information and communication technology, information security, neural network, artificial electronic accounts, social network model, artificial intelligence, target audience, psychological influence, information operationAbstract
In today's information environment, psychological operations (POs) have become powerful tools for influencing target audiences (TAs), which is a necessary component of armed struggle. This article discusses the neuropsychological approach to assessing psychological influence, which allows for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind changing people's behaviour, beliefs and emotional states. The article examines how neural connections activated when receiving information signals influence cognitive and emotional reactions that can significantly change the perception of reality. Particular attention is paid to the role of the emotional state, which can both enhance and weaken the effect of psychological influence. The study is based on the analysis of emotional stimuli that activate neuropsychological processes, determining new beliefs or attitudes in the target audience. The article also discusses the Ebbinghaus effect, which is a critical aspect for increasing the effect of psychological influence. A new scientific approach to mathematical modelling has been developed that describes the dynamics of information retention in the memory of the target audience, taking into account different forgetting rates depending on the characteristics of the audience. In addition, the stability of the system is studied, which is determined through an integral stability indicator that takes into account various aspects, such as the intensity of information impact, emotional charge of the content and resistance to external influences. The use of the developed mathematical approach to modelling the effect of psychological influence provides new tools for predicting behavioural changes in target audiences during psychological operations.
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