about trends in measured air pollution indicators and to predict future environmental changes, it is important to create a comprehensive database for automatic storage of readings from research posts and stations.</p> <p>This study analyses database models and database management systems in order to select the optimal model for the project. The main focus is on the design of the database structure, including the development of tables and their relationships, which allowed storing large amounts of air quality data in one space. PHP and MySQL, a database management system with good performance and scalability, were used to implement the database.</p> <p>A separate aspect of the study is the possibility of expanding the database by adding new stations and integrating data from online resources. In the course of the work, the database was migrated, which helped to achieve the final structure of the database, laying the foundation for further development of the functionality and increasing the number of data sources.</p> <p>The created database will become the basis for the creation of an automatic report and forecast generation service, as well as allow researchers and specialists to carry out a detailed analysis of the state of atmospheric air in different regions of Ukraine.</p> A.L. Perekrest V.S. Bakharev K.O. Vadurin A.I. Deriyenko A.V. Ivashchenko S.A. Shkarupa Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 68 86 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18018 Compression detector for frequency monitoring and passive location systems <p>The article analyzes the principle of operation and the possibilities of applying a compressive detector, the principle of which is based on the use of a scan heterodyne and dispersion filter. As a dispersion filter, it is proposed to use a set of time delays connected in series and bandpass filters connected to the delay taps. Such a system allows compression of broadband modulated signals in the form of pulses, which increases the signal-to-noise ratio and increases the ability to separate signals by frequency. The mathematical support describing the principle of operation of the compressive detector and the conditions for implementing the matched filtering of the signals received on the dispersion filter is considered in detail. A diagram of the structure of the compressive detector is presented, the principle of which is based on the given mathematical support. The proposed system can be implemented and used for information processing of unknown, hidden signals, in information systems of frequency monitoring and passive location.</p> R.L. Pantyeyev F.J. Yanovsky Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 59 67 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18017 Routing method in mobile software-defined networks based on fuzzy inference system <p>The work is devoted to the development of a routing method based on a fuzzy inference system and a multi-path routing algorithm in mobile software-defined networks. A routing method is proposed that allows increasing the efficiency of the route selection scheme by taking into account a set of metrics and determining the path with the highest stability value to the specified destination node using a fuzzy inference system.</p> <p>The algorithm of multi-path inverse wave routing is used, which allows finding paths between source and destination nodes and finding paths between intermediate network nodes, and performing dynamic rerouting of the path if necessary.&nbsp; An algorithm for predicting the stability of the route for packet transmission using the Mamdani fuzzy inference system has been developed. This method helps to choose a route with a low probability of link destruction during routing and to reduce the number of path discovery operations from the initial node.</p> Y.O. Kulakov Y.V. Hrabovenko R.O. Kuzmych Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 52 58 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18016 Research of predictive control procedures for communication, navigation and surveillance equipment <p>Communication, navigation and surveillance devices play a significant role in the process of ensuring the safety of civil aviation flights. Operation systems are used to maintain the reliability and efficiency of the intended use of this equipment. The operation system includes the devices of communication, navigation and surveillance, personnel, documentation, and resource support. The main functions of the operation system are: organization, coordination, control of the technical operation of objects and devices of communication, navigation and surveillance; carrying out organizational and technical measures regarding modernization, support of operational readiness and extension of the service life of these equipment; planning, organization, coordination and control of operation on the certification of aviation devices and services; planning, coordination and control of flight inspections of vehicles; improvement and implementation of new methods of operation organization, including based on the use of modern information technologies. Forecasting the technical condition is an important operation process. As a result of forecasting the technical condition of communication, navigation and surveillance equipment, the value of a set of determining parameters is assessed. The practical application of predictive control algorithms involves the reduction of errors in decision-making about the state of the object in the presence of a priori uncertainty. The quantitative measure of the objectivity of decisions made as a result of forecasting is the veracity of forecasting control. The veracity generally characterizes the degree of confidence in decisions made as a result of forecasting. The veracity of the control depends not only on the objectivity of the actual forecasting, but also on the efficiency of the operation of communication, navigation and surveillance systems. This article is devoted to the study of issues related to the features of the application of predictive control and assessment of the veracity of decision-making as a result of forecasting. At the same time, mathematical equations characterizing the process of classifying the technical condition during forecasting and subsequent assessment of the veracity of decision-making are given. The results of the research can be used during the development and modernization of the operation systems for communication, navigation and surveillance equipment.</p> O.V. Zuiev O.V. Solomentsev M.Yu. Zaliskyi A.O. Osipchuk Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 41 51 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18015 Enterprise service bus for efficient functioning of the information security event management system <p>The number of cyber threats in ICT is increasing and the development of new security oriented instrumental tools is very important and relevant scientific task. SIEM systems are category of such tools, directed on log analysis and incident management to prevent negative consequences minimize damage of cyber threats for end user. In the previous works authors have analyzed existed SIEM systems and DB types for them as well as created new architecture of cloud-based SIEM. Next step of this research project is ESB justification. The paper defines the place of ESB distributed data bus in the concept of SOA architecture, identifies the functions and benefits. Also authors analyzed most popular up-to-date ESB solutions and provides recommendations in context of developed SIEM implementation in the critical infrastructure. The developed ESB component for the effective functioning of SIEM systems at CI facilities will provide a number of advantages, such as a wide range of connectors and solution scalability, flexible data routing, guaranteed delivery of information messages, organization of a secure transmission channel, centralized management, the ability to monitor and diagnose transmission status, as well as the possibility of integration with third-party message queues. Besides, the data sheet for SIEM in critical infrastructure was formed and proposed in this paper.</p> S.O. Gnatyuk R.Sh. Berdibayev А.М. Bogun V.M. Sydorenko A.A. Polozhentsev O.K. Zhyharevych Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 29 40 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18014 Optimization method for mass service system with the use of a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence <p>In article, we present the development of an optimization method for mass service systems using a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence as an effective tool for automating and enhancing user service processes. The proposed solution enhances user interaction, utilizes artificial intelligence to improve responses, efficiently stores and analyzes data, and enables automation through a GAS. Future plans include expanding the language model, improving the user interface, adding automatic language recognition to support multiple languages, and introducing additional query analysis capabilities. We aim to develop algorithms that learn from user responses to provide personalized answers and enhance the user interaction experience. Furthermore, we investigate and optimize data processing algorithms to ensure the system's efficient operation in high query volume scenarios. These research developments have the potential to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and user experience of mass service systems utilizing a virtual assistant.</p> V.O. Gnatyuk O.G. Batrak A.A. Skurativskyi S.O. Kudrenko Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 21 28 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18013 Implementation of industrial internet of things technologies using Edge, Fog, and Cloud computing <p>Having superior features of productivity of the Industrial Internet technology of things used in the establishment of clever cities and clever villages, optimity, etc. increases the need to use it. The low-capacity of the physical resources of Iot-based sensors allows it to integrate into cloud technology. Cloud-based infrastructures are not sufficient for the existing requirements of the products of the products. The two main issues, in terms of reconciliation and network expansion limits arise. Also, the breaks of the Internet connection, the low conductivity, etc., as such problems, allow IIOT to integrate the "Fog Computing" and "Edge Computing" technologies. Taking into account the coverage and development of IIOT technology, it is believed that in many cases taking advantage of its full potential will be possible to combine clouds, fog and edge calculations. In this article, Industrial Internet technology of things, its integrated "Cloud", Fog ", Edge technologies are being investigated and differences between them, distribution-based approaches between levels are discussed.</p> V.A. Gasimov Sh.Kh. Aliyeva Zh.S. Assanova Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 16 20 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18012 Formalized method of the solution of multi-criteria problems <p>Multi-criteria (vector) optimization involves finding a set (Pareto area) of acceptable solutions. You usually only need to choose one of them. Since the points of the Pareto set are formally incomparable, in order to solve the problem, it is fundamentally necessary to involve information about the preferences of the person making the decision. When solving a specific problem of vector optimization, the decision-maker creates his own model of the objective function (utility function) according to his preferences. Thus, the solution of multi-criteria problems is subjective in nature. The article proposes a formalized method for solving multi-criteria problems.</p> <p>A model of multi-criteria optimization is obtained, which allows the object to realize all the goals set in the entire range of possible situations. A systematic approach to the problem of vector optimization made it possible to combine models of individual trade-off schemes into a single integral structure that adapts to the situation of making a multi-criteria decision. The advantage of the concept of a non-linear trade-off scheme is the possibility of making a multi-criteria decision formally, without the direct participation of a person. At the same time, on a single ideological basis, both tasks that are important for general use, and those which main content essence is the satisfaction of individual preferences of decision makers, are solved. The apparatus of the nonlinear trade-off scheme, developed as a formalized tool for studying systems with conflicting criteria, makes it possible to practically solve multi-criteria problems of a wide class.</p> A.M. Voronin P.I. Melnychenko I.V. Chuba S.V. Kulyk Y.O. Oliinyk Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 8 15 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18011 Method of influencing a student's attestation results through extracurricular activities <p>The article systematically analyzes, systematizes the impact of extracurricular activities of students on educational indicators and identifies the main characteristics. A methodology for assessing the impact of students' extracurricular activities on educational indicators using the Bayesian approach has been developed. Using the proposed methodology, reports were compiled based on a priori data and the impact of students' extracurricular activities on their success rates was assessed. Based on the a priori data obtained, it was determined that this effect does not exceed 30%.</p> N.B. Aghayev G.B. Huseynova Copyright (c) 2023 2023-11-01 2023-11-01 1 77 4 7 10.18372/2073-4751.75.18010 Analysis of contemporary methods for detecting anomalies in computer networks <p>The definition of the concept of anomaly is analyzed, the reasons for their occurrence and possible impact on computer networks are briefly described. Еhree types of anomalies are considered: individual (point), contextual and group anomalies. It is also described on the basis of which characteristics abnormal behavior is detected. Classifications of anomaly detection methods described in the scientific literature are given. Standard statistical methods, methods based on clustering and methods based on classification are considered.</p> A.L. Stoliar Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 91 100 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17888 Analysis of the conversion function nonlinearity of the analog-digital converter <p>The study aims to analyze analog-to-digital converter (ADC) nonlinearity in digital measuring instruments such as oscilloscopes, multimeters, and spectrum analyzers. The non-linearity of the ADC can lead to insufficient accuracy, distortion and inhomogeneity of the signal transformation. The research examines the factors that cause the nonlinearity of the ADC and the methods of evaluating its influence on the measurement results. Also considered are the parameters related to the nonlinearity of the ADC, which are standardized in the technical descriptions, allowing to assess the level of nonlinearity and make appropriate corrections during data processing.</p> A.P. Stakhova V.P. Kvasnikov Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 86 90 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17887 Information technology for processing target load data of unmanned aerial systems <p>Given the speed of development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and the scope of their use, the task of creating a unified platform for deploying information processes directly on board is gradually arising. This article proposes an information technology (IT) that will allow deploying any information processes on board an UAV in real time. The article also provides a number of examples of using the proposed IT with a detailed description and recommendations.</p> <p>This technology can provide a flexible platform for further research and development in this field, and also solves the problem of quickly creating various types of UAVs with artificial intelligence based on various platforms. Currently, there are a large number of different companies in Ukraine that assemble or develop BPS, but they do not have any target load, which can also be said positively about these companies.</p> V.I. Sorokopud P.O. Prystavka Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 81 85 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17886 Microcontrollers with stack architecture <p>The development of microcontroller cores that have both low hardware costs and minimized length of compiled software code that is executed with the required performance is necessary for the implementation of Internet of Things systems, and application specific systems based on field programable gate arrays (FPGA) of small volume.</p> <p>The main task of the research is to develop an efficient architecture of the microcontroller core, which is configured in a small-volume FPGA.</p> <p>As a result of the research, it was established that such a kernel should have a stack architecture. Such an architecture minimizes both the size of the compiled software code and hardware costs. In addition, in such an architecture, programs with a large number of conditional instructions, subroutine calls and frequent interruptions are quickly executed.</p> <p>Eight- and sixteen-bit microcontroller cores with the names SM8 and SM16, respectively, which have a stack architecture, are proposed. Application specific user instructions can be added to the instruction set that are configured to speed up the execution of the executed algorithm. So, it is possible to add to the SM8 core up to dozens of user instructions that are executed by subroutines. A single instruction of the SM16 core calculates the hash function of the input keywords at a rate of two clocks per symbol.</p> <p>The cores are characterized by low hardware costs and can be configured in FPGAs of various series and manufacturers. In particular, the SM16 core has 1.7 times lower hardware costs and 2.7 times higher performance than the MSP430 architecture core.</p> O.A. Molchanov A.M. Sergienko V.O. Romankevich Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 74 80 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17885 Research on the impact of Non_Maximal Suppression threshold value on YOLO’s ability to recognize objects in low-quality images <p>Based on the analysis of existing approaches to object detection in images, the YOLO model was selected for investigating the dependency of performance on the Non-Maximal Suppression (NMS) threshold value. This article addresses the current challenge of utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), particularly drones, in various fields where they are employed for collecting visual data. The primary objective of this research is to study and evaluate the optimal NMS threshold value for the YOLOv7 model when processing images acquired from UAVs under conditions characterized by low resolution, noise, and other artifacts. The study demonstrates that the YOLOv7 model can be effective in recognizing objects in images obtained from drones, even in the presence of low resolution and noise. However, it was observed that altering the NMS parameter affects the accuracy and frequency of false object detections. Decreasing the parameter value can enhance object recognition but concurrently increases the likelihood of false detections. The obtained results indicate the need for further research in this area, including improving the quality of source images, developing individualized approaches, and methods for working with visual data obtained from UAVs with low resolution.</p> M.S. Ladonia Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 68 73 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17884 A method of traffic balancing in SDN networks based on a modified distance vector routing protocol <p>The paper considers the issues of traffic balancing in computer networks using Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technology. &nbsp;The expediency of load balancing in SDN networks on the basis of multipath routing is substantiated. The criterion of path selection is proposed, which allows to provide the maximum possible uniform loading of channels.</p> <p>The method of traffic balancing is proposed, which due to the centralised way of route information formation in the SDN controller and the use of multipath routing method allows to increase the efficiency of dynamic traffic reconfiguration procedure. Formation of routing information is carried out using a modified distance vector routing algorithm. This algorithm allows simultaneously with the formation of a given route to form paths from all intermediate nodes to the final node. The method of centralised formation of routing information is proposed, which allows to exclude repeated formation of routing information for previously formed sections of the route.</p> Y.O. Kulakov V.Y. Shchur Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 62 67 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17883 Modeling of the multipath routing using known paths with ONOS SDN controller <p>This article describes the modeling of the local network environment, which uses the OpenFlow protocol for communication between links in the system and the ONOS controller, which performs network management based on software defined networks (SDN) technology.</p> <p>In the course of the study, a virtual network model was built using the mininet platform with an arbitrary topology. The controller reads information about devices in the environment based on the given model and forms a representation of the network in its memory. To find paths, method of multipath routing using known paths (from previous studies of connections on the topology performed by the controller) developed by the authors of the article was used. This method has one of the lowest time complexities among other methods. For the controller, a modification of the software routing algorithm, which is administered by the controller, was carried out in accordance with the selected theoretical method. Testing of the model that was built and verification of theoretical assumptions were performed. The number of transitions ("hops") between network links is used as a metric.</p> Y.O. Kulakov O.V. Cherevatenko Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 55 61 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17882 DPI traffic classification technologies in SDN networks: a survey <p>The work considers the prerequisites for the emergence of software-defined SDN networks, which are in great demand today.</p> <p>The purpose of the work is to review the technology of building SDN networks and recognizing types of traffic based on SDN technology. Analyze existing solutions in the field of recognition of encrypted traffic, which is the most popular in modern networks. Compare recognition algorithms, their speed of operation and recognition accuracy. Explore vulnerabilities and potential solutions in SDN security.</p> <p>The authors suggested further research into ways of using DPI technology in software-configured networks in order to improve the efficiency of using existing communication channels.</p> <p>The results of a comparison of traffic recognition systems and their vulnerabilities in comparison with classic networks are presented.</p> Y.O. Kulakov Oboznyi D.M. Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 49 54 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17881 Method of reduction of data uncertainty in monitoring systems based on ontological additions <p>The proposal for the use of ontological additions has a perspective in the field of distributed systems monitoring, when there is uncertainty in the totality of the collected data, and it is quite difficult to obtain clear parameters by traditional measurement methods due to a number of objective reasons. It was proposed to present an ontologically supplemented set of collected information in the form of:</p> <p>S_O^+=⟨A,P,V,γ,ω,O⟩</p> <p>where O is the ontology of the system. In this way, ontologies make it possible to carry out a logical analysis of monitoring objects and perform redefinition of their attributes, thereby increasing the amount of information in the totality of collected information. In addition, the prospect of creating ontological additions by automated means based on Data Mining analysis was considered. The article presents the results of a theoretical study of the possibilities of using the expanded set of collected information. The approach proposed in the study can play a significant role in expanding the capabilities of monitoring systems and improving their operational characteristics.</p> A.V. Kaplunov A.M. Volokyta Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 44 48 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17880 Research of simulation of two-dimensional samples using polynomial splines <p>Simulation is used to solve a variety of problems, for a certain set of reasons: imitation of "critical" modes that can be dangerous in real operation, saving time and material resources, the possibility of remote training, etc. In particular, in the case of research in multidimensional spaces, it is important not to model the operation of the system, but rather the data sequences of a certain type, could solve the problem of the lack of such data.</p> <p>In [1] it is said that when simulating samples, the first thing to start from is the distribution model that needs to be obtained. The model can be defined by some analytical distribution law (normal, Weibull, uniform, etc.), and in this it depends on the parameters (parametric model). Usually, models are chosen such that their parameters carry some meaningful interpretation (a, b - the beginning and end of the interval in a uniform distribution, λ – intensity in an exponential distribution, etc.). Another class of models that reproduce distribution functions are nonparametric ones (kernel methods, histogram estimates of the empirical distribution function, spline approximation [4]). The main problem with parameter-based methods is their limitation, especially in two cases:</p> <p>When modeling multivariate data - in this case, the work always leads to the transition to a multivariate normal distribution.</p> <p>When modeling heterogeneous samples that are a mixture of several distributions (not necessarily from the same class), truncated or containing missing observations.</p> <p>In this context, the use of parametric models is objectively impossible in its pure form. Therefore, having a tool that approximates heterogeneous data well is desirable for solving the problem of generating heterogeneous multivariate populations.</p> V.D. Zivakin P.O. Prystavka Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 38 43 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17879 Architecture of integrated navigation systems with enhanced coordinate accuracy and fault detection <p>The integration of GNSS/INS is becoming increasingly pivotal for the precise operation of uncrewed aerial vehicles, especially in agriculture. This integration is underscored by two primary necessities: the assurance that after prolonged operation, the accuracy of the navigation parameters remains uncompromised and the implementation of an integrated navigation algorithm that is both straightforward and dependable, demanding minimal processing power from the onboard chips. This article first introduces the centralized Kalman filter approach, employed to merge GPS and INS systems, based on a loosely coupled framework. This amalgamation is streamlined, significantly curtailing the computational demands of the system, and reducing its intricacy. Subsequently, the discrepancies in the INS system's navigation parameters, as gauged by the discrete Kalman filter algorithm, are rectified using a feedback amendment method. This strategy effectively counters the degradation in navigational accuracy that typically ensues from extended operational periods.</p> B.I. Dolintse Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 1 77 31 37 10.18372/2073-4751.74.17878