Trends in the development of modern cyber space and its security in conditions of information conflict.




information confrontation, information space, cyberspace, cybersecurity, information security


The article considers the topical issue of cyberspace formation. The tendencies of its development in the conditions of information confrontation are determined, namely: information security directly depends on cybersecurity, ie the security policy implemented in cyberspace; cyberspace is gradually becoming the fifth theater of operations; to ensure the advantage in cyberspace, the world's leading countries are beginning to form a military-network complex; problems of information security in cyberspace and the formation of a military-network complex lead to a redistribution of powers of existing players in the field of information protection; the provision of information security services in cyberspace is becoming a new type of business. It is concluded that in the current conditions, ie information confrontation, it is essential to support the development and production in Ukraine of competitive information and communication tools (including the use of domestic microelectronics, which needs to be restored and developed) and software in the interests of Ukrainian users, as well as the use of such tools in Ukraine, and especially in the defense industry and critical civilian infrastructure, in order to counter information influences.


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Cybersecurity & Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)