Principles of Designing Inertially Stabilized Platforms




inertially stabilized platforms, generalized structure, gimbals, operation modes, optimal system


The article deals with the description and analysis of the possible realization of inertial stabilized platforms intended for the operation of equipment installed on aircraft. The kinematic scheme of the two-axis gimballed inertially stabilized platform is represented. The generalized structure of the inertial stabilized platform is presented and researched. Basic components of the generalized structure and their connections are described. The different modes of functioning inertially stabilized platforms are listed and characterized. The basic stages of designing optimal inertially stabilized platforms are represented. The approaches to designing robust systems of the platform’s motion control are represented. The appropriate software in MatLab system is characterized. Simulation of stabilization processes in an inertial platform was performed. The obtained results are useful for inertial stabilized platforms intended for operation on moving objects of a wide class.

Author Biographies

Olha Sushchenko , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Doctor of Engineering


Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications

Olexander Saluyk , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Post-graduate student

Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications

Serhii Yehorov , National Aviation University, Kyiv

Senior Teacher

Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications


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