About Secondary Energy Resources, Heat Exchange Ventilation


  • Andrey Voronuk National Aviation University, Kyiv




ventilation, supply and exhaust system, air environment, heat exchanger, recuperator, secondary energy, a group of tidal chambers


The article deals with life support systems, the main purpose of such systems is to make the building suitable for human life, or to create comfortable conditions for work. To create a favorable environment, optimal temperature and humidity in all residential and industrial premises, ventilation and air conditioning systems are used. The main goal of the work was the development of a high-tech energy-saving ventilation and air conditioning system with a modern automated control system. At the same time, the main directions of modernization of energy-saving control systems were developed, the hardware support of the energy-saving ventilation system was developed, the choice of the type of recuperator as an energy conservation subsystem was justified, the main elements of the system were calculated, the components of the ventilation and air conditioning system were modeled, a model of the supply-exhaust ventilation system was developed, and experimental tests were carried out research.

Author Biography

Andrey Voronuk , National Aviation University, Kyiv


Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications


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