Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The main purpose </em>of publishing an electronic collection of scientific papers is coverage of inquiries, exchange of advanced techniques, creative approach to solving current problems of modern education by the best representatives of different countries; exchange of research experience in the field of education; publication of scientific results to achieve research; presentation of educational projects; formation of a professional measuring community; promoting the development of science and education in Ukraine, reflecting the achievements of innovations in education and science, taking into account international experience.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The main problematic issues considered in the scientific collection are: </em>psychological and pedagogical principles of personality development; continuing education as a factor of professional development and self-realization of the individual; innovative technologies in the training of highly qualified specialists; improvement of pedagogical skills as a priority area of professional development; modern education and science: problems, prospects, innovations.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Frequency of issue</em> - once a year.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Language of publication</em>: Ukrainian, English.</p> National Aviation University en-US Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2786-5487 CHANGING GAME PREFERENCES OF CHILDREN: EFFECTS OF COMPUTER GAMES ON CHILDREN <p><em>As children's play preferences increasingly gravitate toward computer games, it is essential to examine the multifaceted effects these games have on their development. Computer games offer interactive platforms that enhance cognitive skills such as problem-solving and decision-making. Yet, concerns arise over excessive gaming leading to attention issues and impulsivity. While some games foster social interaction and teamwork, others may expose children to cyberbully and inappropriate content. Emotionally, games can evoke empathy and engagement, but excessive exposure to intense content may desensitize children to real-world violence. Physically, sedentary gaming habits can contribute to health issues like obesity and poor posture. Parental guidance is crucial in regulating screen time, monitoring content, and fostering open communication about gaming habits. By striking a balance between gaming and other activities, parents can help children navigate the digital landscape responsibly while promoting their overall well-being.</em></p> Abdülkadir Kabadayi Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 8 16 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18716 CHILDREN ARE IN ALICE’S WONDERLAND: IMPLICATIONS OF INTERNET USE ON PRESCHOOLERS <p><em>The increasing prevalence of internet use among preschool-aged children brings forth important implications for their developmental domains. In cognitive development, the internet offers educational content that can stimulate learning and critical thinking; yet excessive screen time may hinder attention and language skills. Socially, online interactions provide opportunities for communication but may lack the nuances of face-to-face relationships, potentially affecting empathy and social cues. Emotionally, exposure to digital content can evoke varied responses, influencing emotional regulation and empathy development. Physically, prolonged screen time may lead to sedentary behavior and impact motor skills development. The study aims to discuss the contributions of internet use among preschoolers. By understanding the implications of internet use among preschoolers, caregivers can navigate digital landscapes effectively, promoting holistic development while safeguarding children's well-being.</em></p> Abdülkadir Kabadayi Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 17 26 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18717 MODERN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN ACCORDANCE TO SOCIAL CHALLENGES <p><em>The question of formation of</em> <em>managerial competence as the basis of the professional activity has been raised. Thus, the aim of research is the development of professional managerial skills and thinking, especially rational decision making in context of Educational Management, what is a component of professional competence and requires the identification of effective pedagogical approaches aimed at supporting and developing managerial and leadership positions. So, the prospects for the modernization of professional training in the conditions of modern society are outlined, paying due attention to the formation of desision-making skills, teamworking, according to social challenges.</em></p> Daria Suprun Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 27 33 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18718 THE ROLE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS IN THE FORMATION OF POLITICAL VALUES OF MODERN SOCIETY <p><em>With the advance of technologies, there is a tendency for people to spend more time sitting on digital media. In today's globalized world, many issues are handled online rather than face-to-face. This article examines how these issues are used in the formation of political merits.</em></p> <p><em>Humans have adapted to the usage of social networks for political communication. The author has comprehensively considered this issue through many examples. </em><em>An attempt was made to apply the explanation of the concept of a social network. The author also focused on the main methods of her research.</em></p> Gaziza Alibekova Saipzhamal Korganova Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 34 42 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18719 EDUCATION OF THE XXI CENTURY: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS <p>The challenges to education in the global aspect and the conditions of the martial law regime and the subsequent reconstruction of Ukraine are highlighted. Recommendations regarding the prospects for the development of education in the 21st century at the state and global level were considered.<br><br></p> Liudmyla Lakhtionova Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 43 61 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18720 IMPROVING EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY ON THE EXAMPLE OF WORKSHOPS DEVELOPING SUBJECTIVE DISPOSITION AND THE EVALUATION PROJECT <p><em>The article reveals the improvement of education technology on the example of workshops developing subjective disposition and the evaluation project.</em></p> Malgozhata Frants Beata Jankiewicz Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 62 67 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18721 PROBLEMS OF TWO-WHEELED VEHICLE REPAIR <p><em>Existing removers of parts or assemblies of bicycles are used only for a certain model and its modification. Therefore, it is recommended to use a universal puller for repairs, which will allow you to perform the necessary operations faster and more conveniently (mechanization and automation of the process, convenience and quality of repairs are increased).</em></p> Oleksandr Rudyk Pavlo Kaplun Volodymyr Gonchar Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 68 77 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18722 APPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES WHEN RESEARCHING THE PERFORMANCE OF ROAD TRANSPORT <p><em>Considered the physical processes that characterize the stressed-deformed state of the cardan flange. For this in SolidWorks provides a general methodology for building a solid model of a flange and in SolidWorks Simulation selects its material, fasteners, applied loads, creates a mesh of finite elements, determines Mises stresses, resulting displacement, equivalent deformations, and margin of safety.</em></p> Oleksandr Rudyk Roman Kovalenko Andrii Lavrenchuk Daniil Hromov Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 78 90 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18723 DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN <p><em>In a civilized and developed society, the system of schools, education, science and culture plays a key and constructive role. The degree of intellectual and intellectual potential of each country depends on the development of education, training and upbringing, and it is school and education, highly qualified specialists who can ensure the sustainable economic, social, scientific and cultural development of the country. Not only the formation of politically literate, self-conscious people, but also the political and socio-economic fate of the country and its future largely depend on the state of schools and education, knowledge and literacy of the people. The Government of the country, under the guidance and caring and educational policy of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Emomali Rahmon, despite the difficulties and difficulties of the transition of the Republic of Tajikistan to a new system of statehood, considered the education and science system as a priority and key area of the state and provided special support.</em> <em>The article describes the development of education in the Republic of Tajikistan.</em></p> Saidanvar Umarov Farhod Sirojov Obiddin Tukhtasunov Umeda Okhunova Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 91 98 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18724 RAISING A CHILD IS NOT AN EASY TASK <p><em>A child is a priceless good that makes our life and people sweet, feels the joy of life, fragrance and sincere love. From the moment a child is born, every parent immediately thinks about its future. Because a child is the best priceless good for parents and the fruit of life. The upbringing and education of a child has always resulted from the correct organization of the family and the level of education in the family.&nbsp;&nbsp; As soon as a healthy and educated family can raise a good child and release him into adulthood. The article reveals the important task of raising children.</em></p> Shahnoza Kalonova Saidanvar Umarov Farhod Sirojov Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 99 103 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18725 PECULIARITIES OF AI-TOOLS UTILIZATION AS A SUPPORTER DURING THE MARTIAL LAW <p><em>This article examines the specific considerations for utilizing AI tools in teaching process within the unique context of Ukraine under martial law. The study investigates the cultural and psychological profiles of popular AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini, comparing their ability to reflect national values and personality traits. Additionally, the research explores the impact of AI-tools implementation on students’ perceived social support. The study proposes a pattern «Leadership Qualities-Trust», to facilitate the integration of AI tools in the academic environment by fostering trust and understanding. The study highlights the importance of considering the «psychological type» of AI tools and their potential impact on student-teacher dynamics. Study provides valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges of utilizing AI-tools at teaching within the specific context of Ukraine under martial law.</em></p> Volodymyr Momot Olena Lytvynenko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 104 116 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18726 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE SAFETY OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS PARTICIPANTS IN CRISIS CONDITIONS <p><em>The article examines the place and role of digital technologies for the safe life of participants in the educational process during a crisis. Special attention is directed to digital perception and perception of information in the context of mental health of the individual.</em></p> Myroslav Andros Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 117 134 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18727 MUSIC INFORMATIONS AS A WAY FOR FORMING THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE OF PROSPECTIVE MUSICAL ART BACHELORS <p>The article explores the role of music informatics for the formation of information and communication competence of prospective musical art bachelors. The author considers the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of using information and communication technologies in the professional training of higher art and pedagogical education students.</p> Nataliia Ashykhmina Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 135 141 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18728 THE CHATGPT USE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING WITH THE AIM OF DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS <p><em>The article discusses the peculiarities of using artificial intelligence in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​with the aim of developing communicative competence in future teachers. Some aspects of the introduction of artificial intelligence into the initial process are considered. Conclusions are provided regarding the effective use of the GPT chatbot in the formation of students' foreign language competence.</em></p> Iryna Berdychevska Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 142 149 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18729 EDUCATIONAL GAME AS AN INNOVATIVE FORM EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS <p><em>The article defines «educational game» and describes its main varieties. The functions and rules of games are analyzed. The main components and advantages of educational games are considered.</em></p> Inna Bobkova Viktoriia Burianova Svitlana Honcharuk Kateryna Uminska Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 150 156 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18772 TOLERANCE FORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICE CADETS <p><em>The essence of the concepts of «communicative tolerance», «positive discrimination» and algorithms for implementing the principle of &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;«non-discrimination» in the police work are considered. The need for targeted formation of communicative tolerance as a competence and personal features in police’ officers and «positive discrimination» as an algorithm of actions already at the stage of their training as police’ cadets of higher education institutions with specific training conditions is emphasized. The methodological principles of organizing seminar and practical classes with cadets in the form of educational training aimed at practicing and improving some forms of police practices of tolerant communication have been determined</em></p> Olena Ivanivna Bogucharova Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 157 168 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18730 ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCT OF A THEMATIC CONDUCT ABOUT ADAPTATION <p><em>The article examines the issues of continuity in the education of students of grades 1, 5, and 10 during the adaptation transition</em><em>.</em></p> Inna Bozhko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 169 173 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18731 ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE INSTITUTION OF EXTRA-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN TRANSFORMATIONS <p><em>The article deals with the problems of organizing the educational process in out-of-school education institutions in the conditions of modern transformations, namely, the questions that arose before the teachers with the arrival of the Russian war on our land. This recommendation is written from my own teaching experience.</em></p> Anton Volodymyrovych Bondarenko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 174 181 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18732 IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE OR TECHNOLOGY? <p><em>The article discusses the concept of artificial intelligence. The problem of research in the field of artificial intelligence is multidisciplinary, which led to the emergence and use of various of its definitions.The article substantiates a multidisciplinary approach to the definition of the term «artificial intelligence» and offers the most universal version a definition of its concept.It was established that the use of artificial intelligence is a promising direction of human activity.</em></p> Halyna Broslavska Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 182 188 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18733 IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND MODERNIZATION OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION <p><em>The The article describes methodological and theoretical approaches to the development of competitive mathematical education as the basis for various types of activities and the establishment of the foundation for the intellectual potential of the nation. A series of existing educational problems are analyzed, methods for stimulating activity in the processes of accumulating and activating mathematical knowledge are considered, and important personal competencies of the pedagogical worker that contribute to professional realization are indicated.</em></p> Viktoriia Varyvoda Olena Hryshko Viktoriia Gural Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 189 195 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18734 APPLICATION OF COMPUTER SIMULATION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF TRAINING OF HIGHLY QUALIFIED SPECIALISTS-MATERIAL SCIENTISTS <p><em>The article presents material on the use of computer modeling for foundry technologies in teaching materials science students, which makes it possible to choose the material of a part or mechanism, the optimal technology for obtaining a product without real material costs, calculating all options and choosing the best option, as by the number of applied operations during production, as well as at cost. Improving the quality of training of highly qualified material scientists is intended to improve the quality of products in the future, shorten production times, and make people's work as efficient and easier as possible. </em></p> Tetiana Нovorun Кhrystyna Berladir Olena Belous Kyrylo Khaniukov Vitaly Varakin Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 196 208 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18735 REQUIREMENTS OF MODERN PRACTICAL TRAINING IN HIGH MILITARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS <p><em>Sufficiently high practical competence of military personnel has always been a priority need in the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Its importance has increased many times due to the realities of hostilities that are taking place today. In particular, the AFU are now receiving large quantities of samples of weapons and military equipment (WME) from Ukraine’s partner countries. Therefore, the task of quickly, correctly and effectively mastering such types of WME by military personnel is urgent. The authors express their views on ways to solve the problem posed to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by life itself, on the basis of practical learning at the Military Academy (Odessa).</em></p> Vyacheslav Golovan Artur Golovan Stanislav Nikul Mykhailo Drozdov Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 209 221 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18736 PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF FORMATION THINKING CULTURES OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS <p><em>The article examines the psychological features of the formation of a culture of thinking of high school student.</em><em> &nbsp;</em><em>The</em> <em>relationship</em> <em>between</em> <em>the</em> <em>culture</em> <em>of</em> <em>thinking</em> <em>and</em> <em>creative</em> <em>thinking</em> <em>is</em> <em>analysed</em><em>. </em><em>The influence of military-political events on the cognitive development of Ukrainian adolescents, their vitality and creativity are considered. The importance of using modern pedagogical technologies and interactive psychological techniques in the educational process to increase the readiness of apprenticeships for modern social and information challenges is emphasized.</em></p> Maria Golubeva Ekaterina Neumivako Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 222 230 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18737 LIBRARY THERAPY: FOREIGN AND UKRAINIAN EXPERIENCE <p><em>In the article presented the definition of bibliotherapy, the essence; types, functions of bibliotherapy as a modern innovative psychological and pedagogical technology. The foreign and domestic experience of using bibliotherapy in the psychological aspect is presented. </em></p> Mariia Holubieva Daryna Balachina Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 231 238 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18738 EVOLUTION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS <p><em>The article «Evolution of the educational process» examines the historical development of education and the influence of various factors on its transformation, starting with the first forms of transfer of basic knowledge from older generations to younger ones, and ending with modern trends such as personalization of learning, active involvement of students, and development of critical thinking. The article emphasizes the need to adapt the educational process to changes in society in order to ensure the quality of education and meet the needs of modern society. </em></p> Oleksandr Horoshko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 239 247 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18739 SOFT AND HARD SKILLS IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING <p><em>The article analyzes the teacher's skills, which are important for the effective implementation of the educational process. The meaning of the terms soft and hard skills is specified. The place of soft and hard skills in the structure of teacher's professional competence has been established. Thanks to the comprehensive application of such skills, the teacher will be able to effectively organize the educational process, using modern technologies and teaching methods, assess the level of knowledge of students and develop their professional skills.</em></p> Olha Ivanivna Hulai Artem Leonidovich Karpiuk Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 248 256 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18740 PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE FORMATION OF A TEENAGE CREATIVE PERSONALITY IN OUT-OF-SCHOOL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS THROUGH FINE ARTS <p><em>The article analyzes the concepts of «personality», «creative personality», «creative potential». The peculiarities of the development of creative potential in adolescence are monitored. Various scientific approaches to the definition of pedagogical conditions are considered. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the creative personality of teenagers in the conditions of an out-of-school education institution are revealed.</em></p> Oksana Dmytriieva Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 257 270 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18741 СASE-STUDY AS A MEANS OF FORMING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE PRIMARY EDUCATION TEACHERS IN THE FIELD OF MATHEMATICS <p><em>The article considers the relevance and advisability of using the case-study method in shaping the professional competence of future primary education teachers in the field of mathematics. It outlines the possibilities of its implementation in the educational process of training professional junior bachelors and provides examples of pedagogical cases used during the study of the discipline «Methodology of Teaching Mathematical Education Sector».</em></p> Myroslava Myronivna Dolynyuk Tetiana Mykolayivna Shuper Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 271 280 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18742 THE TEENAGERS’ EMOTIONAL AND VOLITIONAL PERSONALITY TRAITS AS A FACTOR IN THEIR CONFLICT <p><em>The article highlights the empirical study results of emotional and volitional personality traits at teenagers with different levels of conflict. It was established that adolescent conflict is directly proportional to self-control, and inversely proportional to communicative impulsiveness. Pupils with an average level of conflict are the most satisfied with their relations with classmates. The average level of satisfaction is found in the least conflicted teenagers, the lowest level of satisfaction is observed at pupils with high conflict. The obtained results are the basis for the preventive events to normalize the adolescents’ emotional and volitional states &nbsp;in aim to reduce their conflict &nbsp;negative manifestations (e.i. cruelty, violence, bullying, etc.).</em></p> Tetiana Dutkevych Violetta Tymofiieva Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 281 288 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18743 DISCLOSURE AND REALIZATION OF THE CREATIVE POTENTIAL OF PERSONALITY: PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS TODAY <p><em>The article examines the current state of education in wartime conditions; creative abilities and potential opportunities of students in today's realities; analysis of scientific views on the formation of the creative potential of an individual. The main factors of the formation of creative potential and its disclosure in various social relationships are outlined.</em></p> Oksana Zhyznomirska Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 289 295 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18744 FEATURES OF EXTRAVERSION AS AN IMPORTANT PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF PERSONALITY <p><em>The article examines the features of extraversion as an important psychological characteristic of an individual; current studies of extroverts are analyzed; advantages and strengths of extroverts are highlighted.</em></p> Ivan Zaiets Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 296 305 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18745 AI PROGRAMS AS INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE WORK OF A MODERN TEACHER <p><em>The article highlights the issue of using innovative technologies in the work of a teacher as a requirement of the digital society. The main idea is focused on understanding and constructive application of artificial intelligence-based programs in the educational process for better communication and interaction with a modern student who is ahead of the teacher in this matter.&nbsp; The article provides an overview of artificial intelligence programs of various kinds that a creative teacher can use in his or her innovative activities to keep up with the times.</em></p> Lesya Klymenko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 306 318 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18746 DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY IN MEASUREMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING <p><em>The article reveals theoretical approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon of psychological well-being of an individual.</em></p> Vadym Volodymyrovych Kobylchenko Iryna Mykolayivna Omelchenko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 319 328 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18747 TRANSFORMATION OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION IN UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN REALITIES <p><em>The article examines the peculiarities of the development of international education in Ukraine, the opportunities and advantages that students, scientists and teachers receive when participating in international exchanges and mobility. Challenges to the educational community formed by modernity are analyzed. A number of problems faced by foreign citizens while studying abroad and ways to solve them are highlighted.</em></p> Olena Korchuk Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 329 336 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18748 VERBAL ALGORITHM AS A SHORTCUT TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE <p><em>This article is devoted to the first steps of programming, namely the &nbsp;selection of the first verbal algorithm to demonstrate to students or high school students for an initial introduction to algorithms and programming. Because, as we &nbsp;know, the first impression has a special impact on any person. The effectiveness of motivation to study programming and artificial intelligence has been studied using specific simple algorithms and programs.</em></p> Samiilo Kravets Viktoriia Morozova Yaroslava Morozova Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 337 344 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18749 EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN GREAT BRITAIN <p><em>The article provides a comprehensive pedagogical analysis of theoretical limitations and practical experience of organizing the primary education process in schools in Great Britain. The development trends of primary education in Great Britain are highlighted in the context of the EU education strategy: standardization of education content; the construction of a content of education on competent premises; development of a system for assessing and diagnosing the educational achievements of students. The concept of "contents of education" is defined as a system of scientific knowledge, skills and habits, the acquisition of which contributes to the overall development of creative abilities of students, the formation of their outlook, the development of moral and ethical values, preparation for further life in society. </em></p> Larisa Anatolievna Martynenko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 345 357 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18750 ESG REPORTING TRAINING IN UKRAINIAN UNIVERSITIES: STATUS AND PROSPECTS <p><em>The article examines educational programs in the specialty «Accounting and Audit» for the presence in them of a component on sustainability accounting and reporting. On the basis of this analysis, an own position on the introduction of ESG-learning into the educational process of master's degree applicants is presented.</em></p> Alla Ozeran Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 358 367 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18751 INTEGRATION OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN EDUCATION: ANALYSIS OF CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES <p><em>The article considers the topical issue of the integration of digital technologies into the modern educational process. The main focus is on the analysis of opportunities that open up to the education system due to the introduction of innovative technological solutions, such as e-learning, virtual and augmented reality, interactive online platforms and other digital tools. The challenges that educational institutions face during the integration of digital technologies are identified, including the need to adapt teaching staff, ensure cybersecurity, overcome technical and infrastructural barriers, as well as the gap in digital education between different regions and socio-economic groups of the population.</em></p> Olena Pyshchyk Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 368 377 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18752 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE SCHOOL-LABORATORY ACTIVITIES SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS <p><em>The article examines the essence and specifics of the school-laboratory activity of the scientific institution and its main principles. The main contradictions in the activity of the laboratory school are highlighted, the further development of these educational institutions largely depends on overcoming them. Ideas and content of school-laboratory activities are presented.</em></p> Bohdan Piontkovsky-Vykhvaten Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 378 387 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18753 ABOUT ASYNCHRONOUS FORM LESSON FROM MATHEMATICS <p><em>The article deals with issues related to some aspects of the asynchronous study of mathematical disciplines in institutions of professional preliminary higher education. A comparison of the effectiveness of synchronous and asynchronous classes is carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of the asynchronous form of education are analyzed. There are cases when asynchronous classes are more appropriate. Recommendations are given for specific topics from various mathematical disciplines that can be studied asynchronously.</em></p> Petro Popov Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 388 393 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18754 INFORMATION SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY IN BLENDED LEARNING IN WARTIME <p><em>Creating a safe educational environment, developing the information and digital competence of participants in the educational process, preserving their personal data, and complying with the rules for the secure use of Internet resources are important indicators of the quality of education. The author identifies the information operated by educational institutions in Ukraine that needs to be protected and the groups of objects that may be subject to intentional or unintentional influence. The author outlines the ways and a list of various tools and measures that will help ensure the information security of students in the digital educational space of educational institutions.</em></p> Igor Radomski Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 394 404 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18755 PROJECT ACTIVITY IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE <p>The article reveals the specifics of the project activity of teachers and students in the process of training future specialists of social work. The experience of using project activity at the Department of Social Technologies of the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications of the National Aviation University is highlighted and summarized. Such an innovative educational technology as the project method is considered. Prospects for further research in the direction of using project technologies in the process of training social sphere specialists are outlined.</p> Marina Radchenko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 405 412 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18756 PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF TRAINING INTERACTION IN THE VIRTUAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT <p><em>The paper describes the specifics of training interaction in the virtual educational environment. The organizational and methodological features of trainings on the usage of information technologies, the specifics of training content and the psychological processes occurring during training in the virtual educational environment.</em></p> Olha Savіtska Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 413 419 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18757 MOTIVATIONAL SPHERE OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-REALIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHERS <p><em>The article deals with the essence and content of the concept of «professional self-realization»; the relationship between professional activity and motivation is indicated. The main features, components and functions of the motivational sphere are outlined. The importance of professional motivation is emphasized, which acts as a driving force for the development of professionalism and creates favorable conditions for the self-realization of teachers of higher education institutions in their professional activities.</em></p> Alla Samko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 420 426 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18758 FEATURES OF PROVIDING SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE TO AVIATION EMPLOYEES <p><em>For the successful air transportation of passengers, objective control is carried out, which involves the training of flight crews and airport employees to organize the exchange of best practices for the performance of new and complex flight training tasks. Such work with the flight crew is carried out with measures of social and psychological training, which involves the formation of a state of high moral and psychological balance and readiness to perform a specific flight task.</em></p> Valentina Sanzharovets Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 427 433 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18759 MAIN TRENDS OF EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION <p><em>This article examines the main trends in the development of education in the countries of the European Union. Priority guidelines for the creation of a single European education system have been studied. The concept and essence of the educational policy of the European Union in the context of the peculiarities of the formation of the general policies of the European Union are considered.</em></p> Tetiana Sergiіenko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 434 440 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18760 CONTEMPORARY EXPERIENCE AND PECULIARITIES OF INTERACTION BETWEEN PARTICIPANTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN CANADIAN SCHOOLS <p><em>The article examines the contemporary experience and peculiarities of the Canadian educational system in the context of interaction between parents and schools. It emphasizes that, unlike in Ukraine, parents do not choose their child's school, class, or teacher, but many volunteer instead. Parents do not attend the school, or stand under the classroom window, do not listen, and do not engage in «discussions» with other students. To volunteer, all parents must undergo a police check and bring the appropriate certificate to the school. Those who have moved to Canada must live here for a year, undergo a police check, and then volunteer. In Canada, a school is a place for students to learn to be self-sufficient in adult life. The results of PISA-2022 confirm that in Canada there is strong discipline and order in the relationship between parents and educational institutions.</em></p> Victor Sitkar Stepan Sitkar Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 441 450 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18761 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS IN AVIATION EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE USA <p><em>The article examines the structure of higher education in higher aviation institutions of the USA using the examples of Embry Riddle University and Lewis University. We offer ideas for using American experience that will help ensure the competitiveness of future air traffic specialists.</em></p> Olena Skipalska Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 451 457 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18762 THE SCIENCE OF LEARNING IN THE ELECTRONIC ERA: ON THE COGNITIVE INTERACTION OF THE TEACHER AND THE LEARNER IN ONLINE QUALIFICATION IMPROVEMENT <p><em>Digital technologies increase interest in the study of the science of learning. The practical aspects of developing the content of courses on the topic «Science of learning in the digital era» for scientific and pedagogical workers are revealed. The implementation of the principles of the theory of cognitive load for the interaction of the teacher and the student in online professional development is substantiated. Through the search for answers to the following questions: a)&nbsp;how does the category «learning process» change in the conditions of digital technologies? b)&nbsp;what educational and educational-creative tasks for students can effectively influence the teacher's ability to practically organize the learning process in the conditions of digitalization of education? – the peculiarities of educational and methodological support of thematic courses were investigated.</em></p> Marina Skrypnik Tetiana Kravchynska Nataliia Volynets Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 458 472 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18763 FEATURES OF TEACHING THE DYNAMICS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIGHT PHORES REGULATION FOR FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN TRANSPORT SPECIALTIES <p><em>The article examines the peculiarities and dynamics of the emergence and development of traffic light regulation and the role of this knowledge for future specialists in transport specialties.</em></p> Viacheslav Slavych Maxim Savchenko Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 473 478 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18764 HUMAN FACTOR IN THE PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGY OF EDUCATING A VOCAL STUDENT <p><em>However higher musical education institutions given professional skills for student, there are no guaranties of success in chosen specialization. In the article we have looked this problem for example of the students of academic singing. The students loose a big part of their nature potential due to the stressful environment. In such environment the student feel anxiety during the vocal classes. In this way on the brain are formed neural connections so student brings the anxiety to the stage. Thus establishment of the vocal student as real artist starts only with the beginning of his professional carrier on the theatre, where he redefines himself as performer. Such redefinition starts usually after graduated, which points out the gaps of educational system. Based on personal experience of graduating master’s degree of such specializations as «Opera singing» and «Musical directing» I have identified some gaps of the pedagogical strategy in working with the vocal student.</em></p> Anhelina Trushevska Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 479 491 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18765 PROPАEDEUTICS, THE DESIGN OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL FIELD <p><em>The article examines the possibilities of developing technological education based on understanding design, design activities, obtaining basic knowledge and skills necessary for studying topics related to the concepts of a designer's work. To do this, future teachers should develop knowledge of design education and activity design in the process of performing propaedeutic exercises in various directions, such as: the basics of graphic literacy, color science, material science, studying the basics of composition, performing project tasks, etc.</em></p> Vasyl Tiahur Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 492 498 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18766 FEATURES OF TEACHING THE DISCIPLINE "MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS" FOR STUDENTS SPECIALTIES 132 MATERIALS SCIENCE <p><em>The article examines the peculiarities of modern teaching of academic disciplines using the example of the educational component «Mechanical properties of materials» for applicants of the specialty 132 Materials science.</em></p> Tetiana Furs Vasyl Shvabyuk Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 499 506 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18767 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL COMPETENCES OF MUSICALLY GIFTED CHILDREN IN EXTRA-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES <p><em>The article substantiates the importance of developing the social competence of musically gifted students in primary music education institutions. It was determined that modern society needs creative young people capable of perceiving new worldviews, multiplying the scientific and cultural achievements of modern times on the basis of developed critical thinking and a high level of formation of value attitude to life. A competent approach to the development of musically gifted characteristics in post-school education allows the development of the social competence of the child, which is based on the formation of social musical competence.</em></p> Svitlana Khliebik Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 507 513 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18768 INFORMATION METHODOLOGICAL TREASURY "EVERYTHING FOR AN EXTRACURRICULAR TEACHERS" AS AN INNOVATIVE RESOURCE FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF EXTRACURRICULAR TEACHERS OF THE ROMNY JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES <p><em>The article examines the experience of creating and implementing an innovative informational and methodological platform «Everything for extracurricular teachers» in the Romny Junior Academy of Sciences.</em></p> Yuliia Shulha Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 514 523 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18769 THE MORAL FACTOR OF THE EDUCATIONAL INFLUENCE ON PUPILS OF OUT-OF-SCHOOL INSTITUTIONS OF GALICIA (HISTORICAL-PEDAGOGICAL DISCOURSE) <p><em>The article is devoted to the scientific analysis of the problem of the formation of the moral factor of educational influence on the student youth in the activity of extra-curricular institutions of Galicia in the second half of the 19th century. This publication also analyzes promising directions for further research of this problem.</em></p> Ruslan Yakovyshyn Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 524 529 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18770 MATHEMATICS CLUB IN PREPARATION FOR INTELLECTUAL COMPETITIONS <p><em>The main directions of the work of the out-of-school education mathematics club regarding the multifaceted training of potential participants in olympiads and other events to reveal young talents are highlighted. Attention is drawn to the adaptation of club work to distance learning in the conditions of martial law.</em></p> Anatolii Yakunin Copyright (c) 2024 Actual Problems in the System of Education: General Secondary Education Institution – Pre-University Training – Higher Education Institution 2024-07-02 2024-07-02 4 530 541 10.18372/2786-5487.1.18771