
  • В. Судавцова Taras Shevchenko’s National Universite
  • Н. Шаркіна National Aviation University
  • В. Кудін Taras Shevchenko’s National Universite
  • І. Матейко Taras Shevchenko’s National Universite
  • М. Шевченко Taras Shevchenko’s National Universite



double and triple systems, energy of Gibbs, equalizations of Cohler and Bonier-Cabo, method of isoperibalical calorimetry, partial and integral enthalpy of mixing


An aluminium, rare-earth metals (La) and their alloys, is used as deoxidants, desulfurizers and
modifiers of steels. In addition, the alloys of aluminium with silicon (silumins) are very widely used
in the different areas of industry. Therefore an aim hired was the use of reliable values of
thermodynamics properties of the systems of Al – La, Al – Si, La – Si which analogical properties
of triple alloys from Al – La – Si were expected. Experimental researches of thermo-chemical
data (the partial enthalpy of mixing of silicon is in melts of Al – Si,) for the systems of Al – La, Al
– Si and La – Si was conducted by the method of isoperibelical calorimetry. States of activity of
components of melts expected from a diagram Al – Si at 1800 K comport with the most known
literary data. Energies of Gibbs mixing of melts of Al – La were modelled on the described
methodology (Gsurplus = – 25 kJ/mol at xAl = 0,37). With the use of the obtained data
thermodynamics properties of the triple system Al – La – Si are expected on the formulas of Cohler
and Bonier-Cabo. It is set, that between the experimental and expected data there is good


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How to Cite

Судавцова, В., Шаркіна, Н., Кудін, В., Матейко, І., & Шевченко, М. (2012). THE THERMODYNAMICAL PROPERTIES OF MELTS OF SYSTEM Al – La – Si. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 49(4), 152–156.




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