Recommender Systems Based on Reinforced Learning


  • Victor Sineglazov National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Andrii Sheruda National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”



machine learning, reinforcement learning, recommendation systems, recommender agent, collaborative filtering, Actor-Critic, explicit feedback


This article is devoted to the problem of building recommender systems based on the use of artificial intelligence methods. The paper analyzes the algorithms of recommender systems. Analyzes the Markov decision-making process in the context of recommender systems. Approaches to the adaptation of reinforcement learning algorithms to the task of recommendations (transition from the task of supervised learning to the task of reinforcement learning) are considered. Reinforcement learning algorithms Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient and Twin Delayed DDPG were implemented with their own environment simulating the user's reaction, and the results were compared. The structure of a recommender system has been developed, in which the recommender agent generates a list of offers for an individual user, using his previous history of ratings. In the system itself, the user has the ability to interact only with the space of recommended films. This can be compared to the main YouTube page, which is a feed with suggestions, but we have a user interacting only with this feed and his reaction to objects in the recommendation space falls into recommender agent, which regulates the parameters of the model in the learning process.

Author Biographies

Victor Sineglazov , National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Engineering Science


Head of the Department of Aviation Computer-Integrated Complexes

Faculty of Air Navigation Electronics and Telecommunications

Andrii Sheruda , National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


Department of Information Systems

Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science


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